Bunnies rule the universe

“Bunnies rule the universe.” The teacher bunny with his big black, poofy ears and little round glasses told his class. All little, pink bunnies that were about 13 years old were sitting two by two on wooden banks.
The black bunny called Meester was about 40 years old and already earned his black colour. Those colours presented how high in society one bunny was. Black was the highest colour and all bunnies were born yellow. The other colours were yellow, then pink, light green, purple, bright blue and eventually Black. There were crosses of these colours, that was when a bunny was going to change colour.
On the planet called “Konijntjes” the bunnies lived peacefully, that was until the Chickens would come and try to turn the peaceful bunnies into slaves. The bunnies just couldn’t let that happen.
Colours depended on how many kills a bunny had committed. Yellow bunnies had a pure soul, and no kills. Black was a colour not many bunnies got, and when they did, they would be very respected.
Meester looked at the 5 bunnies that were in the classroom. These 5 bunnies, all pink of colour and by that not so innocent anymore, were elite bunnies. These bunnies were trained to be black bunnies. But they needed good training for that. Meester hadn’t had this training, and had to work really hard before he could even think of being black. But ho he got this black, that didn’t matter. What mattered were the pink bunnies in front of him.
“Now bunnies. Let us see what you have brought with you today.” It was a special day today, the 5 bunnies had to bring their favourite weapon from their parents collections.
“What did you bring Elly?” The pinkest bunny of them all showed a morning star. A iron ball that hung on a chain and had lots of spikes on the ball. “Good so Elly. That is a fine weapon indeed, but perhaps a bit messy..”
”Why? Chickens don’t have any brains…” Elly answered.
“True.. Very true..” Meester said and tapped the shoulder of Elly and looked at her neighbour. It was Elly’s best friend called Gaill. Gaill had some light green streaks into her fur. Already so deadly. Meester grinned at her. Gaill dived into her sack and pulled out a rather strange weapon.
“What is this Gaill?”
”This is… a cupcake.” Gaill grinned towards her teacher.
“I can see that, but todays homework was to bring your favourite weapon…”
”But Meester… If you eat this cup cake, you’ll be dead 5 seconds later. And a deadly gass will spread from your corps, and will kill everything in the corps’ surrounding.”
”How do you know it is 5 seconds?”
”Do you want to test it?” Gaill asked sweetly.
Meester grinned and walked to the next seat. “And you Puro?” A pink bunny with some very light yellow streaks.
“Well Meester.. I brought an axe.”
“A fine choise for a young bunny.”
“My brother learned me some moves with it.” The bunny jumped up and wanted to start to swing the duo bladed axe, but Meester stopped him and smilled. “Soon” Meester said. He knew that all 5 pupils would soon be tested, and that not all of them would be here the next class.
“And you Gry?” He asked the next bunny, an all pink bunny.
The bunny blushed and took something from his sack. “I brought this.” He was a bunny that didn’t really like to fight, he was more like a tactic kind of bunny. He held something in the air. It was a pen.
“Well, everybody knows that the pen is mightier than the sword.”
“Not everybody thinks that way.”
“I know that, but that doesn’t mean that everybody thinks that way.” Meester said when he looked at the pink bunny.
“Well Meester, You know as much as I do, that there are a lot of warriors, but not so many good statistics.”
“That is true Gry.”
Meester went to the last bunny. Strangely this bunny was Almost green, but not quite yet. Her name was Fleur. She was one of the most interesting bunnies of this class. She was younger, 10 years old, but the most dangerous.
She held out an old sword. “Where did you get this Fleur?”
“I found it on the attic. I fell in love with it, and don’t want anything else.”
Fleur’s parents weren’t around anymore. Killed by the Chickens, and left her an orphan. She had a natural hate against everything with feathers.


When class was over, Meester looked at all his students playing murderer on the playground. Meester loved all his students, and didn’t want doomsday to come. But he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Meester?” Fleur had sneaked to the classroom and had spotted her teacher looking out the window.
“Yes Fleur?”
“When will we be killing chickens?”
She blurted it out so easily.
“Soon enough Fleur..” And as he said it, a bell sounded, and every bunny in the wide world of Konijntjes  knew what it was. Chickens were invading the world of the bunnies.  

Meester called his pupils, and all grabbed their weapon. All the training and planning they had been thougt would now be needed. Meester himself grabbed his favourite weapon, two 3 pronged daggers, and his trusty dagger that had saved him many times.
"You all know what to do"
"Yes!" All 5 bunnies called out when they ran towards their shuttles.

