1. General
Name: Wicena
Size: Medium, about the size of a horse
Care: Full Time
Bonder: Vital for survival
Stages: egg, hatchling, child, youth, novice, master, (grand master)
Wicenas are graceful flyers that live in the high mountains in the middle
of Gineya. All wicenas are born as pures and named by the residing grand
masters. Afterwards they choose their bond and will train with him/her. When
the new wicenas reach youth stage they are called back to the Vale and
judged by the grand masters. Each grand master will then take on some
students and grant them their first power and colouring. When the wicena is
found fit he/she will graduate to master and get two more skills. The colour
given at the novice stage is permanent and will determine the strengths,
weaknesses and magic of the wicenas.
For a list of powers wicenas can study, visit this
3. Mating Info
Wicenas mate for life, so choose carefully. Wicenas can mate all year
round and usually the female has a small clutch of 2-5 eggs. They can mate
from masterhood which is the adult stage. The skills of the parents will have nothing to do with the
skills of their children, the human trainer however has a great influence.
4. Colours
AIR: |
Common. Air wicenas
command the element air with basic
skills like commanding the wind direction and levitation.
Common. Water
wicenas command the element water with
basic skills like healing and casting rain.
Common. Fire wicenas
command the element fire with
basic skills like creating flames and shielding.
Common. Earth
wicenas command the element earth with
basic skills like causing draught and particle telekinesis.
Common. Forest
wicenas command the plants with basic
skills like increasing grow and hiding.
Common. Emotion
wicenas command animals and humans with
basic skills like causing intense emotion and hypnosis.
Common. Spirit
wicenas can read the unique energy of our thoughts. They understand the
fabric of reality and command it's energy.
Unusual. Light wicenas spend a lot of time thinking
about what is right. They feel a higher calling and keep the peace with
basic skills like light and healing.
Unusual. Dark wicenas tend to have bigger plans for
everyone, like it or not. They get bored easily and love to play
tactical games with high stakes. Basic skills are creating shadows and
Rare. Exceptional wicenas who live to serve and
sacrifice might become pure. They possess great power that surmounts to
being able to alter time and history, but also great responsability and