
Portrait made with Portrait Works
Name: Annalise
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Description: A
tanned woman with long sun-bleached hair that she usually keeps in two
braids. She has green eyes, a straight nose and full lips. Annalise has an
average build, she is neither fat nor thin. She is stronger than she looks
and has learned a few techniques to help her do heavy lifting. She often
wears a white uniform with golden trim.
Personality: Annalise is a softspoken, giving
young woman who loves to help others. She genuinly wants to do good and
make the world a better place. She could try to do something grand but
instead she focuses on the happiness of the people around her. Especially
those that have a harder time in life.
Short Bio: Annalise grew up in a small farming
hold. She was the second eldest and learned to help others (notably her
younger siblings and parents) from a young age. Some would resent it but
Annalise thrived in her role and believes that there is little else she'd
like to be doing.
Hobbies: making useful items and toys to hand
Pets: Blue Lug (m) from Ryslen
Bond: Gold Obeth from Sithean Weyr




Eldest sister, 83. She enjoys to sit in the sun and talk. Has a
fondness for love stories and gossip and is not afraid to use her
extensive experience to give advice. |
Middle sister, 79. She is the sweetest of the three, and the one who
keeps the peace. She does not meddle and is thankful for the aid she
receives. |
Youngest sister, 76. She is the most quiet of the three and pretty
shy. Has recently gotten a gentleman caller but is unsure what to do
about the attention. |
Annalise reached the door of
the three "Rose" sisters and heard them talking.
"I don't know why you're being coy." Rosamunda, the eldest, said, "It's
not like you're a maiden."
"It is however none of your business." Rozlind, the youngest replied
"All matters in love are my business." Rosamunda retorted.
"Everyone is entitled to a bit of privacy." Rosemary, the middle sister
tried to placate her two sisters.
Annalise couldn't help but grin. The three elderly sisters had led their
lives apart but now, in their twilight years, they'd decided to live
together again. They might argue but they enjoyed eachother's company and
it beat living on their own. Annalise helped them out about three times a
week, bringing in food and helping with the cleaning. In return they
cooked for her and sometimes she got to take home a few eggs or a jar of
"Hello ladies!" she called out.
"Good afternoon to you too." Rosamunda called out. She had always been the
most outgoing of the three sisters and Annalise sometimes blushed at her
stories. She'd been widowed early but had not let that stop her living
life to it's fullest.
"Say, do you have a gentleman caller?" Rosamunde asked.
"A what?" Annalise asked.
"I believe the kids are calling it a companion these days." Rosemary
"Oh, no." Annalise said, she was far too busy for love.
"If only we had a man around the house." Rosamunda said and looked
pointedly at Rozlind.
"It's not like that." she responded.
"He does like you." Rosemary added.
The middle sister had had a long, happy marriage to look back on and she
missed her husband. Their children had moved far away and she remembered
that Mr. Theo, who had come around a lot lately, had a lot of
grandchildren living in the hold.
Rozlind blushed but then shook her head.
"He just likes to talk about flowers."
Annalise chuckled, "I don't think Mr. Theo ever raised a plant in his
life. I heard from his daughter - I sometimes help her in the shop - that
he's so bad at gardening that not even weeds grow in his garden."
"See!" Rosamunda called out, "Ask him inside next time he comes round!"
"But..." Rozlind tried.
"Offering a drink to a neighbour isn't scandalous." Rosemary added in.
"So what do you need done today?" Annalise asked.
"We thought you could maybe go to the market for us. I heard the butcher
is having a special sale."
Annalise's blue firelizard popped his head in at the mention of his most
favourtie food. The sisters cooed and awed and the firelizard let himself
be pampered while Annalise quickly dusted the living room and carried the
laundry to the bedrooms.
When she was ready to leave for the market, a dark shadow appeared above
the hold and a green dragon landed on one of the empty pastures outside of
fences that served as borders to the hold.
"A dragon? I haven't seen one in over 10 years I reckon." Rosamunda said
excited, "Oh we just must go to it."
"The market can wait." Rosemary agreed.
Rozlind looked outside and saw that others were having the same idea. Many
people were heading out, among them a familiar balding head.
"Mr. Theo!" she called and the elderly man turned and waited.
"Do you ladies want an escort?" he asked but his eyes were mostly upon
"Gladly." Rosamunda said, "Annalise can join us too."
Rosamunda linked arms with the young woman and Rosemary followed them,
leaving Rozlind to Theo.
"I so hope she'll find happiness." Rosemary sighed with a brief look
behind them.
"Let's see if that dragon will search us." Rosamunda said with a loud
voice, earning a few snickers from passing holders.
"I believe we might be a few decades too late for that." Rosemary grinned.
"One of us isn't." Rosamunda chuckled and pushed Annalise right in front
of the dragon.
Annalise held her breath. The whirling eyes of the dragon seemed to peer
into her soul and finally she heard a faint voice:
"You do show promise."
Annalise still could hardly
believe she was here, at Sithean Weyr, standing to impress... and not just
any egg either no. It'd been decided that she could try to bond the gold
dragon egg. Annalise nervously straightened her plain white shift and then
stood up straight. If anything, she needed to look the part of one worthy
for such a place.
All around her people were talking, eating, drinking and making bets. The
other candidates were also being cheered on and a few had already
impressed. A sudden cracking sound had Annalise's eyes back on the egg in
front of her. There were five young ladies standing around the egg and all
of them were focused on the tiny crack that had formed. None of them
uttered a sound as more and more got chipped away. Finally a paw broke
through. Then another joined and claws started to pull the egg apart.
It took a while but a pale gold dragoness, hardly brighter than the egg
shell she had just vacated, managed to break free. She blinked a few times
and let her wings dry. Then she slowly drew her eyes along each and every
candidate that had been selected for her.
When Annalise felt her gaze, a name suddenly popped in her mind.
Startled she took in a breath of air. Had she imagined it? But when the
dragon's eyes returned to her she could feel it again. The connection that
started to sneak in. Foreign but not threathening.
"Yes, it's you I want." Obeth

Personality: Sociable, meticulous,
Size: Average Gold
Seeing a large gold dragon fly
around remained an unusual sight for most people around Pern. But while
the threat of thread was not in play, Annalise and Obeth had agreed that
there was nothing stopping them from continuing Annalise's work. Obeth had
been a brilliant accomplice and had forced her way through so her rider
could be as happy as she could be. And that was helping those in need.
"And I'm grateful for that." Annalise told her bond.
"It was a grand challenge and I loved every
moment I spent plotting on it." Obeth replied.
"And do you have future challenges in mind? I'd like to be prepared."
"One day I'll challenge the skies themselves. I'm
curious who'll be able to keep up. But I need to be better prepared before
i attempt it. So for now I'll be training!"
Isle |