
Part 5. Lift Off (continued)
Fairlight closed her door and adjusted the light to a bare shimmer. She walked to her table and placed Enid's skull on it, sticking a candle on top. All around the room she lighted candles in various sizes and colours, and finally put some incense on the little desk beside her bunk - Patchouli. She really hoped Enid would not notice her skull gone, but then, she needed it to get in touch with the other side.
"Spirits?" she asked, "Anyone home?"
Fairlight crossed her legs and closed her eyes, fumbling the picture she had taken from her own private storage. Really, they didn't guard it well, what was one lock to someone with bad intentions? She envisioned the room she was in to the smallest detail before ripping the details away to focus on Siggie the skull. Something like a door of bright white light opened. Fairlight, sitting firmly on the bed, let her mind wander through it.
"Watch out!" she called at a rushing spirit that nearly threw her back into her bed, "I've got priority here!" She wasn't really sure if the highway was always there, or if it was a figment of her imagination. Maybe Enid could tell her which.
Wasting no more time, Fairlight stepped on the luminescent road and headed to the one who could help her with lightning speed. Meanwhile, still sitting on her bed, she softly mumbled the directions and later, her questions. Half an hour past easily, the candles burning lower and lower.
Suddenly her eyes opened wide and she called out: "You mean they are made for each other?" followed by a small, devious smile: "Really? Interesting. Maybe there will be more to this trip then just meddling with the findings."
The regret she usually felt when she left the spirit realm abruptly, was lessened by the little surprise she had been given at the end. Danyx always did know how he could cheer her up. Now that she knew what was expected from her on this mission, Fairlight could relax and enjoy her path.
She picked up Siggie, and went out, not bothering to lock the door. Maybe she should have a word with Tasrin about that after Siggie was returned.


Enid felt guilty about leaving Siggie in the storage area longer than he had too. But she had to have had a word with lieutenant Tasrin. Well, a word wasn't accurate. The guy had issues and she was supposed to ensure everyone had a great time. Smiling at the understatement, Enid opened her private locker and found Siggie missing.
"Siggie?" she asked, for a moment willing to believe the skull had grown legs to walk away on. Where else could he have gone?
"Siggie!" she called out a bit louder, getting worried.
"Just a minute!" Fairlight said while she dashed in, "I've got him."
Upon seeing the skull in Fairlight's arms, Enid relaxed, her companion seemed ok. "Where did you find him?" Enid asked, "And what is that stuff all over him?" carefully she touched the hardening wax.
"Eh, I should apologise." Fairlight started, "I needed Siggie for an experiment. I couldn't have done it without him, but in the process it seems I've got him dirty."
"What experiment?" Enid asked, holding back the instinct to attack the other woman for hurting Siggie. The skull did indeed look offended.
"I needed him to reach the other side. By the way in case you would ever wonder, he's Indian from origin. But that was not why I needed him. I can't reach the other side freely at any given time. Sometimes I need leverage, and Siggie, being a skull - exactly what they like up there, helped me."
"Up there? The other side..." Enid said, "You mean Heaven?"
"Heaven, Hell, Hades, whatever you like to call it."
"And Siggie's Indian?"
"Yup. Definitely. Though how I know, I don't even know."
"I'll probably have to get him more curry. That still leaves me with wax on his head though. How am I going to get it off?."
"It should just scrape off. I'll help you if you want." Fairlight offered.
"No, no. I'll manage." Enid said, "But next time, ask will you."


Tasrin sat on his bed, immerged in 'Burning Desire' a romantic novel by his favourite writer. Some other books lay beside his bed. They hadn't been the most dire things to take with him, but with a stay of one week in a ship with no means of escaping 5 non-friendlies they seemed all the more essential to staying sane. The psychologist had hinted as much, though he hoped she hadn't seen his preference in reading. You never knew what those mind-pickers thought about you.
The door of his cabin suddenly opened, a thing that shouldn't be possible since he had locked it, and Fairlight strode in before he could put down his book.
"Interesting lecture Lieutenant."
"What are you doing here Fairlight? I locked my door."
"That's what I wanted to discuss. The doors aren't sufficiently locked. I can break into all rooms and who knows, maybe someone else less friendly can as well. The same with the private storage lockers."
"What happened to trust?"
"I only trust humans as far as I can see them, Lieutenant. You may think I'm a foolish woman and a nutcase, but I assure you, I do think."
"Apparently." Tasrin mumbled under his breath. This woman was unbelievable. "Is that the only reason you came in here?" Tasrin asked.
"Of course it is." That and making the lieutenant twitch was fun, Fairlight couldn't mask her smile.
"I'll leave you to your task, Tasrin." she said, "I hope the locks will improve."
"I'll see to it personally." Tasrin grumbled. he didn't want Fairlight to show up unannounced again.


Iyru still remained in the living quarter, gazing at the earth and the moon from a different viewpoint. She couldn't get enough of the sight. Fairlight strode in and smiled when she saw her.
"Guess what I found out!" she called, her eyes sparkling with delight.
"What?" Iyru asked.
"Our lieutenant has another secret."
"What could he want to hide more than his first name?" Iyru asked.
"His love for literary works like Burning Desire, Passionate Nights in Marrakech and Entwined Hearts." Fairlight laughed and soon got Iyru to join her.
"Well I guess he's got this coming the way he's been acting." Iyru shrugged, "I assume you didn't knock the door before entering?"
"This place is a thief's haven, Iyru. I didn't have any problem with the locks and I'm not that good with locks. It's an abomination."
"I'm sure Tasrin will fix that."
"I made sure he felt inclined to do so." Fairlight mused, "I could go for a drink to celebrate. Want to join me?"
"Why not?" Iyru said, "Can we drink it here though, I want to look at the stars."
"Sure, soon we'll have a whole new sky to mark and name as we see fit though. There will be stars enough for you to see... and name."
"Got a name planned?"
"I have, as a matter of fact." Fairlight said, after that remaining silent, gazing at the light-pierced blackness of space.

Continue to Part 6