Name Maikus
Siblings ??
Personality Although Maikus is a really nice outdoor young man of 24 years old, he has many secrets.
He knows Lloyd (leader of exploring on Chindor and beyond) and if thats a good thing or a bad one, you'll have to find out yourself.
He has lived for some time near the ruin of Lav'intay where he meets Lythia and falls in love with.

Name Modnaen
Place of hatching Chindor Castle
Age Adult
Personality very meticulous and always think before they act

Rhaynna looked behind her and nuzzled/pushed her next drakling forward.
"Modnaen!" Rhaynna called as the baby mud wobbled forward. 
In the middle of his wobble he misplaced his paw and fell on his bum. "Maicusssh!" The drak called out, and the young misterious man ran forward to his bond.
"Did you hurt yourself?"
"No... I don't think sssso.." Modnaen tested his back paw and tail, and everything seemed to work, and everything was still on the right place so, Modnaen wobbled together with his bond towards the food.

Modnaen grew up and both of them dicided to pick up Lythia and then stay o Chindor. Lythia loved the cold winters and cool summers of this castle and was eager to go there. Both of them are now on Chindor, both doing what they do best.

Background was found here
Dolls were made here