Lantessama Isle - Flower Adoption Form

Just tell me which container you'd like to take home and we'll set you up with some care instructions and you'll be ready to grow your own plant dragon!

Plant dragons should go on a webpage so I can link to them in the records.

As a species they're relatively tolerable so they're happy to lounge around on web pages without much story/care. Or they can serve as characters that can in their own right impress another dragon or adoptable. 

Please provide a link back to Lantessama Isle so people know where the dragon came from.

Please save the image of the dragon on your own harddrive and upload it to your webpage/equivalent. 


Your Name:

E-mail/Nexus Discord Handle:

Candidates Name:

Candidate's Gender:
female   male   other (please specify)

Candidates URL:

Desired Sprout:

Dragon Names:
