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Name: Eclisse
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Anthro-Nothosaur
Class: Mage
Description: Eclisse is a
reptilian humanoid with scaley grey skin, a long body and tail, webbed
hands and feet and a longish snout. Her eyes are reminiscent to those of
snakes and can be used to hypnotise or transfix others. It's a trait
that's hard to master and she isn't very good at it (yet).
Personality: Eclisse is a notorious gossip. She is cunning,
stubborn and curious, a trifecta of traits that mean she hears, sees,
smells and senses everything. She shares her knowledge with no regard to
tact or privacy. Knowledge is something to be shared after all. Sometimes
she tries to use her knowledge for personal gain but this often fails as
she can't keep secrets from others and her knowledge leeks.
Skills: Eclisse can form small entities of water and fling them at
great speed or energise them until they emit light. Though her control of
water is at base level, it's expected to grow as she matures.
Hobbies: learning all she can about the people around her. She's
always looking for that next bit of juicy gossip.
The announcement that the Mermay Mini Frenzy was hatching came during one
of the many events the Refugium had organised to entertain the waiting
candidates and sponsors. About half the spectators and several members on
either side of the hydroball court scrambled to get to where they needed
to be, leaving the rest of the people to either follow to watch the big
event or go home.
The hatching grounds were abuzz with more activity than usual. Only a few
clutch parents were visible above the surf; the glenn dragon mother
carefully guarding her nest of eggs, wreathed in seaweed and sat between
the crags of a rocky outcrop. The asandus mother and her fiery mate,
chasing around their clumsy-footed liveborn offspring as they nagged
Zeskod for extra treats from the feeding tables. The other parents
appeared as silhouettes or bobbing heads just above the surface of the
Though the parents were different species and had laid eggs at different
times, somehow the hatchlings inside knew that the time was there to hatch
or be left behind. One after the other the eggs started rocking as the
race to find the optimal bond or sponsor began.
Watching all the young dragons bond was so interesting! Neuraea, a purple
barroti-asandus female, had no idea where to look first. She'd spent much
of her first few weeks begging everyone around her for stories of the
world abroad. She could hardly believe it was finally the day. She'd spent
a lot of time with residents of the Refugium, as well as several of the
candidates hoping to bond. Neuraea had a good idea of who she wanted to go
along with, but actually committing to the decision was terrifying!
Neuraea broke away from her siblings and tottered into the crowds, making
a beeline for the a group of nothosaurs from Lantessama. She ignored the
trio of males and plopped herself in front of Eclisse.
"I know it's more usual for my sort of be
sponsored, but I'd really like to bond you. You've got so many great
"I think we could discover a lot more stories together,"
Eclisse replied with a wink.

Name: Neuraea Acuan-Oranato
Gender: Female
Species: 1/2 Barroti, 1/4 Piralan Asandus, 1/4 New Cascatan Asandus
Adult Height: 12' at shoulder
Color: Purple-Blue
Abilities: Telepathy, Produce Flames Underwater, Breathe
Underwater, Shapeshifting (humanoid form), Functional Magic, Verbal Speech
Personality: Neuraea shares her bond's immense curiosity and is
constantly poking her nose into other people's business. She likes to know
everything and deliberately sets out to seek answers to questions she
hasn't even thought of yet. Neuraea could sit for hours listening to
people's lives and gossip. She's not quite as savvy as Eclisse, though,
and can be easily swayed to new topics. Neuraea is a bit flighty, a bit of
a scatterbrain, and definitely becoming a vocal know-it-all as she
collects trivia on every subject imaginable.
Eclisse was not intending to return home. After all she had a dragon now
and suddenly all these new worlds were ready to be discovered. there were
computers and social media and the intergalactic web of information. There
were parties and lightshows, people to befriend and so much more to learn
than she could ever hope to learn in school.
"I'm never going back." She'd confided to Neuraea shortly after
"Then where will we stay?"
the firey dragon asked.
"Why, right here at the Refugium. I've been told people can look for
a job immediately. There must be something I could do."
Neuraea pondered for a bit and then said, "There
this nice lady at reception who might be able to help us. I think her name
is Bolbec."
"Let's head there right now!!" Eclisse said and soon managed to
get her first temp job working at the visitor center.
Lantessama Isle
Background from