
Name Liïiqu
Type Night
Generation 1
Gender Female
Age Adult
Knight Siran
Castle of Origin Wo Yao Fei Castle
Armada Nyukai Armada (Wo Yao Fei)
Function Knight, Guard
Trainer --
Parents --
Clutch Siblings --
Life Mate --

1. Plant Boom at Chindor Castle 4 Aaron and Rain Reomqu
Dawn Shirezro and Desert Nyquom
??? and Plant Waequom
??? and Ore Teïomqu (f)

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Planet Icarus is an independently created fantasy world that is in no way related to any works of fiction, published or unpublished, sci-fi or otherwise. Planet Icarus is not "Fan Fiction" relating to any other fantasy world, nor is it a derivative of any other fantasy world."