In every class were about 5 bunnies. Meester had had the strongest of them all he thought himself. He looked at his pupils and felt the adrennaline rush. 
Inside the shuttle, Gry worked out a plan and all the bunnies agreed to it. Gaill had taken her sack filled with bottles and was now thinking of what she would use first. 
The latest drug was the most effective, but not at all safe for them eather. They had 10 minutes to get away, but that was not much in battle.

They didn't get much time to think about it, because the battlefield came and all jumped out the shuttle and started fighting.


Elly and Gaill fought back to back. They were best friends, and because Gaill didn't have a real fighting - weapon, and defended each other. 
Meester, Fleur and Puro fought together and not together. If anybody was in danger, the others would help him, but then he was on his own again. 
Gry stood behind the battleline and screamed some secret language of the bunnies towards his team and made sure that they survived any attacks.

Fleur got really angry and in her rage she screamed out the names of her mother and father. It was a sort of battlecry, and made her rage expand. But as she said it, time slowed down, and the long sword in her hands glowed bright blue. Everything in their surrounding bunny or chicken stood still, only the eyes could move. 
The long sword started blue, but then turned into bright white. First it seemed to get smaller, but then the light expanded really quick and absorbed everything.

"What happened?" Elly asked when she could see again.
"I don't know.." Fleur said. She had still the long sword in her hands and looked at it from every angle.
"Isn't it abvious." A strange voice said in some sort of dialect. "It is a transporter sword. If one has enough energy, it transports."
All 6 bunnies looked at the strange voice, and there they saw the most hidious thing ever.. A chicken.
"You.." Fleur hissed and wanted to attack.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The chicken said calmly. "Or do you want us to transport again. Who knows where we'll end up next."
"He's right Fleur." Meester said and calmed his pupil down.
"I believe it is best if we don't fight here."
"Why is that?" Gaill asked sarcasticly.
"Well... I don't want to be attact by that thing over there." The chicken pointed at a snake like reptile.
The chicken and his smaller chickenfriends got close together. Meester called his students close to him and noticed that all 5 of them were present.
The snake like creature didn't notice them, but the blond haired girl running after the reptile did.
"Decoration or Candidates?" The girl asked.
Nobody said anything.
"i presume that you aren't decoration.. Well.. Welcome on Lantessama. I'm Cyan and you have to be there." She pointed at a cave and without saying anything, left.

5 minutes later they still stood there. Two groups of the worst enemies.
"So are we going to go to that cave?" One of the chickens asked.
"What did she mean by decoration?" Puro asked.
"Let's have a look.." The leader of the chickens said. " You can all wait here if you want.." The chicken said to the bunnies, but they followed as well.
Perhaps this was the first step into peace...


Lucas sighed for the 25th time that night and Cyan could take it no longer. If he kept on standing at the drafty entrance of their sleeping chambers he'd surely catch a cold and then she'd have to take care of him again. She didn't mind in particular, Lucas was just far more pleasant when he was healthy than when he was ill.
"What is it?" she asked.
"I just wonder how they do it..."
"Do what?"
"Hide the eggs while we're not looking."
"you mean you planned to stake out the plains the entire night to catch the Easter bunny?"
Cyan asked, raising her eyebrows in a way that told Lucas that she would find it quite the achievement if he managed to do just that.
"They have to move sometime." he said stubbornly.
"Let's bet that by tomorrow all the eggs will be hidden where you couldn't see them from here."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you're advertising your presence by standing there in the full light."
Cyan sighed, "Just let the damn bunnies do their work and go to sleep. I don't want to note down names and colours all day tomorrow on my own."
Lucas sighed for the 26th time that night, gave in and turned down the lights. When he turned around to go inside he couldn't help but wonder if the soft breeze he felt was caused by the natural processes of high and low pressure fields, or by a waist-high creature with big ears bolting by.
"Don't you dare look!" Cyan called, "You're as bad as a kid."
"Just one look!"
Lucas promised.
Of course nothing was out there. Not even the smallest twitching could be seen in the shadows. Lucas sighed for the 27th time that night, making it a new record for Cyan who had been keeping tabs, and walked inside.
He'd barely closed the door when ears of all shapes and sizes came up from behind, below, beside every possible hiding place on the Lantessaman plains. For the next hours they were as busy as during the days, though the activities were very different indeed.

