
Portrait made with Portrait Works
Give-away Character by
Name: Sieyia
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Description: 5'7" tall,
athletic build, cool brown skin, amber eyes, long black dreadlocks
Personality: Hard-working, Responsible,
Short Bio: Sieyia grew up at the docks of a
southern seahold. Her mother worked in a shop doing laundry and mending
clothes and her father was a sailor. Sieyia made no attempts to hide that
she preferred her father's company and her mother took it in stride as her
daughter voiced very few preferences. Sieyia was diligent in all that she
was told to do and her parents wished they could have provided a better
education. But a dragon isn't all that interested in booksmarts and when
the searchriders came to the hold, Sieyia was picked out without delay.
Hobbies: Swimming, enjoying nature.
Skills: Mending sails, she has very even stitches when sewing.
Bond: Brown Aivelth from Sithean Weyr
Sitting towards the back of the hatching sands was a relatively
unobtrusive egg. Not small by any means, but so entirely average in
appearance that it was easily overlooked. Its hatching went almost
entirely unnoticed, when a handsome caramel-hued brown dragon made his
entrance into the world. He didn't hesitate in his choice of rider,
however, moving determinedly towards Sieyia. Now he drew attention, just
through the focus of his movements, but that didn't matter to him.
"I'm here, Sieyia."

Personality: Reliable, Focused,
Size: Average Brown
Sieyia watched as Aivelth
paraded down the Weyr. The caramel-brown dragon carried himself with the
grace of a bronze while retaining the practicality of a brown. He didn't
pretend to be anything he was not but his self-confidence was charming to
anyone who saw him. Add to that his tendency to focus on others and many a
female dragon had expressed interest in Aivelth as a suitor.
"Has the one finally appeared on the boards?" Sieyia asked.
She couldn't remember how many times she'd asked this question and her
fellow dragonriders, especially those impressed to female dragons were
probably all stretching their ears to hear the response her dragon would
"She has." the exalted reply came,
"Can you please sign us up?"
"Of course." Sieyia smiled.
Isle |