
Portrait made with
Portrait Works
Name: Kleo
Sex/Gender: Female/Non Binary
Age: 24
Description: Kleo is a heavyset woman with dark skin and curly hair
that she keeps short and manageable. Growing it out would mean too much work
to style. She has a slightly crooked nose from running in a wall as a child
and ears that stand away from her head. She has square shoulders and a heavy
gait. She usually wears masculine clothes and heavy boots (she's very fond
of them). She never ventures out without her trusty goggles.
Personality: More of a hands-on mechanic than a programmer, Kleo
enjoys working with computers, motherboards and cables, but also with gears
and pistons. When she sees a mechanical device, she must know how it ticks
and what it can do. Her private quarters can be considered messy though she
herself would call them organised chaos. She knows where everything is,
finishing projects is just not one of her strong suits. She is punctual with
the maintenance of the structure though.
Short Bio: Kleo has been adrift since her teens. She never quite fit
in. The programmers think her too crass, the engineers say she's too messy,
the mechanics think she's trying too hard. Either way, her talents have
started to fully shine since she's been with the team.
Pets: -

100101 [GIR]
-,- [KLEO]
-,- [SAYBIA]
-,- [TEYKU]
-,- [ZOUL]
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