Hyster and

Hyster looked through his telescope.
He was bored of following up the coordinates. All of those focused on the
same piece of known galaxy. What was the fun in that? Boys half his age
could spot those planets with the telescopes they got for Christmas. He on
the other hand had the opportunity to work with the most advanced telescope
in the Western Hemisphere.
"Great honour, my a**." he mumbled and twisted the telescope around.
It spun a few rounds before Hyster stopped it and searched his
coordinates again. He sighed. He was wasting his time.
"Hi Hyster!" Kirsten said as she entered the top room of the
astronomy tower, "I see you're fooling around again."
"For your information, I was doing my assignment, but it is just
boring. Every day the same coordinates, the same stupid planets. We never
get to do anything exciting."
"We can't all be astronauts Hyster, our work is important too."
Kirsten said as she sat down on her own chair.
"Yeah, but I wasn't the one that turned down a scholarship for NASA
because I liked working in this dusty old astronomy room. I would have
grasped the opportunity with both my hands."
"And you think they do anything new? Boy you are naive. All they do is
silly experiments and risk their lives. I don't know why anyone still
accepts the scholarships."
"Because there's just that tiny chance you will find something
important!" Hyster cried out.
"We have that tiny chance as well... don't complain." Kirsten
said and sighed.
Kirsten looked down in her telescope and started noting coordinates and
other things in her black notebook. Hyster shrugged and looked at her,
trying to find some sign of why she had refused that scholarship. Kirsten
was normal built, blonde with deep brown eyes and freckles. Her hair was
soft and shiny, flowing down upon her shoulders, not your average astronaut,
but their had been some like her. She had this tick of
tapping her fingers and feet in contrabeat which made him go crazy. All
those notes out of rhythm made him nervous and irritated. This day it wasn't
"Stop tapping!" he yelled and looked back in his telescope.
Kirsten stopped tapping and immediately lost her focus. Darn Hyster, she
thought, he always made her lose her focus. No-one other than him found her
tapping annoying. It was a soft tapping since she bit her nails, she had
known girls that could tap so loud they had woken up people! She sighed and
rubbed her head. She looked at Hyster. He was rather tall with brown hair
and blue eyes. He had got her attention from the first day they had had
courses together. He was so wrong for Astronomy. He had this restless spirit
and was always talking about astronauts, space and epic battles. That
somehow confused her, why would anyone want to learn every detail of World
War II? That had been over 2 centuries ago. People weren't foolish enough to
start another world war, or so she hoped.
She smiled, he would never understand why she chose astronomy over being an astronaut.
He was right about the assignments being bored, but he shouldn't complain
about them, he should do them fast and then look into space like she did.
She had gazed at unmapped space and wondered about its hidden secrets. She
had been there in her dreams and lived a thousand lives during the nights.
Hyster would never understand the freedom she had as an astronomy student...
Kirsten bent back down over her telescope and looked into space. There it
was, waiting for her. She smiled. The planet of Nemista where her recent
dreams had featured. She looked at Hyster, he was busy, good.
"Ever larger, show me what you hide, Ever faster, let me feel your
pride..." she whispered and took a deep breath as she felt the spell
drawing her in the huge world of Nemista. She saw the dragonries, the
battles with the dragons and feasted with the victors afterwards. She was a
ghost there, no-one saw her, not even the dragons...
"What are you doing?"
"Eh?" Kirsten was dragged back into her body and looked up.
"You were saying something." Hyster said, "You didn't reply
when I asked you what was wrong."
"Oh, I must have dozed of, you're right the assignments are boring today..."
Kirsten quickly said, she hadn't fallen asleep, but it would look that way
to anyone still on Earth... She should be more careful.
"I told you!" Hyster said.
Kirsten relaxed, he didn't expect a thing. Maybe it was safer not to go back
again. It was nearly time to leave anyway. She looked at her telescope one
more time, sighed and went out. Tomorrow she would see more. She zipped up
her jacket and left for her room in the university.
"She sure was gone fast." Hyster mumbled to himself and went to
her telescope, "I wonder what she was looking at that got her so
He bent down and looked through her telescope. He hadn't seen that
part of space before. He didn't recognise any of the stars, nor the
planet right in the middle of it. It was just a speck and the telescope was
set on its highest level, hardly something you would find if you weren't
looking for it. If all Kirsten did was look at that one screen
he would have gotten bored too. Hyster took a step back and thought he might
as well leave early too. He had copied some numbers of previous assignments,
no-one would ever know.
On his way out he suddenly saw Kirsten's notebook. She was always so
protective of it, he'd better bring it to her before she totally lost it. He
knew she was capable of searching the entire dorm for it and brainy enough
to have forgotten she had left it here. Maybe he even could copy her
"That's not a bad idea, Hyster, old chap." he said, impersonating
professor Roger from Chemistry.
