
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Sybr
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Description: A
sturdy-broad-shouldered young man with a pale complexion, light brown
curly hair and brown eyes. He wears comfortable clothes and would prefer
to always be in his work clothes (coveralls) if his wife allowed it. As it
stands, Sophy makes certain he has enough nice clothing items to not
embarrass her in public.
Personality: A person of simple needs, Sybr enjoys good food and
technology. He retained his youthful enthusiasm for entertainment and
often works behind the scenes of shows as a special effects official. When
he gets the chance, he enjoys combining his two hobbies by trying to
create new cooking utensils.
Family: Married to Sophy with three young daughters:
Malina, Cilla and
Class: Artificer
Work Ethic: Bigger is Better!
Pets: --
Bond: Amber Barmkor (m) from Lantessama
Goumka had tended her three eggs diligently.
She'd kept her focus by playing little games with her bond, Walter, shuffling
the eggs and seeing whether or not Walter could guess which egg was which. She'd
given all of them a little nickname. They were all pretty similar but it was as
if her hatchlings personalities were already making themselves known. One egg
for instance was always just a tad warmer and it was also the one with the most
movement inside. The second was pretty calm and seemed content to just lay
about. The third seemed to enjoy the games she played as Goumka always noticed
more energy inside when she played. She was getting eager to meet her babies and
wondered if some would stay with her or all would find a bond immediately. The
finders had done their best and it seemed the bond-ratios were pretty high here
at Lantessama.
"Is it wishful thinking or are the eggs moving more than normally?" Walter
interrupted Goumka's musings.
The purple and pink dragoness moved her attention back to the present and saw
that they were indeed more vigorous than usual.
"I think they're hatching!" she said excitedly.
she broadcasted.
The dragons around the isle spread the message and soon everyone nearby flooded
the secluded area in between the three mountains. Among the spectators were the
three actual candidates. There was a friendly artificer, Sybr, who'd spent most
of his time making plans the isle staff about different mechanical contraptions
and amenities. The future might bring some interesting advances. The young
father showed up with some greasy stains and smudges on his skin and clothes,
but the look in his eyes was one of wonder and excitement so his heart was in
the right place. The other male candidate, Luciano, was a different sort
entirely. He was always immaculately dressed and like her bond, he had a flair
for show. He was often surrounded by a cloud of magical properties that had the
ladies -and some of the men- on the isle giggling and whispering. Then there was
Reshmina, the female candidate. She hovered in like usual, looking like she was
just catching fire from her extremities. She too was stylish and fashionable, a
thing Goumka very much appreciated. Being able to control fire was another plus.
Goumka knew just which of her babies would like this lady and she just hoped the
feelings would be mutual.
As if on cue, the first egg of her clutch hatched after the audience had
settled. It was of course the most fiery and passionate of the eggs.
Not much later, the second egg hatched. Goumka was surpised to see it was the
laid-back egg. An orange male fell out, his horns still carrying parts of his
shell. The hatchling didn't seemed to mind and headed toward Sybr. The
optimistic baby dragon sniffed all around, taking in all those delicious smells:
oils, metals, sweat.... but mostly fire. Snuggling close to Sybr, the hatchling
could just give his name before nodding off:

Name: Barmkor
Gender: Male
Colour: Orange
Size: Medium-length (46 feet)
Parents: Pink-Purple
Goumka and Silver
Species: Eastern Nazo - Pernese
Personality: Laid-back, inquisitive and eager to help.
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*empathy: can usually pick up on the feelings of those
around him (if not warded)
*verbal speech: can communicate with words
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis
*(unassisted) firebreath
*fire magic: strength depends on training
Barmkor let the three young girls crawl over him. One sat on his head,
grabbing his horns like handles. The second was using his left forelimb as
a slide and the third was twisting his tail into weird shapes. But oh
well, they were children. Sybr had missed them so during Barmkor's
training. Luckily Sophy, Sybr's mate had visited on her own dragon
Ainarath. Although Ainarath was more red than Barmkor, she could not use
fire magic and the younger orange dragon had used that advantage.
"Fire! Fire!" Flora called as she pulled his horns.
Barmkor obediently blew a small flame.
"More! More!" Cilla begged.
"You're spoiling them." Ainarath told
Barmkor as he shot a few of those small flames in quick succession.
"Make them spin!" Malina urged.
The flames formed a circle that Barmkor deftly manipulated to grow and
shrink, to change shape and colour. The firls grew silent and watched in
"You were saying?" Barmor asked,
"I think I'm doing pretty well."
"You have your moments." Ainarath
said, a smile in her mind-voice.
"I can give you a show too, somewhere higher up
so we won't risk setting anything on fire."
"Maybe I'll take you up on that offer...."

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