Flight 1
Gold Frynoth
and Bronze Ensith
Although Frynoth's flight was an open
flight, no-one doubted Ensith would fly her and no-one doubted that was what
everyone wanted. As weyrwoman, Trix had to leave her flights open, giving
even chances to all likely weyrleaders. But Donriven was a good weyrleader
and everyone liked them. Everyone could see the Trix and Donriven were madly
in love aswell. It would be Frynoth's second open mating flight, her second
one had been for Ensith only.
Frynoth drained her second herdbeast and snatched a third. She almost seemed
brighter then the sun! Trix shielded her eyes, but kept close control over
Frynoth's thoughts, her thoughts were somehow kept from her. Trix felt the
hunger, but not the words in her mind. Frynoth leapt in the air when the
third herdbeast was nearly dead, leaving it's carcass to Trix' surprise. The
males, figuring she would try to elude them followed quickly. She did a few
midair turns and tricks, then suddenly she disappeared. Ensith following
her. Trix thought it was highly unusual to go between on a mating flight,
especially since she now had lost all contact with her dragon. Donriven
looked around amazed, not knowing what had happened exactly. The other
riders shouted things to their dragons. Trix couldn't think clearly in all
this noise. Were was her Frynoth? She didn't feel her anywhere, anywhen...
Blacker, black, and cold intense, the dark of between doesn't need to make
Frynoth laughed as she emerged back into the real world, only 14 years
earlier, Ensith clutching her tail when he broke out of between a second
later. Ensith locked his tail and body to Frynoth's. Then they both went
back between...
Suddenly the two returned in midair, locked together in a mating flight. It
was the most unusual thing Trix had ever seen, the two dragons appearing
swirling in the air. She felt Donriven holding her hand and let him lead her
to her weyr.
Trix awoke to find her dragon moving around in the sand.
burying eggs it seemed.
"Frynoth, when did you start clutching?"
"Last night, while you were sleeping."
"You could have woken me up at least."
"No need. I can do this by myself."
"Of course, but then I would have known, I could have brought Donriven in
to see the eggs and gotten lights to keep you company and count them, so i
can be proud of you."
"No need for lights, it was very clear here."
Her dragon replied cryptically.
"What do you mean? Very clear?"
Trix got out of her sleeping bag and noticed the glowing on all the walls.
She saw 10 little mounds. 5 of them were shimmering softly. The 5 shimmering
had a tint that distinguished them as one of each Pernese colour. Near the
glowing gold egg, there was a normal gold.
"2 queens! wow this will be a special clutch! We'll need at least 10
candidates and preferable 14 or so. I'm very proud of you my dear."
"It was all Ensith's idea to go between."
Frynoth explained.
"And we like you two more for that excellent idea." Trix smiled. She
couldn't wait to tell Donriven the good news.