Valentine 2004

Lucas carefully went down the ladder that elevated him to the ceiling of the holiday cavern. He had finished putting up the last of the decorations that would transform his little part of Tri Peak Isle into a lover's paradise... well a soap-lover anyway.
Cardboard figures of most historical and modern-day Earth soap characters lined the walls, hearts hung from the ceiling and white-red-pink guirlandes streamed down from every possible side. The food tables were covered by pastel pink cloths and white curtains covered the bare rock of the walls of the cavern. All in all the place looked far too pink for any man to enjoy, but the hatchlings would love it. It was just the type of environment -classic high school dance style- that they craved for.
Outside on the beach the large movie-screen had been set up to show old episodes of soap series and later that night, some classic romantic movies. Muted sounds of gasps and screams trickled down in the cavern, even with the walls covered in cloth. There must be quite a large crowd watching the episodes. Of course, soaps were addictive, Lucas knew that if he went out he might stay there too... always trying to find out what was going to happen next in the absurdness of it all.
"I think that's all." Lucas said looking around the cavern when he was on solid ground again.
Stretching her back and arching her shoulders, Cyan appeared from behind a curtain. 
"The finale is set as well." she sighed, "I hope it's worth all the work and the clean up."
"Of course it will be!" Lucas said, "I know my holidays, this will be perfect."
"The trap rope hangs from the secret entrance." Cyan winked, "I doubt anyone will know what hit them."
"Great." Lucas said, "Then it is time to bring in the candidates."
"The eggs aren't even vibrating yet!"
Cyan exclaimed.
"Wait a sec..." Lucas said, looking at his watch, blissful little technology, "3...2...1"
And the eggs started shaking. "I love technology." he smiled at Cyan.
"heh." she said back looking kind of stunned.
"Let's get the candidates! These babies won't wait long to see the light."
Cyan followed Lucas out the holiday cavern, telling herself to ask her husband later how in Elsewhere's name he had known to the second when these eggs would start shaking. Sure he had gengineered them, but to have such control over them...
Candidates trickled in, most of them the usual colourful batch that always showed up for these events. Lots of wacky humans, a pink vampire and even... a rukel. The Laedrysses had seen the interesting creatures before, some of the resident riders had acquired one or two, but they had never dreamed one would be able to bond. What would be next? Mutated fazzles?
Cyan's eyes suddenly lighted... that actually wouldn't be that bad an idea. But maybe one she'd better not share with anyone else.
The first two eggs broke open and a sudden gasp of expectance went through the audience. Most of them experienced the thrill of a truly glorious moment in one of their beloved sitcoms, but Lucas only smiled, this was the thing he lived for and he didn't need to remember sitcoms to describe the feeling.
One of the hatchlings, the obsydian with veined wings and dark pink clouded patterns all over his body sat down and stared to the walls around him and looked up at the ceiling. He had no intention to bond just yet. 
His sister in stead, a small pale pink female, trotted happily over to the waiting candidates. Her wings extended, touching the guirlandes and she uttered a happy squeak when some streamers came down to follow her every move. 
"Kariny!" she giggled happily, "Can I keep these as toys?"
"Eh, why not, Amanda." Kariny shrugged, grinning at her boyfriend, before she kneeled down and carefully touched the hatchling's wings. A bright pink heart-shaped tail suddenly hugged her tight to the little draconic body and Kariny felt wings close around her body.
"Will you be mine forever?" the hatchling asked.
"I already am." the doctor-to-be answered.
Lucas looked at the impression with a choked throat and a tear in his eye. Quickly he coughed and turned away to not give Cyan the idea that he was a big softy, though if he had thought this trough he should know that Cyan went mad for softies, why else had she fallen for him?
The next three eggs hatched. Out spilled a 2 females and a male. Before any of them had a chance to look at the candidates, the Obsydian-Love that had hatched a little while ago, walked between his siblings and focused his looks on a smaller female that looked much like him, only where he was black, she was the white of a pure opal.
"Opal-Love..." he whispered, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. You are the East and I... I am bound forever toward you."
"O Romeo..." the small white-pink dragoness exclaimed, gazing deep into his eyes.
"There will be no stars crossed for us two, my Juliet." Romeo answered.
"It'd better not." his bond answered, "But we still have no home to call our own."
"We will find a place that suits us, my love." Romeo answered.
