
image made with Portrait
Name: Hanza
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Dwarf
Description: Hanza has long
blond hair she usually braids. She has bright green eyes, a small nose
(for a dwarf anyway) and a generous mouth she likes to accentuate with red
lipstick. She has a normal female dwarf stature meaning she stands about
1.40m tall and is broad-shouldered and wide-hipped.
Hanza is a dutiful woman with a stubborn streak. She has a hard time
accepting help and sometimes this causes her to stress about her workload.
Hanza works at the dam where the electricity for the entire settlement is
created. She's one of the people in charge of maintenance and this of
course means she needs to be responsible. For relaxation, Hanza likes to
go out drinking and talking with her friends.
Home: Swamp Section, Gator Lane
Family: Brother Chanz
Pets: Bamboo Svarpian Zither (m) from Gineya Isle
Bond: Waiting to bond a Porosus Drake from The

[STORY] * [Hanza]
* [Chanz] * [Caylee] * [Yukwa]
* [Nala]
Lantessama Isle