                           ~ Cautious Explorer ~

Name: Zeymar
Gender: Male
Description: Zeymar has a relatively light blue skin colouring for a mer. His hair is sea-glass-green that darkens toward the tips. He has light-coloured green eyes. He has a clearly defined nose, finned ears and thin lips in a narrow face.
Personality: Cautious. Zeymar can't do anything without checking twice (make that thrice) and even then he often waits to make certain that his parameters were correct. Doubt is the basis for philosophy and science, but Zeymar takes this too far. He dreams of going on adventures, of seeing the world, but his indecision is keeping him from it.
     * Underwater breathing (gills)
     * Airbreathing (lungs)
     * Strong swimmer (mermaid tail)
     * Shapeshifting (partial): can transform his tail into a pair of legs
     * Scientific Mind (knows how to set up a good experiment/study)


"Any volunteers?"
Zeymar felt his chest constrict at the word. Volunteering to head out in the field would help him gain some much-needed experience. But it would also set him up in a huge number of dangerous situations from falls and breaks to food-poisoning and wild animal attacks. Sure any expedition was supposed to have guards. But not all expeditions returned.
Before long, half a dozen other mer had raised their hands and Zeymar was left to stay at home as usual. He'd made quite a name for himself as a scholar. But there was always that little niggle in the back of his mind that wanted him to go out and see things for himself. That dreamed of a big discovery. Atlantis maybe.
He exited the hall while the volunteers chatted excitedly about adventure and travel necessities. Zeymar could do without hearing that. He returned to his study though his mind was far from focused. He'd never get any work done today...

It was evening when a knock sounded on his door. Surprised, Zeymar called the visitor in.
"We're in trouble!" the older professor stated.
"In trouble?" Zeymar asked.
"A bad case of food poisoning. Or maybe an attempt to sabotage the espedition..."
The professor looked veritably distressed. Zeymar had never seen the man quite this disheveled. But he managed to catch the gist of what had happened by listening to the sighs and shouts. Apparently half of the expedition members had gotten sick. Nothing too serious but the trip could not be delayed. And they needed at least one more person to join or it would not work out anyway. Too much was riding on this. Too much funds had been pumped into the trip, too much deals made and debts inned. The expedition needed to continue. And apparently Zeymar was one of the only able-bodied mer left in the building.
A little voice in his mind figured that this could be Fate.

Life in the field was surprisingly chill. Really, it was research while getting sand in places you never had before. Although the lack of privacy was definitely grating. Shutting a door just didn't work in a tent or a cave. Luckily most of them kept to themselves during the day.
On one hand it was nice to have taken a step. On the other hand it was crushing to know that adventure just wasn't out there. Maybe it would have been better to keep dreaming...
Before Zeymar could finish the thought however, a disturbance rippled through the camp. Clouds of sand and silt undid all the careful digging the researches had done over the past days. A large speckled white and bright yellow shape appeared. It took Zeymar a few seconds to determine it wasn't any animal he knew.
"Oh, I guess we must have made a mistake." a female mer remarked.
"I certainly did not!" the creature answered, "I'm near flawless in teleportation."
"Well there ou have it. NEAR flawless."
Before the two could argue further, Zeymar intervened.
"Ladies, could you please move behind the cordoned section?"
Zeymar wondered whether or not he should discipline the two, but it seemed kind of odd to do so. They weren't students after all. The sea dragon behind him gave a loud snort.
"This one is silly. We should keep him." Cruekinth suggested, sending Zeymar their names.
Mermell blushed as her thoughts had been read but luckily Cruekinth hadn't broadcasted them -yet. But before the mermaid could try to divert his attention, her crafty dragoness continued:
"Oh I know! You should come to Twoarth. Plenty more sea dragons where I come from!"

Had he finally snapped? Zeymar couldn't be certain. maybe something had unwound in his mind after that first decision to break free. But even to Zeymar it seemed a stretch to go from going on a field expedition to travelling offworld to bond a dragon. But Cruekinth was difficult to say no to. Even her bond said so.
Zeymar couldn't say he was sad to have Mermell along. They seemed to get along well and she told him more than the dragons or the staff. Probably because she knew what it felt like to come here for the first time.
Though Zeymar had come to bond a hatchling, it turned out one of the previously hatched sea dragons liked him. The lightly-coloured male with the violet-purple fins had hatched a while ago, only a little after Cruekinth had. But he had waited for a suitable bond to turn up, talking to those arriving.
"Chemistry is important." Teegdass told Zeymar, "But you can only bond once. So it's important to be certain."
"I can understand that." Zeymar agreed, "But one day you'll need to take the plunge or it'll never happen."
"Seems like you're speaking from experience."
"Pretty much." Zeymar shrugged.

Name: Teegdass
Gender: Male
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Parents: Blue Dalnia (Water Metalanian/DragonClaw) x Blue Seirliess (Alskyrian Sea Dragon)
Description: Four webbed feet with claws, 4(thumb) on fore, 3 on hind; two medium wings with three finger spars and wrist claw (glide typical); long beak shaped head, central spine webbed crest, spined web side crests, pupiled eyes; thicker long tail with spined single (vertical) fin; rubbery skin
     Colours: Violet
     Size: 60' long, bigger than their siblings by a bit
Personality: a Composed, Rover disposition
     * Elemental Firebreath (6)
     * Teleportation (6)
     * Genrehop (5)
     * Telepathy: includes mental/empathy (5)
     * Nullification (3)
     * Sonic Manipulation (3)
     * Waterbreath Weapon (3)
     * Verbal Speech (1)

Lantessama Isle
Zeymar is a Candidate at the
The Healing Den Swim