Kaemalisk was not a nervous mother. She had shared the sands with the
blue-marked golden Queen Chelth for a week and then a clutch of engineered
eggs had been placed on the sands, tended by a rotating cast of humans and
the weyr’s complement of female Whers.
Dawn was colouring the sky in delicate shades of pink and yellow as
Kaemalisk reached out to her handler and her brother. The copper would not
have been able to say how she knew this if questioned, but in the manner
of Dragonkin mothers across Pern, she knew that today would be the day,
and soon.
Puissar, Hiveca and Terrence passed by the two guard whers and were shown
in, led by the Wherlingmaster. They were accompagnied by the cheerful
presence of her dragon-bond and her own wher who immediately headed to
check on the other clutch and settle her small form between the two
clutches in order to ward off any potential untoward events.
It was a good quarter of an hour between the candidates arriving and the
first egg finally breaking. The sands were filled with the quiet whispers
of the waiting candidates and the murmuring of the small number of
weyrfolk who had roused themselves to attend at this early hour,
punctuated by louder yawns from those unused to being awake at this time,
and all of it underscored by the welcoming hum of the dragonkin.
A small egg was the first to final break open, the one the candidates had
dubbed the lonely egg, spilling onto the sands a tiny green, with her sire’s
bright golden speckling. The markings on the edges of her wings caught the
light as she stood and stretched, shaking herself out before looking about
curiously. She bonded a young man and as if spurned on by that first
bonding, another three eggs broke open at the same time, a bronze from the
egg with the dragon shaped mark, a brown from the lumpy crowned egg, and a
blue from the littlest egg. The blue and the bronze were white marked like
their dam, while the brown seemed fairly normal. The trio looked at one
another across the remaining eggs and then bolted in different directions.
The Blue bonded to Hiveca, leaving Puissar and Terrence on the sands.
While the Brown and Bronze Wher bonded, three
more eggs broke open, a green, a copper and a purple entering the chaos.
They needed little encouragement to get to their feet and the green headed
to the candidates without an issue. The Purple however seemed more curious
about the rest of the sands than the people waiting for it, and headed
jauntily towards the other clutch, before being warned off by Cassisk and
sent skittering back towards the humans.
Warned away from wandering the sands too much, the purple seemed content
now to search among the candidates, seeking the mind which was most
compatible with their own. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for them to
find the right one, the purple stopping before a particularly young man. "Puissar
wait for Puissask. Will see all the thing, but together now."
He, for the voice and mind were definitely male, seemed to have an
unusually strong grasp of language for a baby wher as he looked up at his
"Already thinking about travelling before you're old enough to set
off? I like that." Puissar quipped.

The Adventure
Awaits Purple Puissask
Guard Wher
#5F2C7F | #8625C4
5’6 at the shoulder | 16’6 long
Curious | Wanderer | Level-headed | Calm
Mutation: Off-colour Markings

Puissar pulled himself up over the ledge. Puissask was already there,
guarding him while he climbed the ridge. The view that welcomed him on top
of the mountain was breathtaking. Downcast skies with a heavy cloak of clouds
that blocked out the sun and the land spreading out as far as he could see. Visiting the
Northern Continent had been a far away dream just a year ago but now he
was able to grasp that dream.
"And do it safely." Puissask
"I can't be thankful enough for the help and support you
provide." Puissar said, only half joking.
Because as much as that remark came of as bragging, Puissask had been
invaluable. The young wher was calm and cool but had a sense for adventure
that rivalled his own. Usually they travelled at dusk and right before
dawn but on days like these Puissask could manage travelling during the
day, which was in fact safer for Puissar who wouldn't have been able to
climb as well in the dark.
Puissar didn't see this journey ending any time
soon unless they ran out of funds. But then they'd just stay at some hold
for a while and earn their keep until they could leave again. Some would
call it a lonely existence but to Puissar it was freedom in it's purest

Lantessama Isle