Library: Pronunciation
Cyatri is a world created by a group of Dutch-speaking friends and one Australian chat friend who made it clear that normal (meaning English-speaking people who aren't normal at all in our opinion ;) ) don't read every word the same as we would.
If you are familiar with the right way to speak Latin, or Dutch since most names are based on either of those languages, you should be fine. 
Thus this pronunciation guide for English-speaking people:

1. Areas
Ankyla Ahn - kee - lah Hoorn Hoe-rn
Arachnida Ah-ragh-nee-dah Kethoda Keh-toe-dah
Arawn Ah-Rahwn Kunmie Kun-mee-ay
Cohuchi Co-hoo-tchee Sparen Spah-run
Deadly Deadly :p Veryi Vay-ree-ee
Eiken Ehy-kun Whispering Whispering :p
Fylaris Fee-lah-rees

2. Names & Dragons
Iyru Luna Ee-ru Lu-nah Safyre Sa-fire
Enid Brennan Ee-nid Bren-nan Lewin Lay-win
Fairlight Fair-light Valentine Val-en-tine
Knux de Econa Nux day Eh-coh-nah Bae'Istal Bay-is-tahl
Oisin McGregor oy-zin Mc-Gre-gor Hazen Ha-zen
Tasrin Tas-rin Kalhar as in Kalahari


Vay Marimanelle Vay Mah-ree-Mah-Nelle Hevia Hey-vee-ah
Danyx Dah-nix Martyr Mar-teer
Ignace Dupond In-iahs Du-pon Tepiek Tay-pee-ehk


Asriel Haron Ahs-ree-ehl Hah-ron Brir Brir
Erin McGullen Eh-rin Mc-Gul-lan Sten Sten
Jack Templeton Jack Tem-pul-ton Zand Zand
Luca Ravennis Lu-cah Rah-ven-niss Kikker Kick-ur
Nick Turner Nick Turner Duisterniss Duh-stur-niss
Rick Turner Rick Turner Gita Ghee-tah
Salla Rohan Sah-lah Row-Ahn Aradne Ah-Rad-neh
Sarah Vermeers Zah-rah Vur-mayrs Streep Strayp
Terrence Arbre Ter-rence Ahr-bruh Vaala Vah-lah
Thio Toscani Tee-oh Toss-kah-nee Baja Bah-hah
Ullys Weisch Ul-liss Wise Gaelic Gay-lik
Zriss Yasht Zriss Jest Smeltir Smell-tir