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"Why do I have to go out?" Melancholith sighed. Really, waking up, getting out of bed was such a bother. Couldn't he just stay here, laying peacefully, thinking about nothing, about how life was treating him badly? Why did that annoying green plant, or one of the two sun laedrysses for that matter, bother him that much?
Melancholith felt a stinging sensation near the back of his tail.
"Move your behind or you'll taste my wrath." Wickedness exclaimed, her eyes seemingly boiling black tar. She had had it with doing these meaningless jobs. All day long she had to wait hand and foot for those 4 stupid Laedrysses and the one who should be in charge - her father Evilness, under her careful guidance of course - was sleeping the day away almost in the same way as this one. Depression was for losers, the world belongs to the ones that take it. Slowly, the tail before her started to look very good... very good to use for a punching and biting bag.
Wickedness opened her mouth and let her thorn-like claws grow. Somehow, the good for nothing blue punchbag by the name of Melancholith before her, sensed her intentions.
"Jeez... this sucks." Groaning he got up, wimpering sad little words like: "Why does it always have to be me?" and "You would bite me, even when I'm down like this? You're mean!".
"Run before I find you and kill you." Wickedness hissed.
Melancholith trotted of, fast enough for the glaring Wickedness, but slow enough to show his discomfort and dismay about her decision that he should get up today. Sure it was summern sure it was warm to anyone on the isle. But to melancholith the sunlight was too bright, it stung in his eyes, the heat was crashing down on him while the moisture in the air seemed to make him boil. Maybe he had been born without sweat-glands, that might be it, he had to be miserable for some reason or the other. Life had never treated him kindly. First he had been entrapped in a cold blackness, he had had to work harder than any other dragon to get out of his shell, only to be shipped of immediately to some unknown place. Some unknown place where it was bright and hot and there were too many flitters, mosquitoes and other pests to torment him. He couldn't even bath without some or other water creature trying to swim around his legs to cheer him up.
"They don't understand that I don't want to be cheered up, it's so sad." Melancholith sighed.
Finding a peaceful spot near the fazzle garden, sheltered from sight by a few large bushes and a few larger than average trees, Melancholith soon fell asleep, ignorant of the noises around him, ignorant of the activities and the excitement. He was alone, in his dreamworld, sad, grey and miserable. But that felt right. That was how it was supposed to be.

Finally, the remaining butterflyts, seven of them, one for each colour of the rainbow, started flying around more agitated. In large circles they flew over the meadow, searching for their bond. All the candidates had bonded, and none of the butterflyts showed interest in any of the bystanders. It took another five minutes before one of them launched a cry that he had found what they had been looking for.
A grumpy head, woken up by the loud melodic tones, rose from the bushes, the bells on top of it jingling softly. "Why me...?" a pitiful sigh came, "I only want to sleep. Why does the world have to be so damn cheerful... it bites!"
Melancholith sighed again, unaware of the lurking doom above his head, not knowing about the hatching and what frightening bright hatchlings it had brought forth, not knowing about the seven who had eagerly been awaiting to find someone with a heart that was big or empty enough for it to take on the care of seven. Melancholith did not know that they had found him.
"Re!" the orange male that had found Melancholith for his troup shouted, followed by a resounding "Si!" from the pink female of the group. "Do!" the red one cried happily, "Mi! Mi! Mi!" the yellow one sang rappidly, serving as the background music for one loud "Sol!" from a blue male butterflyt who followed, dragging his two remaining siblings behind him by their tails as they were snapping at each other in what could only be called a serious philosophical discussion:
"Fa Fa Fa!"
Melancholith groaned under the sudden bombardment of sounds, felt his world collaps with the single realisation that all these bright little fluttery things would be around him constantly, taking up his timing, fighting for his attention, their voices always in his head, like the mechanical alarm clock from DOOM (yes DOOM with all capitals, this is heavy)... Melancholith sighed and asked himself: "Why me?"

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