Gemzi's Star Fleet
Captain Gemzi and the
Tralvisk Trader
Gemzi entered the spacebar and looked around. The place was dank and dark,
the lazer lights only enhancing the awareness of smoke and insufficient
oxygen. Just the way he liked it. He grinned and headed for the bar.
"One stout ale." he ordered.
The beer arrived swiftly, cold and with a satisfying frothy collar. But
before he could partake, one of the other patrons placed themselves beside
the sturdy dwarf.
"I see you are a man of refined tastes." the alien said, "Might I interest
you in a deal?"
Gemzi lifted his eyebrows and said: "You being?"
"Vravedekdil-sul-Diltevalut, good sir."
"And what wares are you selling?"
"Tralvisk Eggs. They are a powerful species that will be loyal to the one
they consider their master. You good sir seem like someone who could use
some of them."
"And why would that be?"
Vravedekdil-sul-Diltevalut came closer, her breath close to his ears and her
four arms and bulky body shielding them from the rest of the bar.
"Because you came in here and smiled."
Gemzi laughed and agreed. He just loved sticking his nose into places he
shouldn't be. It was part of his nature and one of the things that had
gotten him this dead-end mission. But all things considered he was glad of
the freedom and thrills it offered.
"I think we have a deal."
Money was exchanged and Vravedekdil-sul-Diltevalut dropped two eggs in his
"It was a pleasure doing business."
Captain Gemzi hatches some
Keeping the eggs warm and cosy had seemed to be the most logical course of
action. So Gemzi had dropped both of them in a discarded reptile terrarium
that now served as a plant display in the mess. There was sand and rocks on
the bottom and different plants from various worlds made the whole look
quite appealing.
Gemzi went on with his life and would have forgotten all about the eggs if
they had not been front and center in his sight every time he visited the
mess to eat. Nothing much changed until one day one of the eggs had toppled
over. Gemzi and the rest of the crew crowded around the terrarium and
observed. Small tremors seemed to ripple across the surface.... and then a
crack appeared in the one still standing.
Half an hour later and two horned puppies with scales and long tails were
looking up at the assorted humans and aliens that made up gemzi's crew. But
before any could touch the pups, Gemzi growled a command:
"Stand down. I bought them so nobody else can touch them until I say so."
The crew backed off and Gemzi entered the terrarium, taking the glory but
also the risk. The Tralvisk pups looked at him for a brief moment but then
seemed to decided that he was alright. The fact that he carried some of the
mess' meat probably didn't hurt either.

Name: Shadey
Gender: Male
Species: Tralvisk
Colours: Black & Silver
Pattern: Red spots
Pointy?: Horns and shoulders
Height: 3'3" at the shoulder
Personality: outgoing and
energetic, always looking to prove himself.
Quirks: Always needs to turn twice before he lays down on his bedding.

Name: Valley
Gender: Female
Species: Tralvisk
Colour: Brown
Pattern: Red spots
Pointy?: Horns and shoulders
Height: 3'11" at the shoulder
Personality: Elusive and
cagey, with a soft spot for her owner.
Quirks: Can only sleep when either Gemzi or Shadey is close by.
Tralvisk Information
Breeding kennels off in one of the Wards of Herakles Station.
Tralvisk are not sentient, but they are intelligent on a dolphin-like level.
Used as watchbeasts and guardians, they develop powerful loyalties to the
one they view as their master and react ferociously to strangers. They will
not accept a new face as a friend until their master indicates its is
alright to do so. In the company of their master, and to a lesser extent
anyone allowed as a friend, tralvisk have personalities as widely varied as
all the canines of Earth. Their loyalty to their master, however, is always
Like baby reptiles, tralvisk are self-sufficient when they first hatch from
their eggs. They recognize as their master the being who shows "pack
dominance" to them in their first few days, and will NEVER recognize any
other. A tralvisk who loses its master will go wild with fury and grief.
Tralvisk grow rapidly, achieving physical maturity at 1 year of age. They
live upwards of 30 years. Hatchlings are about 8" at the shoulder. Adults
grow to between 3' and 4' at the shoulder, with females being stockier and
more powerful than males.
*Empathic Telepathy: Tralvisk can convey their thoughts by "speaking"
in feral imagery and emotion rather than mind-words, but will only speak
this way to the person they view as their master.
*Magic Immunity: Tralvisk are immune to magic in all its forms and
neither direct or indirect spells affect them. Fireballs don't harm them,
they cannot see illusions, they cannot be thrown off their feet by magical
telekinesis, etc.
*Verbal Speech (nonsentient): Though they do not communicate as
sentients do, like parrots, tralvisk can learn words to convey their basic
needs or point out something they have discovered. "Food", "Danger", "See
Stranger", etc.
The tycharan word tralvisk means "longhorn".
A tralvisk's horns verge on impossible to break. Despite the slenderness of
their necks, a tralvisk's neck muscles are incredibly strong to support the
horns' weight and they can efficiently wield their horns as bashing and
goring weapons.
Captain Gemzi dispatches
his crew
Story 1: Leave no witnesses!
Story 2: VR ΠRAC
Lantessama Isle
Background by
Portrait made with
Portrait Works |