
image made with PortraitWorks



Name:  Kirsten
Age:  28 (20 at bonding)
Gender:  Female
Description:  Kirsten is built normally, with blond hair and deep brown eyes. She has freckles. Her hair is soft and shiny, flowing down upon her shoulders, not your average astronaut.
Personality:  Kirsten is in fact leading two lives, an ordinary one at college, watching stars and studying astronomy and a second secret one studying the ancient arts of witchcraft on the topic of prediction and dreams. She has had a few problems keeping the two separated, bringing her to Nemista in the end. 
Kirsten is someone you wouldn't notice, though she is brilliant in her field of study, she enjoys nothing more than being anonymous. Kirsten has a few small irritating tics, the most annoying one being her need to tap her fingers when she is nervous or busy.


Skills:   -
Magical Powers:  Kirsten's skill is like a raw diamond, her talent sparkles, but it isn't perfect. She can visit other planets, but only those she can see, and she has only once contacted anyone in the places she visited.
Occupation:  Magelle
Hobbies:  Drawing and visiting other worlds, along with trying to predict the future.
Guilty Pleasure:  Slipping away to relax. 


Family: Kirsten knew only her mother (Reeann, 56) and grandmother (Diana, 76) when she was little. Her father had abandoned them when she was only 1 year old and she hasn't seen him since. Since her mother never remarried she has no brothers or sisters.
Homeworld:  Earth
Short Bio: Story
Social Life:  Kirsten lived for her dreams and fantasies on other worlds so she never made many friends. Maybe it was this lack of friends and family that made her trust Hyster when he confronted her (when she could have easily lied to him)
Pets:  -




Name:  Inthyr
Colour:  Opal
Personality:  Well-balanced, sneaky and compelling


Breath Weapon:  -
Magical Powers:  All known powers + Teleportation
Signature Move:  Mass evacuation
Guilty Pleasure:  Slipping away to sunbathe


Parents: -
Origin: Gudrunas Dragonry
Mate:  Yellow Topaz Merinor

Banner is a photograph taken in Scotland, June 2022
Lantessama Isle