Morris looked over
the small group of students gathered in the Garnett study area. Although
the four young people before him were working on
the same project, the room was oddly silent. The journeyman miner feared
that it would fail if they didn't start talking to each other soon. He
wasn't supposed to aid them too much, but he had a duty to guide the
students. He could ask for a report and see if that would spark some
actual groupwork.
"Ehem." he drew their attention, "How's it going?"
"I'm studying and drawing up plans for the necessary machinery." Pete
The young man was the epitome of a studious young man. He could often be
found reading, drawing a schematic or building small machines. He'd grown
up playing in the mines with his father and brother but he'd soon found
his interest switching to the engineering rooms.
"Waiting for the schematics." Sarah said after the others had stared at
her for a few minutes.
The pale young woman with her long black hair, and cool grey eyes was
studying metalworking and would indeed be the best bet to make the plans.
She wasn't the best at socialising and Morris worried she would just
reject Pete's plans and have the team turn against her.
Morris' worries seemed at least partly in progress as Pete sighed deeply
at her answer.
"I can't help much with the plans or production." Geoff quietly said,
drawing attention to him, "I will be testing Pete's machine."
The dark-skinned teen tended to go unnoticed. He was quiet and gentle,
only speaking up when he felt certain of his words. Morris knew he could
be a valuable part of the planning. For one he had the most practical
knowledge of working in the mines. And he would be a valuable source of
information for any engineer. The same went for Sarah, her skills would be
necessary in choosing the right materials.
Morris turned to the last member of the workgroup. Ria was the odd one
"I'm standing guard." she said.
Morris sagged. She was taking a martial arts course at the Hall to train
as a guard. But surely she knew there was little danger of anyone trying
to harm a small group of students. She could put her talents to other uses
here, like assessing whether or not the plans were safe.
Alas, although the four were hardly working together, their current
timetable and division of roles would end up bearing fruit. But not in the
way the Hall wished for. But how could he get four such different people
to listen to each other?
After hours, Morris
visited the bar at Garnett. To his surprise, Amasia, the retired master
harper of the Hall was sitting inside with a drink. Although retired, it
was common knowledge that the older woman was still very much in charge.
Morris briefly debated whether or not to step back out, but it was too
late, the grey-haired woman with the piercing green eyes had already
spotted him. As she beckoned him to sit beside her, Morris felt his pulse
rise and he started to perspire a bit.
"A beer?" Amasia asked.
"Yes." he managed to croak.
After their drinks were delivered, Amasia leaned back and Morris took a
careful sip of his glass.
"So how's it going at garnett?" Amasia asked.
She gave a little content smile when Morris tensed and quickly placed his
glass back on the table.
"It's going." he answered truthfully.
"Are they not getting along? Fighting maybe?" she inquired.
"Just the opposite. they are efficiently not working together." Morris
sighed, "I don't know how to get them to cooperate."
"This calls for a break." Amasia said, sounding very upbeat.
"A break?"
"We just got in a request for a few wher-clutches. I was thinking of
scoping out some local youths but maybe your students are just the
Somehow Morris had an inkling that their meeting was everything but a
"Impressing whers would help them?" Morris asked.
"It'll show them that teamwork gets them further. besides all the Weyr
classes will drill it in them. It would be the perfect exchange
opportunity and it will help raise the standing of Remyndal Hall."
Morris gave in, clearly his students' paths had been set.
"I'll ask them in the morning."
"Get them to pick their destinations at that time as well. I have the
offered places right here."
Amasia gave him a few folded papers with information.
"I see you came prepared." Morris said.
"Always." the former Master Harper nodded and then proceeded to enjoy her

Lantessama Isle