"Cyan!" Lucas called out excitedly, "I see eggs!"
"Of course you see eggs."
Cyan remarked dryly, "It's Easter. It happens every year."
"Don't you ever wonder how they do it?"
"Honey we live in a world where teleportation is daily business. Why would I?"
"Let's just go."
Cyan smiled and followed Lucas outside to the Candidate Quarters. As usual a bunch of unique weird-looking creatures had gathered for the Easter Egg Hunt at Lantessama, bunnies, chickens, humans -always a minority around this time of year, and guardians. Cyan got a headache when she tried to imagine just how hard to write their names would be and yelled to get the attention of the noisy crowd.
"Listen up! The Egg Hunt is now open, so go find the eggs!"
Cheering erupted and the candidates moved out in small groups, each taking the direction they were sure destiny was in. Cyan closed her eyes and relaxed. Silence was so nice and comfortable after a near sleepless night.
"Wasn't that a bit plain and fast?" Lucas asked.
"Everyone got going, didn't they?" Cyan retorted.
Lucas knew better than to complain more after he'd kept Cyan awake most of the night, tossing, turning and even getting up occasionally to go look at the plains. Nothing had happened when he did that though.

The large group of killer bunnies from Konijntjes gathered around their teacher Meester. They were used to following his lead and in this foreign environment the small cute bunnies had found that even with axes, swords and poison people found them too cute to resist. More than one of them had been ambushed, squeezed silly and shaken toward concussions and broken bones. Maybe it was for this reason that the younger bunnies had come to like the two chickens, Veer and Kuiken who were older, bigger, but sadly also their natural born enemies.
"I want to go with Kuiken!" Elly, a completely pink, and therefore still largely innocent bunny exclaimed, hugging the uncomfortable peaceful chicken.
"Then I'm going too." Gaill, Elly's best friend, squealed, though she was more advanced in the art of war, she was easily influenced by her younger friend and also liked the firey, free chicken that had fled her homeworld because her father had betrothed her to a man she didn't love. Even in little killer bunny heart's there's room for romance after all.
"Then we can go with Veer." Puro and Gry, the two male student bunnies called out. They were both young as well and had overcome their hatred of the chickens in this strange environment. After all, why should they fight each other when they didn't even know where they were? The two chickens were older than them, so they had a better chance of getting home.
Meester nodded, sending a thankful glance towards Veer and Kuiken who grudgingly agreed to take on a bunch of their enemies even if it were only children. Fleur on the other hand, the youngest, but also most vicious and far-advanced, of the bunch looked at her friends in contempt and called out:
"Traitors! How dare you do this. I wouldn't get near a chicken unless to kill it!" and of she went.
Meester sighed and headed after her, knowing that that was easier than trying to convince the young irrational bunny that they needed to cooperate to get home. He easily caught sight of the fully armed, black-tempered bunny as she rampaged across Lantessama.
"An egg!" she suddenly called out and trotted toward it, curiously looking at the egg from all sides. Meester observed and prayed that Fleur'd impress and get it over with. However, Fate wasn't so kind. The egg cracked, hatched and revealed a green-tipped blue chicken female.
Fleur snapped and stampeded toward the little hatchling, sword drawn, calling every ugly chicken name in the book. The chicken, feeling the murderous intent, reading the malice from Fleur's red-hot aura didn't stay to ponder and get stabbed. In stead she fled as fast as her legs could carry her toward safety. Fleur tried to follow it and kill it, or at least hurt it, but she was no match to the chicken, which was larger than her even at birth. Cooling down, she continued her search.

