Abazzu Castle

Adnacqi Mud* M Knight UP
Amtiov Night M Knight, M DP
Bremehze Fire* M Knight UP
Celazzh* Desert* M Knight UP
Debany* Mud* M Knight UP
D'meriaaw Day M Knight, M 1/2 DP
Erichea* Plant* M Knight UP
Evlaroom Fire M Knight, M DP
Faiseach* Night* F Knight UP
Gnosis Ore F Knight, M DP
Grazeeh* Rain* F Knight UP
Haliefct* Desert* M Knight UP
Iphizhaz* Day* F Knight UP
Jafipo* Plant* M Knight UP
Kydamua* Ore* F Knight UP
Lasibry* Night M Knight UP
Misanyba* Earth F Knight UP
Nanokls* Ore* M Knight UP
Nyquom Desert M Knight, M DP
Othectef* Forest* F Knight UP
Pallohbi Rain F Knight, M DP
Pikihto* Day° M Knight UP
Remalsok* Water F Knight UP
Shirezro* Day F Knight, M DP
Sirapofi* Rain* F Knight UP
Taajhol* Wind* F Knight UP
Theonoros Nebula* M Knight 1/2 UP
Ussoljh* Earth* M Knight UP
Verbelaw Earth* M Knight, M 3/4 DP
Voluqiac* Water* F Knight UP
Xedoan Forest F Knight, M DP
Xynryib* Forest* F Knight UP
Yiltoih* Wind F Knight UP


F Knight, M DP
Zemakgi Water F Knight, M DP
Zhanuaam* Fire* M Knight UP

Enadula Ore F Knight? 1/2
Manidaaw Fire M Adult 1/4 UP
Serenla Rain* F Adult 1/4


M Adult, M DP

This layout was made by me. If you want to use it, please ask.
Planet Icarus is an independently created fantasy world that is in no way related to any works of fiction, published or unpublished, sci-fi or otherwise. Planet Icarus is not "Fan Fiction" relating to any other fantasy world, nor is it a derivative of any other fantasy world."