Run 2004 (C)
Part 5: Candidates.
The run has been run, the matches made and (at least)
58 gorgeous
eggs laid in the dunes around Tri-Peak Isle. Wingless dragonesses lay all
around, guarding their eggs from being trampled. They don't look too happy
when you come close. It's most likely better to head for the library and
find out what's going on there.
In the Library you see sign-up cheats hanging everywhere. Each sheet has
only 2 to 4 places on it, but the multitude of possibilities to choose
from makes that up. After you have wandered around a moment you start to
see some logic in the way the papers are hanging.
Each sign up cheat lists one female, divided or not depended on how many
mates she has had in the Run. There is a short description about what you
might expect to be in the eggs as well as a preview (being added as we
draw them).
Let's also state clearly that these eggs could be miscounted. Laedrys Trix
has never been good at doing math without a calculator, which sadly broke
down a week before the female runners decided to clutch.
Continue to Part6: The Run Hatching