Meanwhile, the unlikely group of bunnies and chickens was slowly and steadily heading to the ceadra dunes at the northern side of Lantessama Isle. The dunes were almost like a maze with twisting valleys and dead ends. In short, the perfect hiding places for eggs.
It was no wonder then that all around eggs cracked open and ears popped up. Elly and Gaill giggled while Puro and Gry called out in surprise when the first bunny approached them. The pink female approached with her ears radiating in all directions, trying to pick up more sounds. Finally she moved a bit closer and nudged Elly who promptly fell to the ground. The bunny looked surprised and started licking Elly, which made her giggle.
"Stop!" she called, "It tickles!!"
"You're not hurt?" the bunny asked.
"No... just a bit startled... ehm Unconvee."
A second bunny, a male yellow, ran into the little endearing scene, and grabbed Puro by the neck, "No-one's captured you yet?" the bunny asked after having thoroughly sniffed his desired partner.
"No..." Puro said, just a tad scared.
"Then you're mine!" the bunny squealed, throwing Puro in the air and then bolting around him in a series of intricate patterns, "My name is Liebig, ok?"
"Ok..." Puro answered, hoping the yellow bunny would stop.
Two more bunnies, a blue female and an orange male, were sitting a little distance away, looking on the scene and wondering if they should join in or stay hidden and wait for others to pass.
"Dragna..." the orange male said.
"Yes, Mesh?" she answered.
"We should take this chance. No-one else might come."
"True... but they carry weapons."
"They also walk hand in hand with their enemy. they're not that bad, just misguided."
"You saying we have to teach them the right way?"
The two stood up as one, as they had come out of their egg as one, and stepped into the growing circle of bunnies to play with their new friends and steal the chocolate out of the special baskets all candidates had received at the start of the hunt.
While the four killer bunnies were busy, Kuiken carefully arched closer to Veer. As usual the older chicken didn't even notice her arrival and she felt frustrated that he didn't even get that she liked him.
As usual Veer was lost in his own thoughts and he seemed to be following a trail. Well at least they'd be alone together, Kuiken shrugged, and she followed her crush deeper into the dunes. She never did look at the ground, which is why she didn't see the oddly shaped tracks that Veer was following and why the two chick dragons sitting together around the corner came as a complete surprise to her.
"Hello!" Veer called, looking at the chick dragons with reverence, they really were marvellous creatures.
"Are you ours?" the two replied.
Taking a closer look, Kuiken noticed that one was male, spotted a dusty grey and the other was a myriad of oranges, reds and flame-tipped yellow feathers. One was cold, the other hot and both seemed to know just what they wanted.
"They've got to be ours, Daiya." the female remarked, "They found us."
"It is true they found us, Lussi." the male replied, "But was it fate or fluke?"
"Flukes are often fate."
Kuiken got bored of the conversation already and called out, "If you're not sure than we'll just leave and you can think a bit more and wait forever since no-one's going to find you again."
"She has a point." Daiya said.
"I like her." Lussi agreed.
"So now we're yours. What will you do?"
"Feed you?" Veer guessed.
"Such excellent candidates they found this year." Lussi remarked.

Only two candidates were left unbonded, Meester and Fleur who was still roaming around Lantessama. Noon was approaching and with it, the end of the hunt. Fleur new she had to be quick. Meester too knew that the chance for bonding was diminishing, but he could not leave Fleur alone lest she'd wreck something.
A green tail appeared in view along with a leaf-crested head that looked all the more interested.
"Did someone think wrecking?" the dark creature asked.
"I want to kill all chickens." Fleur eagerly announced, "Why, can you help me?"
"Ah, it's just a word..." the snake-like plant-like creature hissed, "Want this egg that I found?"
"Is it a special egg?"
"I've been telling it stories all day. Evilness is my name..."
"I don't need your life story!" Fleur called out, thwapping Evilness away and taking the egg for herself. At the exact moment of her touch, the egg cracked open and a pitch-black bunny fell out, looking oddly malicious for such a fluffy dragon.
"My name is Blayde." she hissed, "And I live to ki... ooh, is that chocolate?"
"It is." Fleur answered dutifully, "What did you say you lived for?"
"Ah I live to kindle a flame of undying love for chocolate in all beings!"
A faint scream could be heard on the background: "Nooooo..."
Meester left Fleur by herself, relieved that she had at least bonded something that would keep her from killing for the moment. Now he could find an egg for himself. But that proved harder than it sounded for very little eggs were left at the moment.
"Any bunnies left?" he called.
There was no answer, but a few steps down the road he tripped over a well-camouflaged tail that faded into the sandy road completely.
"Now what's this?" Meester asked himself, pulling the tail, only to have a completely beige bunny pounce on him from behind the bushes.
"You fell in my trap!" the male exclaimed happily, "So, you are mine now."
"I guess", Meester sighed, any bunny was better than none, and at least his diversionary tactic had worked, "What's your name? I'm Meester."
"Oh, I'm Dango."
"Well, Dango, would you like to go the banquet?"
"As long as there's chocolate, I'll go!" Dango said, tripping over his own feet as he got up.
Meester looked and sighed, maybe he should have looked further.


[Stats of Elly and Gaill]
[Stats of Puro and Gry]
[Stats of Fleur and Meester]

Copyrights & Credits

Geleths Place © Cyan
Designed by Aethereality.net
Brushes © Hybrid Genesis