
image made with Portrait
NAME: Elodia
GENDER: Female
AGE: 27
LOOKS: Elodia is a woman on the
heavier side of the spectrum. She is cerntainly not fit, but then she has
other qualities that make up for that.She has a pale complexion, pale blue
eyes and a straight nose. She usually keeps her hair covered under a
cloth. Elodia usually dresses in comfortable gowns that cover her from
neck to toe. She will never go out without her magic staff.
PERSONALITY: Elodia is structured, calm and collected. She makes a plan.
And has 2 more for when the first one fails. She is methodical and
analytical, often watching what happens as an outsider. She feels rather
uncomfortable to be in a party and thus has learned to take on quests and
foes by herself. She really should stand out more, but her clothes have an
incanted spell that allows her to blend in the background.
SKILLS: Spells and Incantation
LIKES: Looking at all angles, making lists
DISLIKES: chaos and rushed decisions
FAMILY: Elodia does not keep in
touch with her family, last she heard they were fine.
PETS: Purple Feathered Raptor Leliby (f) from Academia
de Magica
BOND: ?? from ??





Lantessama Isle