Name: Lehna
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Description: Lehna is a small
young woman with short medium brown hair, honey-coloured eyes, a wide nose
and large mouth. She is built like a runner with a slight figure and
sinewy muscles. Lehna enjoys wearing fitted clothing that leaves some skin
exposed since she overheats easily. She prefers subdued colours.
Personality: Lehna is loud and outgoing. She's brash and says what
she thinks without worrying about the consequences. She'd feel more at
home in a rowdy bar than at a formal party. Lehna cares little for
possessions, the only exception a necklace that was a gift from her
Hobbies: Tasting good food.
Skills: Running, Memorisation, Message carrying
Family: Lehna grew up in a small hold family. Her father was a
message runner like her and her mother worked as a nurse. Lehna has a
younger brother who works as a carpenter. Her father died while out in a
job several years ago.
Pets: Green firelizard Alathea (f) from the Dragon Soul

Lehna followed the wind and was happy to have the wind in her back at the
end stretch of the current job. She'd ran for the largest part of the day,
only taking a few breaks to get the message here on time. And she'd be
paid handsomely as well for her effort. The money was more than welcome
since work had been few and far between lately.
Slowing down to walk the last stretch and cool down her muscles, Lehna
entered Rarun Hold and made her way to the Lord Holder's House. Rarun was
a hold but it wasn't more than a few houses put together. Still, it had a
lot of farming land and was prosperous enough.
"Message to the lord." Lehna supplied after she'd knocked on the
door and was greeted by an old manservant.
"Come in." the man gestured and brought her to a room with
comfortable chairs.
A man was already sitting, looking a bit uncomfortable in his leather
breeches and jacket. It wasn't exactly inconspicuous attire so Lehna knew
immediately that the man was a dragonrider. By force of habit, her right
hand went up to her throat where she stroked the little green stone on her
necklace. It was a nervous habit she'd developed almost as soon as she'd
gotten the necklace from her father. He'd been a message runner like her
and had given her the necklace to celebrate her promotion to journeywoman.
He'd been so proud of her.
A fleeting sense of loss stabbed her heart as she remembered the day only
a year later where the message of his dead had come. Stealing her mind,
Lehna forced the memory out by focusing on the room. Even if the house of
the lord was modest, the interior was decidedly more comfortable than most
of the houses in her own hold. The walls were painted with geometric
patterns in soft colours and the chairs had padding. The glass in the
window was of high quality and she even saw a light fixture. They were few
and far between but maybe the vicinity to the Weyr could explain the
Lehna wanted to go closer and examine it, but didn't dare to do so with
the dragonrider present. Looking at the man, she checked him out with
little hesitation. He had a good posture and was tall with black hair in a
pony tail and blue eyes.
"Hi, My name is H'aeny." he told her.
"Lehna." she replied, "I guess you're up first. I could
have run a bit slower." she joked.
"Sorry to come in between." the young man shrugged.
"No problem, it's something we can't plan for."
"Those light fixtures are amazing, right?" H'aeny asked and
continued: "I am just getting used to not lighting candles myself. By
your looking I'm guessing you came from somewhere without much modern
"Petran Hold." Lehna replied
H'aeny whistled, "I know where that is, you're fast if you ran there
from this morning."
Lehna shrugged and said: "It's my job. So I train."
H'aeny's eyes lighted a bit when he said: "We could always use some
extra people at the Weyr. I can wait for you to deliver your message and
take you there if you want."
It sounded a bit like a pick-up line, but wouldn't that be so bad? Lehna
knew she was very interested in seeing a Weyr up close. She'd only ever
been in the vicinity of them and never actually in one. She'd have a story
to tell her mother and brother when she got home.
"I'd like that." she nodded.
H'aeny was summoned in and after half an hour,
Lehna got her turn to deliver her message. As she walked out with a
breadroll and some water and a pocket full of coins, she almost imagined
H'aeny having left and their conversation to be something she'd imagined.
But he was there, waiting.
"My dragon is waiting inside the Weyr so we'll have to walk."
"Don't tell me you'd fly the short distance?!" Lehna said before
she could keep it in.
"No, but some people would maybe not believe I was a proper
dragonrider without a dragon."
"Call me gullible." Lehna said, "But I believe you."
The two of them walked the couple of miles to the Weyr, the mountain walls
growing ever taller as the neared it. They entered and it was as if Lehna
had come to an entirely different world. The inside of the Weyr was
bustling with movement. People, dragons, firelizards, whers... there was a
lot to take in.
"Wait a minute." H'aeny said as he went to look for someone who
could enter Lehna into the candidate roster.
Lehna obliged and just looked. Suddenly a young boy pulled her sleeve and
grinned up at her.
"Are you new here?"
"I am, I came with H'aeny."
A knowing look crossed the face of the boy and he said, "I'll give
you this."
Before she knew it, Lehna was left with an egg in her hand as the boy
darted away, no doubt finding more unsuspecting visitors to peddle his
Movement in her hand caught her attention and a green firelizard lifted
her head to look at her. Lehna stared in the dragon's shiny golden eyes,
felt the bond click in place and was just about to ponder on the beauty of
the universe when the firelizard opened her mouth and let out a shrill and
annoying cry of hunger.
H'aeny chose this time to return.
"I see you got a firelizard." he grinned.
"Apparently I did."
"I'll show you how to take care of her and then get you to your
Lantessama Isle
Lehna is a Candidate at Dragonhope
Weyr |