The two other dragons on the sands, a dark nebula-black male and a swirly violet-pink female, catching on quickly to the idea of bonding a sibling, only needed to look into each other's eyes before the bond between them was stronger than Death.
"Brooke, you're absolutely gorgeous." the male said.
"My dark lover." she smiled back, not a shy bone in her body, a seductress from the egg.
Whatever there was in their future, be it true love or heartbreak, the time they spent together would be passionate and full of turmoil. An excellent soap couple, Lucas mused.
Before Lucas could think some more about the possibilities this clearly soap-inspired couple would bring with it for future Valentine clutches, the two new dragon pairs were crawling around his legs, asking him for a place to go to.
"Do we have a list?" Lucas asked, trying to keep his toes intact.
"In fact we do, Trix was so free to prepare one. There are 7 names on it."
"Just pick two and we'll send these couples off."
Cyan sighed and then said, "Lady Neisha's Holiday enclosure. There are some exclamation marks behind her name. I think we should keep this one happy."
"Hmm." Lucas said, "What's the other one?"
"Cy Dragonstake."
"With all the trouble they're having there we'd better send the second couple there. I'd imagine even a hydra would have a hard time dealing with that violet lady."

Twisted Violet Brooke looked up angrily at the Laedrys and was only stopped from slashing her tail in Lucas' eyes by her bond Thorne who looked up, eyes blazing "Hydras?"
"Yes, there are hydras you could battle there."
"Battle?" his confused reply came which even further ignited Brooke's anger.
"Yeah right..." Lucas said, thinking this dragonet would have better hatched in one of Donriven's clutches, "You will be picked up after the feast."
"Great." Brooke said whilst Romeo and Juliet just stared dreamily into each other's eyes.
Lucas shook his head and let Cyan walk the bonded pairs to the tables to feed them. His attention returned to the sands in the center where another five eggs were showing promising signs of hatching. Suddenly one burst open, crashing the other four with the shards blasting away in all directions.
Streaks of pink and purple became visible in the tangle of dragons trying to get off the sands and bond. It was a blood coloured male with nebula wings that struggled free first. Eyes blazing and wings extended outward he was quite a sight to see.
He moved to the candidates and walked past most of them to find the young man Will in the back.
"Dare not to try to stay hidden from me!" the hatchling roared.
"But Salem, I really don't need to bond a dragon..."
"Well you're too late. You're already mine." the dragonet said triumphantly.
"I am?" the college student asked, not sure what had happened. But then he felt the presence within him where a large hole had been ever since Zack had left him. "Oh..."
"See, you don't need anyone else anymore... not when you've got me." Salem winked.
The new pair walked to the feeding tables where they tried to still Salem's hunger. Will was so occupied that he didn't feel Zack's eyes on his back.
"I'm glad he bonded." Will's best friend told his girlfriend Jean.
"Are you thinking of him again!" she sneered, "Really, I think a real break up might do wonders for you."
"Huh? We never were... involved."
"That mister, is called denial."
"What could I be denying myself? There never was something to begin with."

"I second that!" a high orange-sounding voice suddenly added.
"What was that?" Zack asked Jean.
"What was what?" she asked.
"That voice!"
"You're hearing things..."

"Then so are you!" a frosty pink voice sounded in her ears.
"Dragons?" Jean asked.
"That must be it!" Zack exclaimed, "But... where are they?"
Zack and Jean looked around the cavern, but they could see no dragons looking at them. There did seem to be fewer dragons in the center ring where there had been many before... but where could those be hiding?
"The secret passage way, of course!" a giggle sounded right behind them.
Zack and Jean turned around to see two baby dragons, one bright pink, one yellow-orange emerge from behind a white curtain. Trailing behind them was a string of hearts and cans reading 'Just Married'
"Is this a proposal?" Jean asked, looking happily into Zack's eyes.
"Eh..." Zack started, but was rewarded by a shove in his back and the feeling of a small metal ring being pressed in his hand by a dragon behind him.
"Where did you get this?" he asked nearly panicking.
"We grabbed it from one of the cardboards." the orange voice chuckled, "Now what are you waiting for! Kiss the girl!" (shalalala)
Zack shrugged. If he was conned into proposing by such devious little romantic minds, than who was he to resist? He hadn't given the thought of marriage much thought...but the look in Jean's eyes convinced him to go through with the scam. She looked so happy and he realised he loved her more than anyone else in his life.
