Name: Dimphna
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description: Dimphna
is a lanky girl with long, straight brown hair, blue eyes and freckles.
She doesn't like wearing her glasses so she squints a lot. She usually
wears long skirts and frilly blouses as those are the clothes her mother
gets her. She sometimes "borrows" trousers from her brothers.
Personality: Dimphna is a bookwurm. She enjoys
reading and it really doesn't matter what subject. She'll wrestle through
a dissertation on water wheels with as much gusta as a fairytale
collection. If she'd lived in a bigger hold she'd probably have tried to
get some kind of higher education. But living in a small hold she is lucky
that she's even allowed to read.
Hobbies: Reading, looking for books
Skills: Keeping out of trouble (as it would
mean being punished)
Family: Born two farmers, Dimphna grew up
between crops and animals. She is decent at caring for both but her heart
lies elsewhere. Dimphna's mother allows her daughter her freedom as she
understands her. She is hoping Dimphna might find a good boy to fall in
love with so she can make a home for herself.
Pets: Gold Evie (f) from
Aneris Weyr
Dimphna hid behind a stable wall and carefully got the
thin book out of her pocket. Breathing in the scent of the old pages, she
opened it to the center and looked at the picture that had been drawn. A
schematic of a dragon wing. Keeping the book as close to her eyes as she
could, Dimphna tried to decipher the cursive scrawl of the writer.
She sighed and tried putting on her glasses, but even with those she
couldn't make sense of the scribbles. She could read the letters but the
words looked alien. What was a "scapula"?
Dimphna tried saying some of the words but of course that didn't help her
understand them. And she couldn't exactly go ask. She'd found the book
hidden in a crack in the wood while she'd been out helping her mother
deliver some of their produce to the Lord Holder. She shouldn't have taken
the book but she hadn't been able to rsist the faded yellow cover with the
pretty letters.
Some time passed and oblivious to her surroundings, Dimphna missed the big
shadow flying overhead. She did however feel the pressure of the air
change as the dragonrider landed in the vicinity. Scrambling to get up,
Dimphna tried to look proper and not like she'd been slacking off.
"Hello there, miss." the dragonrider called.
"Hello." she squeaked back.
"Is this Kerny Hold?"
"It is." she nodded vigorously.
At this time, the book she'd hastily shoved in her pocket fell out.
Dimphna wasn't fast enough and the dragonrider picked it up. He looked at
the cover and smiled at her.
"Interested in dragons?" he asked, "I might have a gift for you then."
Dimphna blushed and tried not to let the man see that her choice of
reading was just what she could get her hands on. But he did seem like he
knew the book so she might as well ask:
"I've been trying to read it but there are many strange words." she said
and asked, "What's a scapula?"
"Ramith?" the dragonrider called, "can you extend your wing?"
The blue dragon complied and the dragonrider pointed at the place where
the wingarm attached to the neck.
"The bone beneath is the scapula."
Then the dragonrider took out a firelizard egg and held it out to her.
"We've been handing some of these out since we've been having too many
clutches lately."
Dimphna took hold of the egg and nearly dropped it when she felt it move
in her hands. Cracks appeared on the shell only a few breaths after.
"It appears I found you right in time."
About five minutes later Dimphna gazed into the eyes of a bright gold
firelizard. The small pet looked up at her and yawned. She seemed content
to just lay on her hands.... and then she bt down on her thumb.
"Better feed her and name her." the dragonrider grinned.
"E... Evie." Dimphna said and rummaged through her pockets to find a bit
of jerky she'd been saving for a snack but had forgotten as she'd been
"If you'd like, I can probably take you to the Weyr to try to impress a
dragon. There's a clutch hardening and we need the candidates anyway."

Lantessama Isle
??? is a Candidate at
the Healing Den |