
to Wikao's Page

Name: Witklif Keistrand R'taou
Nickname: Wikaou
Gender: Male
Species: Y’ughai Mutt
Parents: Kitty
x Emphiron R’taou
Place of Origin: Mirus Fortress
(FlammaAgua Redux)
Description: A pale centaur dragon with long grey horns, large ears
and yellow eyes with slit pupils. His six limbs are clawed. Large parts of
his body are covered in lush peach and silver fur. He has two fluffy tails
and large, teal-coloured wingsails.
Size: Small to Medium-Small
Personality: Relaxed, confident and impossible to make nervous,
Wikaou is cool and collected and very much into summer pastimes. He enjoys
swimming, sunning and just about anything involving water sports.
*Verbal Speech
*Water Manipulation
*Weather Control

Witklif Keistrand R'taou - usually called Wikao by friends and family,
Witklif by acquaintances and Mr. R'taou by strangers - was strolling down
the beach. On his left side a white cliff stretched to the sky, on his
right side the sea retreated from the land. Wikao was heading north.
Yesterday he'd travelled south. Maybe tomorrow he'd go for a swim. Wikao
was pretty certain he'd never climb the cliff wall. Having wings pretty
much meant that climbing was not an interesting pastime to the
Wikao's life mostly centred around doing some light exercise in the
morning, eating lunch and then doing some fun things. Evenings were
reserved for flying and mornings for swimming. Sometimes other dragons or
people joined him and then he might play a few games. other times he was
on his own, enjoying the quiet time to think.
Wikao knew that it wasn't exactly true but no-one seemed to call him a liar
when he proclaimed that he was bound to this land and would never leave.
Some dragons would look for a bond, others yearned for treasure. But those
things didn't motivate Wikao and they never would. Maybe one day family
would take an important place in his heart.
Gihtsejiegnabreen - usually called Svarti by friends and family, Svartisa
by acquaintances an Miss "Gihtse...erm what was it again?" by strangers -
had maybe strayed a bit further south then had been her intention. As an
Ice Taur she mainly lived in cold regions around polar circles. She liked
to move, just to keep things fresh. But in her heart she knew she was
looking for a place to settle. She had plenty of love to give and yearned
for a family to coddle. But giving away her heart to just anyone wouldn't
do. Svarti was a logical dragon, she had rules and requirments when it
came to finding a mate.
So it was with the analytical gaze of a scientist that Svarti inspected
the taur running down the beach. He'd almost snuck up on her, how that was
even possible she had no clue, because his white hide and aqua-blue wings
contrasted with the beach. Maybe his beige-peach fur had thrown her off.
Whatever the case may be, the taur didn't miss a step and approached her
without a care in the world.
"I don't think I've ever seen you here before.
Nice to meet you." Wikao said and introduced himself.
Svarti gave him an appraising look and then exchanged her own name.
"I'm new here." she added,
"I wouldn't mind getting a little tour."
Wikao offered to show her of course, and then took her by all his
favourite spots. Pride swelling his chest as he saw that Svarti was
appreciating the beauty of the place he called home. Time sped away and
suddenly the sunset signalled end of the day.
"Oh, it's already this late." Svarti
exclaimed, "I better get back."
"Where are you headed?" Wikao asked, a
little sad note to his voice.
"I don't have a set home right now. I was going
to stay up north." Svarti admitted.
"Then why go, stay here and we can get to know
each other some more tomorrow."
Svarti surprised herself when she immediately said:
"I'd like that."

Name: Svartisa Gihtsejiegnabreen
Nickname: Svarti
Gender: Female
Species: Ice Taur Dragon
Place of Origin: Lyria (Keltic
Spirit Glade)
Description: A very pale, nearly white dragoness
with aquamarine blue fur and feathers. She has green eyes and a long face.
Her tail is long and tapered. She has three sets of limbs and two sets of
wings that she coordinates with grace. Her middel set of limbs are used to
walk on, but these paws are more agile than regular feet.
*Colour: Aquamarine Blue
*Size: Medium (10-14 feet at
the shoulder)
Personality: Cool and collected, Svarti nontheless
has a soft spot for small children and cute animals. She might look cold
on the outside, inside she is warm and caring (as long as you don't get
her angry that is).
*Shiny Hide
*Cold Aura

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