"Including me?"
"Probably, Harvey." Zack said.
He was rewarded by another strike from the dragon's tail. "Ouch!"
Meanwhile, Jean was being informed of their plans to honeymoon under the fabulous skies of Lantessama and maybe later... when Harvey and Sabrina were large enough, to a more tropical place where they'd touch the stars.
"It's just perfect..." Jean sighed, "How did you know?"
"Eh, just lucky I guess."
Zack stuttered.
"We helped!" Sabrina couldn't resist to say. 
Two dragons were still walking through the eggs in the cavern. The candidates looked admiringly at the black 'n white male and the white-pink female whose wings looked like they could shed thousands of blossom petals if a wind entered the cave.
Some of the candidates tried to position themselves in front of the two hatchlings, but they had only eye for each other.
The dark male who looked somehow wrong to be in this hatching, too strong, too unromantic, too non-Valentine, circled once more and finally sat down. The pink female, his very opposite, a true Valentine dragon looked back at him and finally snuggled up under his front paws. To everyone's surprise the larger male allowed his sibling the hug and actually protected her with his entire bulk. The female nearly disappeared behind him and kept their thoughts private for the world.
"Where do these go?" Lucas asked.
"Dragon Willow."
The pair got up from their hug and walked away from the sands to the food tables, the black 'n white growling at everyone who got too close to his beloved bond. In the process of scaring away unwanted humans, he crashed two eggs together with his tail which promptly hatched. Two eggs spilled onto the sands, two males falling out of the shattered shells.
The two had not much pink in their hides and stood out in the decorated room. The pale yellow-bluish one was the first to make his move. He sailed past his brother, the tables with food, though he couldn't resist to sniff the smells radiating from them, and several of the candidates before he stopped.
"How you remind me..." he whispered.
"Could it be?" the girl in front of the opal-dawn dragon asked herself.
"The name's Chad."
"Chad... My Chad?"
"Feeling way too damn good."
Yarissa would have danced if she had had the room. She would have sung her favourite songs if she would have dared... but nothing, absolutely nothing could compare to what she was experiencing now. She was in heaven.
The other male on the sands also headed out to the candidates. He was more red than the previous hatchling, but his wings and body were tinted orange, giving him a very warm look. With a dominant gaze he looked over the candidates. Carefully he weighed if he should bind his life to one of these humans. His gaze touched every face, briefly scanned every mind until he found what he had been looking for.
"Aren't you the jealous type..." he said for only his chosen to hear.
One of the candidates flicked his head up and looked straight at the hatchling. It was one of the hospital-crew that had arrived at Lantessama only recently. Professor Movolsky took a step forward, wrinkled his forehead and then said in his mind.
"I'm not!"
"Heh! You can keep no secrets for Mind's Desire Cox...I know what you crave more than live."
"A research grant?" the professor asked.
"Being world famous. Keep it up with that blond student of yours and you'll surely get it... maybe not exactly what you wanted." the dragon grinned.
Movolsky looked over his shoulder at Kilimay with whom he had only recently started a forbidden relationship. If they would get caught his career would be over... but those forbidden fruits always tasted the sweetest. Movolsky knew he couldn't just up and leave.
"I'm not saying you should..." Cox interfered his thoughts, "I'm just saying you should be careful. You're a surgeon damnit! Act like one! In stead of running around like a schoolboy."
Movolsky waited for the dragon to reach him and then led him to the feeding tables, discussing how he would get famous know that he had a dragon to hide in plain sight and whether or not to switch to plastic surgery and leave his teaching job.
More eggs rumbled and split open causing the remaining candidates to focus their eyes on the crawling dragons. So too were the eyes of Kilimay, Movolsky's student and lover. Their relationship was based on irritation and admiration, two things that could really spice things up.
"Hey there." she whispered when she felt a surge go through her mind.
Kilimay had been waiting for it to happen. She had been checking her mind for thoughts other than her own and finally she found one. Hunger, mind-throbbing, pain-releasing hunger. Keeping the feelings under control she looked at the dragons to find the one she could feel in her mind.
Kilimay's eyes locked onto a large female in bright flaming colours. There was something strange with the wings of the dragoness. They were pale red, but the lines on them seemed to move and shift as light hit them, at times becoming almost completely transparent. 
"You found me." was all the female said.
"How could I not find you? I'm one of the best in my year." Kilimay answered.