Hyster laughed and opened the notebook. Numbers, charts and graphics... he
turned the pages to find the right one. Kirsten wasn't too neat he thought,
he saw drawings of dragons and people all over her notes. Anyone could pass
this class though. He had heard all they had to do for their exam was get
readings on a set of specified coordinates. He wouldn't have come to the
astronomy room at all if it wasn't for Kirsten. There was something about
the girl that intrigued him. She had such a boring life he wasn't sure she
was alive at all. He knew she would have to get her kicks somewhere, he hadn't
met a person yet who was content with school and sleeping. And the notebook
was the perfect opportunity to see how she lived... and get some
Hyster skipped ahead to what seemed to be the last page in the book, copied
the numbers and left. He casually swung his jacket over his shoulders and
walked to the girls dorm. At the dorm he looked around, no-one was around.
Just what he needed. He punched in the access code and went in. He would be
expelled if anyone found out he knew the code. But it was their fault
really... He had been so bored in those astronomy classes he had broken into
the computer mainframe and stolen the access codes. Not to do anything
stupid, just because he could and because someday it might come in handy...
like today.
He saw the mailboxes and looked for Kirsten's name. She had a room on the
second floor. He took the stairs and soon found it.
Kirsten made some tea and turned on
her radio. She was thinking of a nice long evening of relaxing. maybe
reading a book, or gazing at the stars. Her room was soft yellow with
posters on all the walls. Books lay everywhere where there was room. She
took up her tea and sat down on her bed. She searched a few seconds in the
stack of books next to her bed and finally took out 'Medieval Geomancy' and
started reading. This method of predicting the future was very strange, but
also very accurate. It was weird how a few rolls with a dice could predict
what would happen to you... but then, maybe you could just translate the
meaning to always fit your situation. She smiled, she was still too
scientific to completely believe the paranormal, but too alternative to not
try it and think science could explain everything,
afterall she had seen dragons.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Who could that be? she thought and
went to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw Hyster. Weird.
"Yes?" she called.
"Kirsten, it's me, you forgot your notebook."
"Oh God no!" she whispered. If only he hadn't read it.
"Thanks! I didn't know I had lost it." she said and opened the
"I just thought I'd bring it back before you missed it." he said
and looked in her room.
"You girls get far better rooms than we." he said and handed her
the book.
"Yeah, I think it builds character to live in a crappy room." she
smiled and took over the book, apparently he hadn't opened it. If she could
get him to leave nothing would be lost.
"I think I'll go now." he said and took a step back.
"See you tomorrow." she said and closed the door, maybe a bit too
fast to be normal.
Nothing had happened, he didn't know about Nemista and he wouldn't find out
what she did when she was supposed to work. She went back to bed and decided
she would turn in early today.
"She's definitely hiding
something." Hyster said to himself, "but what?"
Hyster went back out and didn't realise he was
heading back to the Astronomy lab until he got there. He looked at his
watch, 10 minutes had passed. That wasn't much, he could go back in and act
like he was working overtime on an assignment and no-one would be
Upstairs he went back to Kirsten's telescope and saw no-one had touched it.
Good. Now he could get the coordinates and look up that weird planet. Just
to be sure and because the planet was so small Hyster added a big square of
space. If anything was there he would find it. Strangely nothing was
supposed to be there. In the main computer all he got with the coordinates
on the telescope was empty space. Not even a dwarf star should be there...
and yet he had seen the planet.
Hyster pondered for a moment about the possibility that Kirsten could have
found a planet. But that seemed to absurde. Thousands of people had searched
the galaxy, there wasn't anything left to be found from Earth's point of
view. Hyster went back to the telescope and looked in. The planet was gone!
It had been there, Hyster wasn't the kind of person that hallucinated or
doubted his senses. He had seen it and therefor it must exist.
Suddenly someone entered the Astronomy room. Students for the next hour, he
thought. He really pitied the students that had had to reserve so late. He
had better things to do.
"I'm just leaving!" he said and turned around.
In stead of seeing some dorky astronomy student he saw Kirsten. She looked
shocked. Now he definately knew she was hiding something.
"What was that Planet, Kirsten?" he asked, dead serious, without a hint of
his usual casual tone.
"What planet?" she asked.
She was clearly nervous, she didn't dare look him in the eyes and she kept
straightening her t-shirt.
"The planet I saw in your telescope. it was there and now it's gone. Your
weird behaviour, your notebook it all comes down to this, it's all
connected." he said, trying to make her confess.
