to Sunset Shine's Page

Name: Sunset Shine
Gender: Male
Species: Rukel
Description: Sunset Shine bears the colors of sunset on his fur and feathers. Yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, violet and indigo are all present. Suffice to say he's a dashing little creature. Of course Sunset Shine knows this. He can come of as rather vain and self-absorbed but that's just because he actually is the one most interesting to look at ^^
Place of Origin: Nexus Forum Birthday Gift (Darkling Dawn)

The stunning rukel walked around the isle that he'd claimed as his home and flashed his wings to all who looked at him. He had so many fans and he wanted to show off his brilliance to please them. People smiled when he came by, children inevitably wanted to pet his fur and even some of the older inhabitants of Lantessama had asked him for the privilege.
And Sunset Shine always obliged. He quite liked the attention, Sunset Shine did not lie to himself about his own personality traits. He had a big need to love and be loved. There was nothing wrong with this. He never pressured others to take his affection nor did he beg pets from those that were busy or did not like fluffy animals. Luckily not many of those humans were around.
So when the Laedrys called on him, Sunset Shine entered her chambers without a care in the world.
"Hello Sunset." Trix said effectionately.
"Would you like your usual session?" the rukel asked.
"I won't say no to that but I actually have a proposition for you." the Laedrys continued.
As the woman moved in to scritch behind his ears and give a nice face massage before she started with the full backrubs, she came down to business:
"I was wondering if you'd like to take a short business trip to one of Dragon Pact's locales, namely the Academia to act as our representative during an event featuring wyrms."
"Why did you think of me?" Sunset Shine asked.
"Frankly, I've run out of IceLand youngsters since they all bonded at the Reindeer festival. But I do believe you'd really match with one of these wyrms. they're called gold dragons and I've been led to believe they're bright like sunlight. And that just made me think of you."
"When you put it like that, how could I refuse?" the rukel agreed.

Six eggs had been acquired and six had hatched. Three males and three females, all gold but with subtle differences that made each one distinguishable from his or her siblings. The darkest bellied hatchling approached the brightly coloured Rukel, prancing and shifting her body to make her scales shimmer in the light.
"Two such perfect beings as we, were clearly destined to be together" She announced "You may call me Narilthel".

Name: Narilthel
Gender: Female
Species: Gold Wyrm
Personality: Vain | Perfectionist | Eager | Sincere
Place of Origin: Academia de Magica (Dragon Pact)
     *Verbal Speech
     *Low-light vision
     *Dark vision
     *Wingless flight
     *Breathweapon - Fire
     *Breathweapon - Weakening Gas
Spell-like abilities, developed with practice:
     *Fireball (put on a show with fire!)
     *Fire shield (fly through flaming hoops!)
     *Slow (to make others look longer at their radiance!)
     *Sleep (what's the point in putting people to sleep when they could watch the radiance that is this duo?)
     *Polymorph (why mess with perfection?)

Sunset Shine flashed his wings and behind him Narilthel set of a spectacle of fireball fireworks and twirling fire shields. Against the dark of the falling night, Sunset Shine seemed to glow. Narilthel knew this to be true as her dark vision and low-light vision made the world appear different to what regular human eyes could see. But in this fashion, she could give a glimpse of her perfection back to the people of Lantessama who had so kindly welcomed her in their midst.
After the spectacle had ended, Narilthel and Sunset Shine retired to their quarters. Although she was tired, Narilthel still had plans for the night. She'd been practicing another skill and she felt like she was really close to it being useful. But she wouldn't show it to her bond before she knew it was perfect. But if it worked, she would be able to extend the wonder of their shows, allowing people to experience joy in amounts that would be sure to please them.
Narilthel smiled and eagerly set to work while Sunset Shine worked on his beauty(sleep).

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