"Knowledge and Knowing are not always the same." Elliot spoke, "My expertise lays in sensing."
"Does it?"
"Yes... I sense I am hungry."
Kilimay laughed out loud. "Then we better get you feeling satisfied!"
Lucas walked closer and closer to the secret passageway. He needed to be there by the end of the hatching or his surprise would be ruined. But he just couldn't seem to slip back unnoticed. Another dragon pair slowly walked over to him, dragging too much attention for the candidates to miss him heading of. Lucas had no illusions about surprising the dragons, you just simply couldn't keep a secret from them... but at least they would keep it quiet.
Lucas hastily returned a few steps away from the secret passageway and gratefully took the list Cyan handed him. The dragons took their time reaching him, the male of the couple was bright red with faded orange-yellow wings that looked almost like the morning sky. His bond was about the same size, which wasn't particularly large or small. But from the moment Lucas studied her he could see why this couple got so much attention. The female was absolutely gorgeous. Her hide seemed a faded grey-purple with marks of sunset colouring. Her wings even more caught his eye, with the swirling patterns of bright sunset colours brightening her overall appearance.
Finally the couple reached him. "Names please?" Lucas asked.
"Carter..." the male said.
"... and Lucy." the female added.
"I'm assigning you two to Darkling Dawn. Have fun at the feast."
"We will." the male said while the female just smiled sadly.
Another dragonet, a female, was now ready to come from the sands. She was large for a female and to Lucas didn't really look like she was much into the spirit of Love and Pinkness. Her hide was a faded green which shone bright red in the light, large dark red flowers bloomed on her wings, seeming almost like poison.
The dragoness walked over to the candidates, swishing her tail and burgundy-red hair in every possible direction. She smashed more than one egg while she waded through them, walking like she knew where she was going, but without actually focusing her eyes.
She kicked yet another egg out of her path, shattering it and hurting the dragon inside. The pastel purple male screeched, but the Burgundy Tulip female never looked back to see what she had done. That wasn't her style.
"Carys." she said in a low, husky voice, "We were made for each other."
"I don't know, Sally..." the rukel said.
"Oh, but I am. Together we could manipulate everyone we want."
"Hmmm, I'd definately like that." the rukel said, "But why me?"
"Who ever suspects the pastel pink, fluffy animal?"
"Entity!" the rukel remarked, baring her teeth, "But I can see what you mean."
"So are we a match?"
"We are." the rukel said, grinning. Now she would show that Tyreon what she was made of!
Meanwhile, the pastel purple dragon whose egg Sally had broken was still on the sands. He felt lonely and hurt... why didn't anyone come for him? In fact several candidates were trying to get to the young male, but they were held back by his siblings who awkwardly moved alongside them and the movements of the dragonets who still were in their eggs.
Finally, after a few minutes, the little purple hatchling felt the touch of human hands on his wing as the human tried to find what was wrong with the hatchling. Carefully prying in the human's mind the baby dragon could see charts, diagrams and he heard strange names. But what he saw in that head he liked. This person knew how to heal and little Jesse had learned at an extremely young age that he wasn't invincible.
"A little lower!" he said, arching his wing a bit further.
"Where does it hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt that much anymore now that you're here, Marix."
"Oh. Then maybe we should join Kariny and Amanda, Jesse, because I can feel you're dangerously on the verge of fainting from hunger."
Making a fake-swoon move the hatchling got up and ran to the table where he quickly sat down next to the pink Amanda, getting a piece of her sugar-coated cupcake. Marix smiled at Kariny: "At least they get along already." He said.
"We're lucky."
"Have I told you that you look fabulous in soft light?"

On the sands there were barely any eggs left unhatched and the center was full of activity. Young dragons were all around. Two more dragons walked away from the center and headed over to the candidates.
The first of the couple, a pale green female with bright golden marks on her wings and a calm disposition turned to the young woman U-son. She and her friend, Alexander, had been the last to arrive on the isle. Their story -the few things the Laedrysses had learned- were weird to say the least. So was the dragon that headed toward her. Her colours weren't exactly valentine-themed. But she had hatched from this clutch and so she was a Valentine dragon.
"U-son!" the dragoness said with a soothing voice, "My name is Aestas. I am summer, the summer that will forever keep you and your man together."
"I take it you don't enjoy blondes either." U-son smiled.
"I detest them!" she said.
