
Portrait was made with Portrait Works
Name: Faroine
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description: Faroine has dark skin with short, braided dark brown
hair. Her grey eyes, wide nose and full lips give her face a definite
feminine look, but her body is all bodybuilder muscle. She is not used to
wearing much in the way of clothing but she will conform to cultural
preferences when visiting others. Though she isn't very tall, she always
stands proud with her feet a little bit apart and her back straight.
Personality: Faroine is a go-getter. She has a one-track mind and
it has been stuck on fighting since she was a young girl witnessing a mock
battle. She takes pride in her strength and skill. She has trained long
and hard and had to be held back at times. Currently she has found a
balance and knows that rest and recuperation are as much part of training
as the actual exercise. She enjoys mock battles with tough opponents as
they most resemble actual combat. When meeting new people, Faroine usually
sizes them up into three groups: weaker, stronger or wildcards. Depending
on which group she places them in she can be gentle, pleasant or wary in
her contact.
Skills: fighting with blades, she's exceptionally skilled with the
spear but has also trained with daggers and short swords.
Short Bio:
Name: Scimitar
Gender: Male
Species: Ivartian
Lantessama Isle (2024
Summer Festival Clutch)
Colour: Grey
Size: 9' at the shoulder
Personality: Scimitar is a sharp, practical dragon. He says no more
than he needs, works efficiently and is intuitive when it comes to what
others can do. He has a not so secret love for metal blades, sometimes
getting lost in their gleam for minutes before anyone can rouse him. There
is just something about a well-made blade that makes him enjoy them. Maybe
he aspires to be just as versatile: both practical but dangerous, both
beautiful but lethal.
-Information Share
-Armour-plated (extra strong and durable)
Lantessama Isle