
image made with Portrait
Name: Caylee
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Dwarf
Description: Caylee has brown curly hair,
brown eyes, a wide nose and full lips. She has a normal female dwarf
stature meaning she stands about 1.40m tall and is broad-shouldered and
wide-hipped. She enjoys wearing bright colours that stand out among other
dwarves who mostly wear earth tones.
Caylee enjoys walking and that's how she met Chanz and fell in love. She
is down to earth, practical and completely unromantic but those
differences in their characters make for an interesting mix that keeps her
interested and invested. She works as a hunter-gatherer and often joins
Chanz on his walks while doing her own job.
Home: Lake Section, Forest Hill
Family: in love with Chanz, Best friend Yukwa.
Pets: --
Bond: Hybrid Drake Ripple (m) from The
It was early enough that though the sun had risen the colours of Dawn
still touched the skies, when the various candidates who had gathered at
the Temple for the drake clutch were roughly roused by the acolytes and
set to marching out around the edge of the lake, headed for the small nest
and the two drakes who waited for them.
Stream eyed the gathered creatures curiously. She’d seen them a time or
two already, when they had been brought by to view the eggs, but where
before she had simply acknowledged them as existing, now her gaze was
assessing, wondering which among them would be interesting enough to catch
a hatchling’s attention.
They were mostly humanoids, though a few had alternate forms according to
the priests, and one was definitely a gryphon, though not quite like any
gryphon Stream or Thorn had ever seen before.
The Drakes had woken to the sound of chirping and scratching coming from
the shells of their offspring, and known it was time. It was the way of
things here that some of their young would remain with them until they
were grown, and some would choose to go with the seeker who waited. Stream
was content with that.
The first egg cracked open shortly after the humans arrived, spilling a
green coloured salamandyr with little straight horn nubs, into the nest.
The hatchling scrabbled out, glanced at her parents, and then dashed off
for the humans and bonded.
As though that first bonding was a sign, another three eggs hatched at
once, one salamandyr glancing at the seeker and then turning away to the
unbounded adults, while the brown porous and the blue who bore traits from
both parents, looked at each other and then headed for the humanoids
"Chanz! " The brown one
pushed past several people in her way in order to reach the one she had
sensed. "Hi! I’m Brook. We’re going to
go and see all the things, right?"
"I am Ripple." The hybrid
had followed quietly in Brook’s wake and now stood before Caylee.
"They're going to need a lot of looking after, aren’t they?"

Name: Ripple "The Small Wave Hybrid"
Gender: Male
Parents: Out of Stream (Salamandyr), by Thorn (Porosus)
Species: Hybrid
Drake (Salamandyr x Porosus)
*Colour Codes - #204988 | #4873B7
| #32327C | #1D8B55
*Size - 20ft
*Horn type - Straight, Long
An average sized drake, Ripple has an unusually heavy build, with a deep
chest and short thick limbs. He’s a mid-blue in colour, with deep purple
sails. His face is marked with a broad 'bald face' type marking, in pale
blue, as well as short socks on all four feet and thick stripes down his
Personality: Practical | Loyal | Curious | Honest
Like his chosen partner, Ripple is a practical creature. He has no time
for daydreaming or flights of fancy, but he is quite a curious creature
and wants to know how the world works and how he can make things do the
things he wants. He's a logical being who prefers to take a scientific
approach to dealing with any problems which crop up.
Chanz linked hand with Caylee and sighed happily as they sat on the bank
of the swamp and watched the sunset. Life had been chaotic and
challenging, but in a good way that made him work harder and dream for the
future. Caylee gave his hand a soft squeeze and smiled up at her lover.
She'd found that caring for someone had it's own rewards that were
definitely worth the extra work. Not knowing what their bonds were
planning kept her on her toes and made her life exciting.
"Where are the drakes?" Caylee asked Chanz.
"I believe they're having fun in the muddy patch down at the water's
edge." Chanz replied.
"You know they're going to dirty the house."
"I'll wash them down before we leave." Chanz offered.
Caylee smirked, but decided against challenging Chanz on his promise.
After all a little mud wouldn't be that hard to clean and she preferred
everyone to be happy.
"Chanz!" came the excited
yell of Brook from below.
"Caylee, you have to come too!"
Ripple added right at the end of her sentence.
Chanz shrugged, released Caylee's hand and got up. He missed the contact,
but there'd be more time for cuddling later. As things stood, they'd grow
old together and he quite liked that idea. Caylee jumped to her feet and
was looking down the bank before Chanz had a chance to move.
"What did you find?" she asked, not immediately seeing what the
fuss was about.
'Eggs." Brook said.
And indeed, as the porosus drake lifted her tail, the dwarves could see a
nest of eggs that had been left in the mud. The shells looked complete but
there wasn't an animal in sight that could have laid the clutch.
"They're cold." Ripple said
with a sad note in his voice.
"I'll make sure they hatch."
Brooke insisted.
"Wait guys, we don't even know what type of eggs these are."
Caylee started.
But as she climbed down, she was held back by Chanz who told them:
"Do you think you can raise whatever hatches?"
Caylee looked at him, not believing her ears. They could be crocodiles for
all she knew. And how devestated all of them would be when the eggs didn't
hatch. And that was probably the most likely scenario.
Beside her Chanz winked and said: "We'll just have to take these home
with us."
"Chanz?" Caylee asked.
"Relax honey, They're turtle eggs. And they will hatch, they just
need someplace warmer."
"I guess we can take them home."

[STORY] * [Hanza]
* [Chanz] * [Caylee] * [Yukwa]
* [Nala]
Lantessama Isle