The male of the couple, a dark purple so faded he was almost blue, with bright stripes on his wings made his move towards U-son's companion, Alexander.
"And my name is Traan." He said with dignity in his voice.
A deep lingering presence filled Alexander's mind, a presence that knew all his secrets and his deepest wishes... even his previous lives. And this did not worry Alexander. Because he knew this creature could be trusted, just like he would trust Cerberus.
While these two bonded, two more dragonets came forward to Lucas, followed by another two. The first couple consisted of two Obsydian dragons. One was marked with an intricate pattern of purple stripes, while the other one was shaded in deep pink. They treated each other like they were the only dragons around that mattered. The love between them was deep and eternal, but it was also of a dark, egoistic kind. These dragons cared for no-one but the other. 
"Where shall we be headed, human." The male asked.
"Names?" Lucas asked.
"Ridge." The male spat out.
"Taylor." The female added.
"You two will go to Abri." Lucas said.
With a haughty look they left Lucas where he was, which was only a few metres from the secret passageway where he was headed. 
The next couple, was a lot more playful. The female and male often stopped to look each other in the eyes and whisper silent words into each other ears... The female was a bright clouded pink that went fabulously with the decorations, the male was darker. Though he looked like he would protect his female, there was also a dark edge about him, something that reflected in his blood-coloured hide and the dark patches lingering on his back.
"Names?" Lucas asked again.
"Abby." The pink female said, trying to read the paper he was holding.
Lucas carefully held the paper closer to his face. The male didn't look very pleased that his bond wasn't allowed to read the sponsor requests.
"Luka." He said, his eyes smouldering.
Lucas decided not to get on the wrong side of this dragon. "You will head of to a place called Rose Garden, It was specially prepared for you."
"Oh, It sounds wonderful..." the pink female said, poking her bond, "Don't you think so, Luka?"
"Yes, wonderful..." the dragon muffled, making no attempt to sound excited.
Lucas shrugged and pointed the new pair to the feeding table where Cyan was getting swamped by the dragon pairs. Luckily a few of the candidates who had already bonded, were helping her distribute the food, all the while busy getting themselves extras of the Valentine cake and frosting.
There were three more eggs laying on the sands and two dragons still finding their way through the shells that were dangerously sharp for newborn paws. One of the dragons kept looking at one of the remaining eggs. He had been headed for the candidates, but now his direction changed. He was bound for the egg, no-one quite knew what was the matter.
The other hatchling, a black and white female with red edges on her wings and body didn't care for the remaining eggs. She walked over to the person she knew was hers, the recently awakened Myriam was just her match. With all the grace her opal body could muster, and all the passion her blood-tipped wings and shining red eyes could bring fort, she walked across the small sands.
"Myriam!" she called out.
"Serena?" Myriam asked, the feeling of being alive now only returning to her. Through the bond with the small dragoness she could feel her heart beating, the 
pulsating of her blood in his veins. But now the sensation was not as painful as it had been before. It was all making sense again.
The young Palestinian woman looked up at the man, her eyes reflecting her re-found beauty, the beauty he had bestowed upon her with the magic in his hands, those wonderful hands... And she smiled. A glorious smile that warmed Kofar to the depth of his soul.
"And I had nothing to do with that?" a voice asked in his head.
Kofar turned around and saw... a pale silver dragon with pale yellow wings mirroring the light of the sun outside, even though it couldn't penetrate the cavern.
"Of course you had something to do with it, Kevin..." Kofar said gently, "I just didn't realise it yet."
"Then it is ok." The dragon answered, "Then I will stay with you... and Serena."
The blood Opal looked up for a moment and then lashed down her eyes. Unsure of what to say to that remark.
One more candidate, two eggs left and one very distressed dragon. Finally he couldn't just keep crying out for help since nobody came. He was help and there was only one thing he could do.
The male dragon started clawing at the shell, muscles strained and his wings flexed and shuddered. Hairline cracks appeared in the shell and finally there were enough chips in the shell for the clouded metallic red male to start pulling of larger pieces of the shell. Bit by bit the faded purple skin from the dragon below the shell was revealed to the audience. The dragon's colour didn't predict much good... almost like they were also too late.
"Delilah!" the male screeched through all the minds assembled in the hatching cavern.
