Old Futhark



Rank Third  Aett, a sailor
age 26 years
looks A well trained man from sailing, with a brown skin and very light blond hair
His brown eyes make his barbaric look soften
attitude He is a kind man, with a soft temper.
He is most of the time, calm. But when he gets angry, he can fight as the best. 
history Trying to forget about his past, he goes away when he is 15 and ends up at a harbour far from his old home.
Their he meets an old sailor that teaches him everything, and when he dies, gives leaves everything to him.
But then his brothers show up, and follows them home, leaving everything in hands of a man he trusts with his life. Making a promise that he will come back to this.

Line is typed with Dwarf Runes 1 was found here
Titles are written in Duke and was found here