                           ~ Depressed Mermaid ~

Name: Mermell
Gender: Female
Description: A dark-skinned mermaid with straight orange hair. She has bright yellow eyes that are very striking in her otherwise dark colouring. Her finned ears are elegant and often give away her thoughts.
Personality: Depressed. Mermell is a pessimist with a huge complex about her appearance and personality. She'll never be good enough to please her own standard. And this while she is much more tolerant of others. Sadly her constant efforts to be better alienate her from others.
     * Underwater breathing (gills)
     * Airbreathing (lungs)
     * Strong swimmer (mermaid tail)
     * Ocean Current Connaiseur (knows her way across any ocean)
     * Shapeshifting (partial): can transform her tail into a pair of legs


Mermell sighed forlorn as she watched the result of her efforts and found it lacking. Her art never worked out the way she wanted it to. Adding a few extra pink shells for cuteness as some of her classmates had suggested would not lift the result to where she wanted it to be. Her display would not catch eyes, it would be just pleasant scenery. Classmates told her it was soothing and a joy to watch, but they just meant well. Nobody commented on the flaws that were so clearly present. 
For as long as she could remember, she'd always failed to grab the attention of the people who mattered most. Her parents had soon left her to fend for herself while they went on vacation to some tropical destination. Later they had divorced and had each gone their own way, their daughter a footnote in their lives. A boring one at that. Nothing ever happened to Mermell anyway. She was mediocre in every sense of the word. Nothing she did would ever catch their eye and never would she receive their praise. That much had become clear over the years.
Over the years others had praised her of course, but teachers were meant to encourage, they were paid for it after all. Friends wanted to curry favour so they could use you when they needed. The ocean was a tough place to survive, even for those adapted to the cold waters and the darkness. Sometimes Mermell feared that she would never shine.
In a fit of desperate clarity, Mermell decided it was time to leave it all behind. At least the fish in the ocean would not lie to her. They either liked you or they didn't. Scurried away to hide or preyed on you as they lived their lives. Swimming steadily away from her old world she wondered where the currents would take her. 

The ocean had made way to land and later to space as Mermell had travelled further than any of the other merpeople in her town. But this knowledge did not elate her. After all she was the only failure who would not even find her purpose in the home where she lived. And her luck had not changed by changing her environment. She had yet to find something she excelled at. There were plenty of things she was decent at, providing her with an income while she travelled.
At some point she drifted to a peculiar place called Twoarth, a beachy place just north of the Healing Den with a pier and a large home that was open to those in need. Mermell accepted the hospitality and earned her stay by cleaning, looking for lost items in the water and other such small tasks that seemed to elate the people present.
One day, more commotion than usual, brought Mermell out to see what was going on. Eggs were carried and deposited into the water or on the shore. Care was taken to keep groups of eggs together although she sometimes heard a confusing:
"Hey, this clutch wasn't as big before!?"
Followed by a gruff reply of:
"Don't let it get to you, this happens. Just record the extra eggs."
"Maybe this time the Swim eggs will finally hatch." someone else said to her, "You should stand for the clutches as they might need water-dwelling bonds. "
Intrigued, Mermell sought more information.
Waiting for eggs to hatch gave Mermell a purpose and goal that for once did not have anything to do with doing the best she could. Frankly, it had been quite frustrating in those first days as she waited and did everything she could to make the eggs hatch. Someone had finally just told her that time would be all it took and that she just needed to be patient.
After this, Mermell's days had grown oddly mellow as she was left to her own devices. Normally she would have already gone, but now she just waited. She grew more familiar with the locals who started to incorporate her in their lives. No-one asked anything of her, except the occasional help which she then provided. She would not call these people friends but they were something akin to that thought. As long as she could reciprocate their wishes and wants, everything was fine.

When the day of the hatching finally came, Mermell was almost ready to bolt and leave everything behind. Maybe she would have if she'd mananged to slip away but as people knew her, they dragged her to the beach and into the water, all the while chattering excitedly about today being the day.
And then she was sitting in the salty water, her tail reviving in the cool water. She'd need to get deeper to be comfortable or the pebbles and sand would shafe. As she moved deeper, another tail bumped into her. Expecting to see another mer, Mermell tried to apologise only to gaze into the deep blue eyes of a draconic baby.
"Cruekinth." the hatchling told her, "And you need some time off."

Name: Cruekinth
Gender: Female
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Parents: Starry Grey Chishikith (Water Pernese) x Red Azalin (Water Glenn)
     Colours: Granite Amber (light grey body with ochre webbing)
     Size: 32' long, Slightly bigger than average compared to their siblings
Personality: Forceful and commandeering, Cruekinth can steamwall any opposition with just her verbal skills.
     * Swim (6)
     * Verbal Communication (6)
     * Teleportation (Nexus Wide) (5)
     * Waterbreath (4)
     * Telepathy (4)
     * Strong Sonar Abilities to detect and often attack (4)
     * Can hybernate in a state of suspended animation for long periods (4)

Continued from
Cruekinth led the way back to the home waters. Mermell and Zeymar had opted to return home though they would start living somewhere a bit more secluded. With plenty of room for two dragons to swim.
"You'll like the place they picked." Cruekinth told Teegdass. "It's got lots of space and some interesting features that create obtacles and hiding spots...."
And you've scouted them all, already?" Teegdass interrupted her thelepathically.
The violet sea dragon had never really gotten the hang of speaking verbally but Cruekinth made up for his lack and he didn't mind being the quiet one beside her. He could talk to anyone he wanted. Although, his last comment had made Cruekinth go quiet. Maybe she was thinking of something that she'd only now realised was a possibility.
Teegdass was more than happy to send her a little challenge. After all chases could be led by either partner.

Lantessama Isle