
Candidacy Page for

Eliany laughed when she saw her sister hanging from the tree.
"Now don’t get all cocky because you are on the ground and I’m hanging
upside down!" Enyda yelled. "I didn’t choose to be in this mess!"
"No, I can clearly see that. But then how did you get there?" Eliany asked.
She and her sister were on a voyage around the nebula. Travelling from
planet to planet in search of knowledge. When they felt they had learned
enough, they were permitted to come back home and write an essay about what
they had seen. It was a great honour to be allowed to cooperate in such a
project. Only 5 students every 2 years where assigned to the program. And
clearly her sister had learned something about this one.
"I was walking below the tree, so I’m guessing a booby trap?"
"Maybe. Now how will I get you down?"
"You’d better worry about what made the booby trap...."
"Hmmm, hadn’t thought of that, maybe I’d better leave you here and hide to
be sure I know what planted the trap here when it comes back for you."
"Nah, you wouldn’t do that....hey Eliany! Where are you going?! Eliany!!!"
"Be quiet!" She hissed when she reappeared below the tree with a saw.
"I had
to go back to the ship to get the saw to free you. Watch out, you might
Eliany started on the rope.
"This is a really weird rope you know Enyda. We should take some for
"This isn’t the time to get into science!"
Enyda wondered why her sister picked this time to worry about their
assignment. She hadn’t once shown interest in any of the other worlds, while
Enyda herself was always busy gathering samples and researching plants and
animals they found.
"Well, I don’t know, you should never neglect science."
Something connected.
"I see, you are teasing me. Stop it!"
"Ouch! You could have warned me at least!" Enyda
said, rubbing her elbows.
"I did, but you were too busy thinking."
"Don't play with me! I can see you're making fun off me!"
"Ahh sis! you have to admit it was funny. And to think you usually keep your
eyes on the ground. I can't imagine how you ever managed to get in that
"I don't always watch the ground!"
"Oh no? Then there must have been something really weird in the sky."
"In fact there was. A dragon, I think."
"Really? Hmmm, and tonight we'll see fairies dance around the fire...I think
you fell harder than you think Enyda. All that hanging couldn't have been
good for you too."
"Don't you think I know what I saw! I saw a dragon, or a creature that
couldn't be called anything else."
"Well, I see you aren't wearing your glasses."
"Ahhh, Eliany, you know I hardly need them!"
"True, but you might have changed a bird into looking like a dragon..."
Enyda got bored with the conversation and her sister not wanting to listen
to her.
"I'm out of here! I'll find proof and then you'll believe me!"
Eliany watched for a moment and then started following:
"Wait up! I know you aren't all that well in geography either!"
Oww, she had better not said that...Enyda started running. Eliany ran behind
her, careful not to hit branches her sister angrily threw back. Now why had
she gotten angry? She had only told her the truth.
After what seemed an eternal run, the two got
to a huge mountain ridge.
"I could swear that dragon was headed here."
Eliany lifted one eyebrow, as to ask how Enyda could have known that. Enyda
turned back to her sister and said:
"Don't look at me as if I couldn't do that! Maybe I can't find my way in
a big city with streets all around me, but I can here!"
"Sure, if you say so."
"Now, we need to get to the other side. Maybe there's a valley of some kind
where it lives."
"How big did you say it was?"
"Something around the size of an airplane back home."
"No kidding, and you're planning on just walking up to it?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"Enyda, not all doggies are nice doggies....remember?"
"Don't patronise me! I know what I'm doing!"
"Sure, you're the smartest. Just lead the way."
"ok, I think we can climb this wall...."
Eliany pointed to a small passage that lead into the mountain.
"Or we could try your way."
Eliany smiled and shook her head as she followed her sister. So bright and
yet so stupid on normal things. Luckily Enyda had her to make sure she
didn't have an accident. Enyda insisted on singing the entire way they were
in the mountain. No offence to her sister, but she couldn't sing. Eliany had
told her once, but that seemed to make her sad, so she just tuned in and
followed her not so normal melody. In her mind she kept saying:
"Butchering a song isn't that great a deal....you'll still get into
They finally saw light at the end of the tunnel when other noises came
through. Secret noises, whispers, shrieks and shuffles. Both sisters froze
on their feet and carefully looked around them.
Nothing to see.
They advanced some more...
Suddenly Enyda felt a hand cling to her. She screamed.
"What!" Eliany asked.
"Something's holding me...."
"That's just me. I'm scared, it's dark and cold and I'm starting to think
of small insect things....I can feel them....never mind."
"And you tell me I have a big imagination!"
"Well, you have....dragons, pfff."
Suddenly they came into a much larger passage. A cave.
"Think this might be the centre of the mountain?" Eliany asked.
"Could be, it's not uncommon for volcano's to have air bubbles..."
"This is a volcano?" Eliany's fear was only noticeable through the
widening of her eyes.
"Sure, didn't I tell you? It's extinct though." Enyda turned around
and started counting.
"I wonder how big this place is."
"Can't we just find the way out?"
"No, think of it as research, you got into science today, right?"
"You know I was kidding."
"Of course, but that doesn't mean i can't use it to torment you with. I'm
your sister, I deserve it."
"Come on! I'm not that bad, I can think of way worse sister's than me!"
"Yes, but I don't have to live with them."
Eliany screamed.
"Now don't try that on me again! I know it's you Eliany..." Enyda said as
she turned. She stopped mid sentence, her comment freezing in her mouth when
she saw the big eyes her sister had seen.
"We are not alone in here."
"Ya think?"
Suddenly all lights were switched on and people ran in. But neither of the
sisters noticed that, they were too busy looking at the first dragon they
had ever seen from up close.
"Are you staying on for the hatching like
they asked?" Enyda asked.
"I think I might....Impressing a dragon seems cool."
"Yeah, but I don't think we'll ever get home after that...."
"We'll just be missing in action...nothing big, anything could happen to us
on that trip. That's why I think we got chosen, the real intelligent ones
would be able to safely stay home."
"No, I can't believe that."
"No? You never wondered why you got a place and Ivoryn didn't? She was
smarter than you....you can't deny that."
"Maybe, but still...I'd like to get home one day."
"Well we can, remember what they said about between?"
"And remember what you wanted to do just to see one again? I'm surprised you
didn't say yes like you usually do when you see a new creature."
"This is different. It's not just a creature."
"No, but think of the adventure!"
"Ok, I think I'll stay..." Enyda said still doubting a little.
"That's the spirit!"
To the Dragons
