Flight 12
Fire (Autumn) Tairim and Flame-Sunset Ryuen

Draca walked through the plains of Lantessama Isle and smiled when she suddenly saw the flying shape of Fire Tairim. Kale was coming to Lantessama from Calliente. For a moment Draca wondered how she knew Tairim in her dragon form when she had before only seen her in the humanoid form all dragons took on in the alternate dimension. But then, she had also immediately recognised Ryuen in his human form. Maybe there was more dragon in her than she would admit.
Smiling broadly she ran toward where Tairim wanted to land. Carefully staying out of harm’s way Draca waited only long enough for Tairim to touch down before she nearly leapt into Kale’s arms.
"I’ve missed you." She said and kissed him.
"Ehm… Draca."
"I thought you needed me here."
"Of course I do! You wouldn’t accuse me of lying, now would you?"
"Your exact words were: Lantessama is darkened and troubled."
"everywhere is darkened and troubled if you’re not there."
She replied with a wink, "Would you have come if I had just said that I needed you."
"You know I have to search…"
"If more people search, the trouble is lessened considerably."
"Besides, I figured Tairim would be reaching adulthood about now."
"You guessed right."
Kale answered looking at his dragon friendly nuzzling Ryuen.
"We could always use more seasons."
"Ah,, you think Tairim and Ryuen could produce these fabled creatures?"
"Just look at her." Draca pointed with a grin, "She’s already learning."
Tairim fixated a bright yellow flame in front of her face. The flame grew bigger and bigger, swaying. Kale for a moment wondered what creature was pestering his dragon now, when the realisation hit him that his dragoness had created the flame herself.
"Draca?" he asked.
"I had reason to believe this would work, and now I see that I was right. Tairim is a season, maybe not a Lantessama season, but a season none the less. We need her."
"Are you sure that Ryuen will be up to the challenge?"
"There is no other dragon who can."
Draca smiled, "Try and stop him!"
"I think she wouldn’t let me."
He said, "I guess I can stay for a while."
"You try so hard to look cool…"
Draca teased.
"You mean I’m not?"
Laughing Draca ran off while their dragons flew off to have their own chase in the air. After all, Tairim wasn’t going to let Ryuen catch her without a fight.

"How's it going, Tairim?" Draca asked.
"I have finished."
"Mind letting us know how many eggs you got there?" Kale asked.
"I mind."
"What is she saying, Draca?" Kale asked.
"Mystery Clutch!" Draca called out, "We'll get as many candidates as we can for your eggs."