
image made with PortraitWorks 



Name:  Alane
Age:  24
Gender:  Female
Description:  Alane has a dark complexion and long curly brown hair. She has brown eyes that seem to always be staring just a tad beyond the person she's talking too. She has a large nose and full lips. Alane enjoys wearing skirst and dresses with a bit of flare. 
Personality:  Alane is an oddbal, she's never been normal, not even as a child. She comes across as spacey and absent-minded and a bit rude. She often seems to be lost in her own world. 
Alane herself has a hard time coping with the world around her. She sees things more clearly than the average human and as a way to reduce stress she's devised several ways to minimise the stimuli that reach her. She very much likes her little secluded spot in the infirmary and can often be found there. 


Skills:   Keen eye
Magical Powers:  Healing, she always knows what medications and herbs to use.
Occupation:  At Gudrunas she leads the infirmary, on earth she was too impaired to do any job for long as the pressure was too big.
Hobbies:  Decompressing in a low-stimuli environment though that's more a necessity than a hobby. Alane would one day hope to be able to take long walks because she does enjoy nature.
Guilty Pleasure:  White noise. 


Family: Alane's parents have lost contact with her, their relationship was always a bit distant. She has 2 siblings but likewise the bond has faded since Alane very much aggravated to being a hermit on Earth. 
Homeworld:  Earth
Short Bio: Alane was well on her way to desperation, too sensitive to function on Earth, when she was searched and brought to Nemista by one of the Dragonry's other Earthen knights. 
Social Life:  Alane steers clear from any romantic involvement for now. Maybe later when she's gotten a better hold on her powers and mind.
Pets:  -




Name:  Tivalyr
Colour:   Amethyst
Personality:   Watchful, supportive and big-hearted


Breath Weapon:  -
Magical Powers:  Healing
Signature Move:  A calming/disarming joke before she lets her magic hit. 
Guilty Pleasure:  Watching children play. 


Parents: -
Origin: Gudrunas Dragonry
Mate:  -

Banner is a photograph taken in Scotland, June 2022
Lantessama Isle