Old Futhark



Rank Second Aett, a common warrior handy with the sword and bow.
age 28 years
looks Hazel eyes and light blond hair, worn very short.
Medium length
attitude He is very overprotective about his two brothers, Ehwaz and Eihwaz. He knows that, but tries to be less worried.
Not that it really helps. He's just the worrying type. 
He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just always thinks of the worst thing that can happen.
history Living with his parents as the youngest of 9, he works hard for his parents and plans to come back to them after the war.
When he is summoned, he trains as hard as he can to become an average warrior, good with the sword.
He's glad that Eihwaz is back in the family and worries sick over him when he falls in love with Berkus.
Everything turns out alright, but for Ehlaz, it has opened his eyes. He worries to much.

Line is typed with Dwarf Runes 1 was found here
Titles are written in Duke and was found here