Old Futhark



Jerick was a young man when he first met Annayis. She was the girl that he fallen in love with, and he knew that she was the only one he would ever love.
Her raven black hair and light blue eyes were all he could think of. 
Jerick had asked her father if he could marry her, and he found it alright, but he had to work for them on their land and live there.
He didn't care. He loved her so madly and she loved him so deeply that they would do everything to stay together.

As a poor farmer, Jerick didn't have much money to spare, but still he gave everything to Annayis. Necklaces, earrings, and other jewellery with every dime that could be spared. 
And then the time came when Annayis got pregnant with his child. 
9 months were a long time, but that didn't matter. He would wait, and see his baby grow in the belly of the woman he loved.

But something terrible happened when Annayis was in her 8th month.
Annayis and their child drowned in the nearby lain water.
Her parents gave him every blame, and he, struck by so much grief, thought the same. 
He had to leave their home, leave everything he had from her and leave the small cradle in the corner of their room.

But as time passed, and the pain lessened, he started to think that Annayis didn't leave her life because of him. She had loved him and the child had been wanted very much. And she was the best swimmer he had known ever since. Something else must have happened.
But what could he do about it? He had to revenge her death. That much he knew. But how? He had no money and he couldn't fight.

First he had to need information. He searched far and wide when he finally found out that Annayis had been killed for pleasure by a group of men. He knew the leader and he even knew where he could find him. He would pay for what that man had done. That man, called Flomyr, would be slained by his hand. The law didn't do anything out of fear of that group, but they would be killed. All of them and the leader with lots of pain.
His broken heart would get healed some when he killed them. He was sure of it.
Every night he dreamed about her. How she lay in the cold water with her arms rapped around her belly. He wanted to jump in the water, he wanted to save her, but as he got in the water, he saw her float away. Every night he never found her. He felt a total failure, a failure to Annayis, to his child and even to the world.

Gathering his things after a bad night sleep on the cold, hard ground next to the road, he wondered further and further. Eventually he would get at his destination. But he was to heart broken to even care.
But then he thought of his poor Annayis and that he had to avenge her death.

He fell on the ground, to weak to get on his feet, almost dried out, faith took control of his life again and made sure that he got to his destination. 
A young soldier named Eihwaz found him when he was looking for herbs. He gave him water and food, a soft bed and lots of care.
But nothing could help his broken heart. Only the death of that group. The death of Flomyr.

When his body got better, he started to train with swords and daggers. And every time he got tired, he pictured Annayis and their child, and then he could fight again and found new strength.
His leader called Hagalaz had been a killer that could be rented by everybody that wanted too. But he didn't want to rent, he wanted to learn. Learn everything that Hagalaz knew. Everything there was to know so that he could avenge Annayis and his unborn child.

But first he had to go to war. Perhaps he would turn his back on his fellow soldiers. But he couldn't do that. He was better than that. He had to wait.. Even though Annayis hunted his dreams.

When they left for battle, Jerick wanted it to be over already. That way he didn't have any obligations towards others and he could do what he want. But faith interfered again.
He was send to another world far from the Flomyr and his men, but he could easily come back, and that with a friend; a dragon..


Jerick is a candidate at

Read the stats of Jerick here


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Titles are written in Duke and was found