The Hunters
is 25 years old and by all standards an adult. By all standards he
should be married and have a few babies around for the life of an
IceLander is short, but he hasn't. Once he was engaged, but Ayilla
broke her commitment when he became some kind of an outcast, a
jinxed person.
With his long brown hair, beard and eyes he looks not much different
from the rest of the IceLanders. He is smaller than most however,
and thinner. But he has an iron will that keeps him from dieing or
leaving and a big mouth that never seems to keep shut long.
is Biroy's brother, he is 22, three years younger and about a head
taller than his brother. His is a bit broader in the shoulders and
looks more like the typical IceLand male. His hair is brow, his eyes
are blue and he has a small ring beard that grows longer on hunting
Though Dey is as superstitious as every Icelander he can't believe
his brother his jinxed, he has always looked up to older brother and
fully trusting him went on a trip with him to prove nothing would
happen with him.
22, is strong built for a woman with powerful legs from all the
running she did as a kid and adolescent. She used to be a messenger between the villages but she recently changed careers. Now she is a
hunter and quite content with herself, or at least she would be if
any of the men would take her serious. With her long brown hair,
green eyes and delicate bone structure she looks rather stunning.
IceLanders aren't without prejudice and she couldn't find a crew
until she stumbled on Biroy and his brother. Layra isn't very
gullible, she taxed Biroy and knew he was strong and cunning.
The Oval
28 was widowed a few years back. Her hard life has rendered her
prematurely aged, with a few grey streaks protruding in her blond
hair. Her brown eyes look upon the world with vigilance, careful for
the next blow it might bring her.
Shyobahn has two children, a daughter named Vaughny (2) and a son
named Koy (5). She guards them like a mother hen praying they won't
leave her too. Sometimes she feels like she has already lost too
much, a husband, a sister and brother in law, her parents...
24, is a wood-carver. He spends most of his days around the fire,
carving the little statues that so vividly depict the life he sees
around him. He is more of a dreamer than a hunter and enjoys to
think about the world. He is very moralic and just with a keen eye
for power. His hair is black and his eyes are dark grey, like smoke
from a fire.
Secretly Eyos has dreams of going back to the South, to discover
what is there that was so dreadful the IceLanders came here in the
tales. But Eyos won't move too soon. His dreams are just that, dreams
and he is quite passive about seeking any of them out.
19, helps around with the cooking. She isn't quite happy with her
life, always wanting to be more outgoing like her best friend Tryl.
Tryl never has to clean the Oval or feed the few elderly. Maryse
does. It's not like she doesn't want to do those things, it's that
somewhere deep inside her she feels she could do so much more... if
the world would just open for her.
This is also why Maryse hasn't yet agreed on the few marriage
proposals she has received. She isn't unpretty with thick red-brown
hair, green eyes and a slender figure that is excellent for the
antics of the few dances she knows.
17, is a tomboyish rascal. She has spent her life running around the
village making pranks and more fun things like that. With her long,
thin figure, blue eyes and mop of wild black hair she looks almost
like a boy. The last years there has been some change in her figure,
but nothing that has attracted attention from any of the males
around the Villages.
Tryl is a hide-carver like Shyobahn, and not a very good one at it.
There's too much sitting down required for Tryl to like the job. She
would have loved to join one of the hunting parties, but her parents
overruled her wishes and in stead placed her under Shyobahn's care.
The Guards
27, is a guard in all of his soul. For as long as he could remember
it was the profession of his choice. He still finds happiness in the
work, though the meaning of it all has faded a bit now that he has
no-one left to come home to. His wife Daray and twins Zay and Ziyo
died in an avalanche two years back. Ype has largely passed on, only
feeling a bittersweet sadness when he thinks back at the time of his
married life.
Recently Ype started courting again. Cutting his light brown hair
short that used to hide his blue eyes and shaving his beard. His eye
has fallen on the much younger Maryse who has continuously refused
his offers.
20, is a passionate youth. He looks a couple of years younger than
his 20 years, but this might be due to the fact that he hasn't yet
grown a beard, his facial hair reluctant to grow.
Zreshyn always looks rather cross, he squints a lot because his
eyesight isn't perfect and his thick black eyebrows complete the
picture. His hair has been compared to a porcupine's back, growing
in spikes more than flowing down like human hair.
Zreshyn has a short temper brought on in some extent by the fact
most people seem to think he's always angry. He cannot understand
why they would think that since he never waits long enough to look
in a mirror.
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Lantessama Isle