"Have you tried cleaning the lens? Maybe you saw a speck of dirt." she said.
"I did not!" he yelled, he was getting angry.
"Don't yell, someone will here us." she said, finally looking him in the
eyes, they were big and the brown looked wet as if she had cried.
"Let them! Maybe then we'll find out what you've been doing."
"No!" she whispered.
"What could be so important? If it was a new planet you surely would have
reported it by now."
"I can't..." she said.
"And why's that."
Kirsten looked around and suddenly took a decision.
"I'll show you, but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone."
Hyster could live with that. He followed her to her telescope and she
started talking.
"I have these two hours too. Professor McGregor wants to keep me happy so I
don't run off to become an astronaut. Anyways, I use this time to look. I've
seen things you wouldn't believe if I told them so I'll have to show you."
she said and placed her hands on the telescope.
"Look inside, you haven't changed the coordinates, right?"
Hyster shook his head, he hadn't touched the coordinates.
"Ever larger, show me what you hide, Ever faster, let me feel your
pride..." Kirsten whispered and Hyster felt himself being sucked in. What he
saw he just couldn't describe. Kirsten brought him back before he had truely
grasped what he saw. Big animals, battles... blurry and foggy, he couldn't
"You pulled me out too soon." he said.
"No, you can't stay there long, certainly if you're not used to it. I can
hold on for an hour, not longer. You could lose yourself out there!" she
"What is it?"
"Nemista, a planet beyond the reach of telescopes, I don't know how many
people know of it, maybe it's a legitimate colony, but I won't take that
risk, people there don't know anything about Earth and I'd like to keep it
that way."
"You can't decide on that." Hyster told her.
"If I don't tell anyone I can." she said.
"You told me."
"And you promised not to tell."
Hyster suddenly realised what she had shown him wasn't some parlour trick
you could do with satelites and computers. What she had shown him was real,
but then how had she managed to get it in the telescope?
"How did you find it?" he asked.
"I've done it many times...my mother taught me, though she could only see as
far as the planets in our solar system, she couldn't do what I can now that
I have access to this telescope."
"And what exactly do you do?"
"Magic... I suppose."
"You're not certain?" Hyster was baffled.
"Well, I never wondered about it, it's just something I always could, like
hearing or smelling."
"You have to get me there." Hyster said.
"Nooo, Teleportation is way too dangerous. I've never tried it, I'm happy
here. If I go there I won't be able to see anymore."
"No, in stead you would be able to do! Have you seen the battles? Even fuzzy
like that I could feel the rush!" Hyster said, too excited for Kirsten's
"But, we could die..."
"Could we get them here?"
"I don't know, We are ghosts there, no-one can see us..."
"We don't have to be seen, just heard."
Hyster saw Kirsten caving in. He had won. The dragons were too tempting even
for a person so set on watching. He smiled. Going to Nemista was even better
than becoming an astronaut. Who would want to see the same old planets if he
could explore an entirely new one?
"No! I'm trying first!" he said when kirsten tried to sit down behind the
She sighed and let him enter Nemista again. "Hello?" he yelled. But no-one
looked at him, no-one heard him. Disappointed he let Kirsten drag him out.
"Nothing." he said.
Kirsten took a seat and managed to come up with some plan. Earlier she had
always been like a leaf, drifting on wind. She had let herself be taken, but
now she wouldn't. She actively chose a path and thought hard about the
university park like it would be at night. When she looked around she saw a
woman looking in her direction, straight at her. She hoped she had done
enough and went back.
"And?" Hyster asked.
"If it worked we should go to the park right away." Kirsten said as she
pushed Hyster to the door.
"So soon, can't we take anything with?" he asked.
"I thought you wanted to go really bad." she said.
Hyster shrugged and let himself be taken out. The park was dark and locked
for the night.
"Damn! I forgot the lock!" Kirsten said.
"No worries, the code is 87532."
"How do you know?"
"Boring lessons make for good hackers." Hyster said and grinned as he pushed
in the code. The gates opened and they went in. The night was dark, the
trees obscured most of the moon's light and stars couldn't be seen. Suddenly
something appeared from nowhere. It almost looked like a big wall of
nothingness. When they came closer they could see the dragon was just dark
brown-red in colour. A woman stepped out from behind.
"Are you the people that called us?"
"Yes." Kirsten said as she looked at the dragon. It was big, bigger than she
had thought.
"My name is Elkan and this is Garnet Kyr." the woman said.
"I'm Hyster and she is Kirsten." Hyster said and looked longingly at the
dragon, "Can you take us to Nemista?"
"I can." she said and gestured invitingly towards Garnet Kyr.

Hyster and Kirsten are Candidates at
Dragonry |