A faint mumble answered, but only a select few could hear it, Cyan and Lucas being two of them. The dragoness inside was still alive, but only barely. Cyan was already rushing to the center of the sands, when the red male had cut his bond loose.
"Delilah!" he yelled over and over, clutching the tiny female in his arms. Rocking her. Cyan gently pushed his wings from obscuring her sight. She could see the small dragoness, her eyes were closed, but a faint smile played around her lips. 
"She's ok!" Cyan called out to Lucas, "She's going to make it."
The red male calmed down a bit and carried his bond to the feeding tables, trying to get her to eat some of the sweets presented there.
"Where are we sending these?" Cyan asked.
"The Vella Crean is all that's left on the list." Lucas said.
Cyan cocked her head and arched her eyebrows, "Do we really want to trust these two to the mad scientist, Shy?"
"We have no choice."
"But she is so weak..."
Cyan hesitated.
"She's got her bond to protect her... and If I learned anything in bible studies, I bet you his name is Samson."
Lucas quickly winked at Cyan and then crossed the last few metres that brought him to the secret passageway. He vanished behind the curtains, followed a minute later by Cyan. Then as the last of the eggs cracked open, revealing a small shimmering pink dragoness, the last surprise of Lucas revealed itself. Large pink, white and red balloons rained down from the ceiling, accompanied by thousands of silvery shreds of paper, reflecting the light.
The opal pink female looked up in surprise and soon found herself covered in pinkness. For a moment all was silent in the cavern. But only for a moment, these hatchlings were far from the silent type. They were talkative, passionate and emotional. Screeching with joy, all hunger forgotten in that moment, all hatchlings dived in forming one great mass of pink and purple with spots of black, white, red and orange.
Within minutes though, one dragon, the last hatchling struggled free from the pile of siblings. She had business to attend to, a life to start. Without a single doubt she headed to the candidates.
"Rose..." she said regally.
"That's me." the female vampire guardian answered.
"My name is Freya and you can take me home."
"To the Tunnel of Love."
"Such an intriguing name..." the hatchling said smiling, there was something about her smile that didn't quite measure up to the status of newly hatched dragon. The look in her eyes spoke of age and wisdom that had come with it.
But no-one in the cave cared for what they might see in the eyes of someone else's dragon. That was ridiculous. Everyone had found what they had wanted that day, and they could read more than enough in the eyes and minds of their own newfound bonds.
Not even the Laedrysses were around to see it... in fact they had snuck out earlier. To enjoy what would surely be a magical day.

Carys and Burgundy Tulip Sally (f)  -  The Bold and the Beautiful
Rose TwistedHeart and Opal Pink Freya (f)  -  Godess of Love
Alexander and Rain of Twilight Traan (m)  -  Dutch for Tear
U-son and Pale Summer Aestas (f)  -  Latin for Summer
Myriam and Obsydian Blood-Opal Serena (f)  -  Port Charles
Prof Kofar and Silverlight Dawn Kevin (m)  -  Port Charles
Kilimay and Dawn's Blood Elliot (f)  -  Scrubs
Prof Movolsky and Mind's Desire Cox (m)   -  Scrubs
Marix and Purple Jesse (m)  -  Diagnosis Murder
Kariny and Pink Amanda  (f)  -  Diagnosis Murder
Zack and Morning Sun's Fog Harvey (m)  -  Sabrina, Teenage Witch
Jean and Frosty Pink Sabrina (f)  -  Sabrina, Teenage Witch
Will and Nebula's Blood Salem (m)  -  Sabrina, Teenage Witch
Yarissa and Opal-Dawn Chad (m)  -  Nickleback Frontman

Sponsored Pairs
Night's Eye Ridge (m)  & Pink-streaked Obsydian Taylor (f) to Abri  -  The Bold and the Beautiful
Tainted Nebula Thorne (m) & Twisted Violet Brooke (f) to Cy  -  The Bold and the Beautiful
Shining Red Carter (m) & Faded Sunset Lucy (f) to Darkling Dawn  -  ER
Black 'n White Shane (m) & Pink Blossomed Angel (f) to Dragon Willow  -  Home and Away
Obsydian-Love Romeo (m) & Opal-Love Juliet (f)  to Neisha -  Shakespeare
Crimson Heart Luka (m) & Clouded Pink Abby (f) to Tiger  -  ER
Clouded Metallic Red Samson (m) & Fading Metallic Nebula Delilah (f) to Vella Crean  -  Bible