If you didn't get the link to this page you have no need to be here :p that is if you haven't found all 14 wyld roamers yet. Otherwise, this page might be handy :p But still, you shouldn't be here...
Ok, there are 2 rare dragons in every area (except the library, well there's the lifestream, but she's off limits). Pictures are to be added later :)

1.Whispering Plains

Savannah: Proud, loyal dragons that live in the borderlands of the plains. They posses Wind magic.

Dust: Solid, stubborn dragons that can have quite a temper when they don't like something going on. They posses Earth magic.

2.Sparen Forest
Tree: Friendly, if not slightly naive dragons with a love for all plants. They posses Nurturing magic to make their beloved forest grow.

Data Flow: Small, playful dragons that are partly transparent. They posses Energy and Transmorphing powers.

3.Fylaris Mountains

Stone: Stubborn, grey-hued dragons that generally live solitary on the mountain slopes. They posses the magic to break and shape stone.

Snow: Brilliant White Whimsical Dragons that live in the eternal snow. They posses Ice magic they use to create elaborate ice sculptures (they're a bit vain)

4.Arachnida Ice

Gletsjer: Frigid, Rigid dragons that will not sway from the path of Good. They posses Ice magic and have a gaze that can freeze any person.

Hot Springs: Lonely dragons who like to stay hidden from humans. They posses Steam magic to melt ice, but also to hide themselves.

5.Ankyla Forest
Fae: Mysterious dragons that have a tendency to flee and or vanish when seen. They posses the greatest Vanishing/Teleport skills among the dragons and use them often.

Lake: Calm, placid dragons that enjoy to be one with nature. They posses gentle Water magic like healing, relaxing and controlling hot currents.

6.Hoorn Cliffs

Cave: Shy, hiding dragons that live in the caves of the Hoorn Cliffs. They are very rare indeed. They posses Earth and Rock magic.

River: Wild, rash dragons with a love for the unknown and the dangerous. They posses River magic, controlling it like a transport animal (but even those can be stubborn at times)

7.Eiken Forest
Thorn: Brave dragons that set a goal and then live for the completion of it. They posses great Telekinesis and Telepathy skills (hence their usefulness as finders)

Moss: Dependable dragons with a dry sense of humor that are very easy to love. They posses Growth magic.

8.Kethoda Isle
Eden: The resident Good dragons are very rare, so seldomly seen that they are considered myth. They can use White Magic in all it's forms (making them very powerful).

Underworld: The counterpart of the Edens, these dragons are more prone to evil and selfishness. They can use Black Magic in all it's forms (making them very powerful).

9.Deadly Mountains

Lightning: Gallant, introvert dragons in black that are born in thunderstorms. They posses Energy magic

Glider: Daredevil dragons that live for the thrill of falling. Living isn't complete for them without first experiencing the feeling of it's opposite. They posses Wind magic.

10.Arawn Swamp
LureLight: Seductive, luminescent dragons that have been known to lure people into the swamp. It isn't known if they are evil, or just unfortunate. They posses Lure magic.

Snake: Offensive dragons that are easily angered and offended. They posses Stealth and Camouflage magic. 

11.Veryi Desert
Cactus: Fired up dragons that enjoy a good fight once in a while and don't mind to play dirty. They posses great Storing magic, though why they need to collect so many items is a mystery.

Oasis: Refreshingly honest dragons that posses enough tact to know when to stay quiet. They posses Replenishing magic and can heal small wounds.

12.Cohuchi Bay
Wave: Adventure seekers from the moment they are born till the day they die, these dragons are always on the move. They posses some nifty Teleport skills.

Foam: Reckless dragons, but very charming despite their habit of getting into trouble. They posses control over the Currents.

13.Kunmie Isle
Aphrodisiac: Very loveable dragons with a love for gossip and matchmaking. They posses binding magic (mind, not all binds are made of love).

Acantha: Small, eccentric, jovial dragons that can talk their way into the hearts of many. They posses Charm magic.