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Name: Dyami
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Description: short light blond hair, hazel eyes
Personality: Impulsive, Sarcastic and Adventurous, often landing himself into trouble.
Name: Valin
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Description: long silky brown hair, brown eyes
Personality: Smart, Careful but unable to leave others to their own bad decisions.

omewhere not so far away from Savannah castle, two young men walking next to each other.
"I just knew I shouldn't have come with you." one of the men said. He had long, silky brown hair and soft brown eyes.
"You cry baby!"
This man, clearly older than the other, looking vagually, was walking in front, taking big strides. This older male, with light blond hair that was very short cut, and with brown-green eyes said.
"Valin, you are my younger brother and you should always listen to me."
"We both know I'm the more sane one of us two Dyami." Valin said. then covered his mouth with his hands in shock.
Dyami stopped and turned around to look at his brother. The look in Dyami's eyes was warning Valin.
Valin thought back on how it had been when they were younger, well actually nothing had changed since then. He had always followed his brother, his brother got him into trouble, and still he followed him around.
Annoyed by his own behaviour, Valin kept silent the rest of the way, thinking about how they grew up...
Valin and Dyami were both boys from a not so wealthy family. Valin was the fifth and youngest boy of the family, Dyami, his brother, was the second youngest. All of them were hard workers. Even though Dyami was only a year older, he still acted as if he was the boss of Valin. Even when Valin had always been the smartest of the two. He always tried to plan his actions, to think before he acted, but mainly because of Dyami he'd always gotten into trouble. Dyami was more impulsive, just doing whatever popped into his mind, usually giving some sarcastic response when he got scolded.
It only got worse as they grew up. Even now, when they both should have found a woman to marry, Dyami thought how wonderful it would be to just travel around Icarus, and live off faith. Since Valin knew his brother would get into trouble after about 10 paces, he'd joined the journey against better judgement.
Now both of them were travelling through some forest that he never had known excisted. Valin hoped they would find a town or Castle soon, so they didn't have to spend the night outside.
"You see! You got us lost again!" Valin shouted, angry at his brother.
"We're not lost. I'll show you. Behind those trees is a castle or a village or something."
"I don't trust it, it's getting dark. Soon we won't be able to see anything at all."
"Oh will you shut up Valin!" Dyami said. "you really are just a whimp."
turning red of anger, Valin opened  his mouth and then closed it again.
"You can't even answer me properly." Dyami snorted.
"I saw something move over there." Valin whispered. Dyami turned to where his brother pointed. Valin grabbed his brother's arms. "You are not going over there." he said firmly. "It would be good if you listened to me this once."
Dyami stood next to his brother, with his arms crossed over his chest, looking hot and bothered. Why should he listen to his brother? That would really be a first.
"Come out of the bushes so we can see you." Valin said calmly.
"What? you think it'll just come out for us to see?" Dyami snapped irritated.
"You never know." Valin answered softly. And even though Valin himself hadn't suspected for whatever was skulking about to come out of the bushes, it did. The leaves gave way to a reddish brown mud drak.
"I'm sssorry to have dissturbed your walk." he said
"Varalan.. What are you doing? It's dangeroussss!" a green plant drak followed suit.
The two young men waited uncomfortably as the two large but supposedly benevolent reptilians argued among themselves. Finally, Dyami could not contain himself any longer.
"Are you draks?" he asked.
Valin had attempted to hold his brother back by grabbing his arm but of course that had not quieted his mouth.
"Do you happen to know the nearest Castle? We're in need of lodging." Valin added.
"Oh, we can take you to the nearest Castle alright." Varalan agreed.




