is a Candidate at Lantessama Isle
'My name is Bunbun. Yes I
know it is the quietest name that you have ever heard... I think it is so
too. But we aren't here to tell me how my name is.. No, we are here to
tell Trix of Lantessama Isle how I got here on this lovely island. I will
start after you have seen me!'
Yes I know I'm cute!
It was a hot sunny day and
I was playing with the trumpet. When my little eye saw THE MOST MANLY norn
that I have ever seen. He was the prettiest of them all. And as you maybe
know... Pretty goes with pretty...
Here is a picture of my pretty Michael... *Sigh* Isn't he pretty?
And my plan worked! I was
looking closely in his eyes..
Don't believe me??? Wait I have proof:
And it had almost worked...
But there was a horrible beast! The worst enemy of all the norns
together.. Even worse than a bad hair day! You guessed right... a GRENDEL
See how awful it is:
Don't be fooled by the
'sweet' smile of this animal.. No, it really is something horrible. It
hits you for pleasure! And if that isn't bad enough; it eats our eggs. Our
little baby's.. Don't think it is so pretty anymore now do you!
Back to how I came here, on
this lovely Isle.
Well... As you may have guessed. I was scared of the grendel. I thought
Michael would protect me, he being a very strong and handsome norn, but he
didn't. He ran off in terror, leaving me alone!!
So I ran away from it too. I didn't want to be twapped or eaten...
I ran and I ran, as fast as
these short legs would carry me. And I got where I wasn't allowed to go..
I came at the submarine.. The Hand had always pushed me away when I got
there, and it had even twapped me once when I was a bad Bunbun... But I
don't want to talk about that. Besides, I think that The Hand didn't want
to twap me, me being cute and all....
I took all of my courage and I stepped in. The grendel was to late and he
couldn't swim (lucky for me) and she stood there holding her hand high up,
waiting to twap me! I couldn't get back there.. So I pushed some buttons..
Yes even the red one.. and that is how I got here..
And Now Bunbun is very
alone.. Intensely even... So... *looking with my big brown eyes to Trix
and Cyan* Could I impress a dragon? Those sweet Easter dragons.. (I love
those big fluffy ears) I think that he will protect me against evil
'Look Look!' *jumps up and
down* 'I've impressed a dragon! It's the sweetest of them all!' Wanna see?
She's so pretty. I'll tell
you what has happened when I impressed my dearest Poofy.
It all began one hot summerday on Lantessama isle. There were a lot of
candidates.. Non of them as sweet as me of course, but still nice norns.
Lucas, a very handsome; but not as handsome as Michael; came to wake me
up. He loves Cyan. She's nice too. But she is more interesseted in plants
than in Bunnies. I don't understand.. Plants are only to eat... But
Cyan and Lucas are a cute couple. But I wasn't talking about that
Everybody had found an egg. (the easterbunnie had hiden them all) and then
I saw an egg. It was about my sise. I went to it and I grabbed hold of it.
I didn't want to let go. Even when a little pink (my favorite colour)
popped out. She said that she needed room to hatch... But I didn't want to
let go. I didn't trust those norns that good..
So my sweet Poofy came out of her shell and fell on my. 'Oof' I said and
then crawled from under Poofy. Poofy was a happy bunnie.. From the moment
it came from it shell till now. *smiles sweetly to sleeping Poofy* But
still... "I'm
Poofy. Will you be my rider?" She
said. And I wanted it so I said SHURE.
But than Poofy got scared.. She wanted to hide behind me.. But she could
only hide her haid. I asked what was wrong and then she said: I'm
afraid of these grendels." And
I wanted her to be safe so I said that we were to stay here then.. But..
Can we stay? Pretty please?
Bunbun screamed. 'Where are you hiding?'
'I'm not telling... You will need to find me..' Poofy answered. Her voice
was so happy that bunbun giggled. They were playing hide and seek on
Lantesama Isle. She loved Poofy and she feld at home with that oversised
'I see you Poofy! Your behind that bush!'
Poofy had hidden herself behind a bush where even Bunbun couldn't hide.
Poofy's body was hidden, but her ears weren't. It was a funny sight. A
bush with two pink bunnyears.
Poofy wasn't used to the fact that she was bigger now than when she came
out of her egg...
to Geleth's Place