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Name: Ernst
Age: 36
Gender: Male

Appearance: Ernst is squarely built with medium brown hair that's showing some signs of greying, sideburns, a moustache and goatee. He has a wide nose, grey-green eyes and the start of wrinkles. Ernst likes to wear sturdy and multifunctional clothing. He doesn't care about design or colour.
Personality: Ernst is passionate about movement and mechanics. He's often lost in thought while reading, learning and planning. From a young age he was serious and studious and as such he has few friends. He has a lot of students though so he's almost never lonely.
Short Bio: Ernst was born in a small village. His parents worked in a nearby factory and Ernst sometimes came along when his grandparents couldn't babysit him. It's in the factory that his fascination for machines and mechanics started and his father fostered it gladly, hoping his son would move up in the world.
Skills & Hobbies: mechanical movement, machines, physics.

Pets: --
Bond: Cream-spotted Blue Parurth (m) from Isla Weyr


The day dawned with a commotion about rearranged eggs that meant no-one really knew which eggs belonged to which dragoness. The people in power seemed to have argued and dealt with the situation though. It took several more hours for the eggs to start rocking and the hum to begin in the Weyr from the dragons. The IGPC Geneticists had given up trying to put the eggs back in order and were already setting up near the Barracks to take ichor samples of the hatchlings for testing to make sure the Records were kept straight.
Candidates were brought in, by foot or by wing. All the eggs that had been around Flynnth had been moved out on the sands (after a few arguments with the golden queen), evenly spaced and perfect for candidates to gather around. Trying to keep eggs with their mothers was pointless and a number of females left to watch the hatching from the ledges or on the side. As it was, many of the candidates had no idea where the egg they had touched and felt a pull toward during the Egg Touching Ceremony was so they all just formed a semi-circle around the tiny rocking eggs.
The little queen egg which had ‘magically’ appeared, remained cradled in Flynnth’s front claws. Since she had given the Searchriders no time to Search proper queen candidates, only a few girls who decided they wanted to try for the gold made their way toward Flynnth. Some were bolder than others and others recoiled and rejoined the rest of the candidates when Flynnth growled and hovered over the egg.
By the time the last stragglers - both candidate and spectator - had made it to the sands, the first of the eggs had finally broken apart. The shells, which were still thick but far more breakable than in the past, shattered and the first hatchling stepped forward on small, dainty legs while shaking its head as if confused. It was pure white and a mixed response came from the crowd. If bronze was lucky, what did white mean?
Unfortunately, having the hatchlings break their shells one at a time and bond in an orderly, easily recorded manner was just...not going to happen. Within the next few seconds, almost eight hatchlings had finished emerging from their shells. The chaos of a Hatching began.
Ernst had remained where he was, feeling a bit out of place with all the much younger candidates. Shifting from one foot to the other, the man watched with an almost skeptical look as a cream with flecks of blue paused at one young boy, then turned, much to the kid's dismay, to walk straight to him.
"I am Parurth", the dragon said into his mind.
“I’m...Ernst,” the man replied, blinking as Impression washed over him like waves.
The cream smirked. "I know that."
Ernst smiled. “Of course...”

Parurth: talkative, biased male sport dragon, Length: 34'3", Height: 6'6"
Parents: white green Saiath x white Toyshulth


Months had passed and the routine of weyrling classes, dragon care and exhausted slumber had ingrained itself upon the Gremynian scientists. Both used to making long hours thinking hadn't exactly prepared them to being physically as active at the same time but they were coping. 
"I can fly the furthest." Kedalth proclaimed.
"No I can go way further than you." Ledalth argued.
"As long as you know that I am faster." Parurth parried. 
Though gold and bronze were higher up in the command chain, all three of the dragons were categorised as "sport", which meant they were smaller than most other dragons and of the three Parurth was biggest and he was part cream, an unusual colour. So naturally, Parurth felt he was better than the metallic clouded twins. Of course the twins didn't follow his logic and turned to him in unison.
"I'm fastest!" 
Agneta couldn't take the argument any longer and sighed:
"I'm pretty sure all of you are slower than the adult dragons at current. You still have a lot of growing to do. 
"Though I'd prefer you don't grow too big." Ernst added, "I'd like to go back to the fortress and having a personal guard would be tremendously handy."
"We should ask Z'rin for that spell he used to shrink his dragon." Agneta interjected.
"Is that how Kodaith got there? I was busy with the mechanism so I honestly didn't see it. I thought he'd summoned his dragon from somewhere." Ernst admitted.
"Do you think we'll ever get back?" Agneta asked. She'd almost given up hope but somewhere that last section of fortress she'd not been able to map niggled on her mind.
"Why wouldn't we? I've seen other dragonriders leave to return to their homes."
"Showing up with dragons would be strange though." Agneta said as she tried to imagine the different scenarios. Would they be horrified? Or interested? Or indifferent? Dismissive? She had no clue.
"Well if there's a spell to scale them down it shouldn't be that hard to hide them. Who knows how many people already have dragons on Gremyne? There sure are rumours enough to safely assume we wouldn't be the first."
Because Ernst definitely wanted to get back to his own study and experiments. Probably when their dragons were older and more behaved. But at some point they'd have to get a bit less energetic, or at least he hoped so. 


Parurth was chatting with some other dragons while Ernst tried to figure out the flight form. After they'd graduated from Weyrling training he and Parurth along with Agneta and her two bonded dragons had returned to Gremyne. His research had been going great but recently he'd hit a roadblock. And Parurth had remarked that one can't work all the time and that having fun was a must. And so, somehow Ernst had been steamwalled into worldhopping with his dragon. The experience wasn't bad at all, but he had no clue how he'd ended up here, signing up to chase a female dragon. Maybe it was all those hormone-driven dreams Parurth had been sending him.
"Was not!" Parurth retorted without missing a syllable in his own conversation.
"How can you even keep track of two conversations at once?" Ernst wondered.
"It's a skill." Parurth answered smugly.
Ernst shrugged and decided that if the dreams stopped he'd feel better. he wasn't a teenager anymore though he had to admit he was sorely lacking in the experience department of social relationships himself.
"And that's why you have me." Parurth whispered in his mind, giving him the final nudge to sign their names on the form. 

[STORY]   +   [AGNETA] - [ERNST]   +   [ISLA WEYR]

Lantessama Isle
Background found with google search long ago.