Winny fidgeted a bit. Jullyo was
here to watch over her but it remained an unfamiliar place on another
world. There were some peculiar people around though most of them were
friendly, and people sometimes didn't understand her which caused problems
and misunderstandings.
But she imagined being at a Weyr would be a similar experience. She'd also
be away from her family and the familiar faces aorund the hall. At least
music seemed to be a universal thing as she'd been able to play with a lot
of the people around the Nidus. Some of the music was atonal or very
rythmycally unstable. But a lot of what she found pleasing to her ears was
liked by the people she'd met here.
Letting her mind wander had helped her calm down a bit, but her nerves
played up again as a silence descended over the hatching area. Cracks
appeared on several of the rocking eggs and everyone held their breaths to
see what type of dragons would hatch.
Winny didn't mind, she would wait and see, and if no dragon was meant for
her, she'd try another clutch. This was how it went and you could never be
certain you'd impress until it happened. That was one of the biggest
lessons she'd been taught here and she would repeat it like a mantra until
she was called back to Remyndal.
"I'm sorry to pry but I don't think you'll
be needing that."
Winny lost focus and suddenly realised that she was looking into the eyes
of a small dragonet with a shimmery white hide and wings that seemed to be
tinged with red.
"Are you hurt?" the girl asked, concerned.
"No, that's just my colour. Don't you like
"Of course, I've just never seen anything like it."
Although of course the mother to this clutch also had red wings so it
wasn't unlikely for her daughter to have them too.
"Good, let's get on with the show. My name
is Nasizrith, would you be mine?"
Winny focused on the dragon. She could only feel light, love and optimism
coming from her and just by trying to get closer, she felt those feelings
strengthen her.
"I'd be delighted." she managed to say as talking was becoming hard.

Back home, Winny returned to her
classes as she did still intend to become a musician.
"You can be a flying bard!" Nasizrith
offered smugly.
"I guess I can." Winny laughed.
A thought suddenly occurred to her.
"Hey, Nasizrith? Can you take me to places away from Pern so I can study
the music there too?"
"I don't see why I couldn't."
Nasizrith said, "I need to know where to go but I
already know Nidus Descendi, I can always get more bearings from the
people there."
"Just think of all the new music I can bring home!" Winny shouted.
"Just think of all the people you'll be able to
meet." Nasizrith added.
"I might need a little back-up with some." Winny said, suddenly feeling a
bit shy.
"I'll have your back!"