
image made with Portrait Workshop

Name: Zyuni
Age: 24
Gender: Hermaphrodite, identifies as female
Race: Dragonoid
Class: Warrior, Mercenary

Description: Zyuni is white-scaled with a long snout and several horns and floppy appeandages around her head. Her mouth is filled with razor-sharp teeth and her bright red eyes lendher a fierce expression. Zyuni is slender but sturdy with well-defined muscles and a long, agile tail.
Personality: Zyuni is a mercenary. She does whatever you need for money. There are a few things she might be opposed to, but in the end it's on her contractor's conscience. She's just the hired gun. With the money she gets for her work, Zyuni happily buys luxury items, gourmet foods and exquisite gems. All of which she stores in her personal hide-out. Whenever she isn't working, she's relaxing and cocooning at home.  
Social: Zyuni keeps no bonds to family or friends. She has a few professional contacts but none she would trust further than how far she can see them.
     *Tough hide
     *Several fighting styles (most featuring blades of some sort)
     *Stealth (or make that disguise because you can't hide excellence)


Zyuni, the white dragonoid mercenary, was cocooning quite cosily in her hideaway when something unprecendented happened.
"Breach. Alert!" her alarm-system warned.
As it happened, Zyuni was between jobs. She'd just spent a few weeks crawling through a swampy jungle avoiding gnats and other evil bugs while taking out bigger prey and looking for her target. The alarm was not a welcome diversion. Maybe it could have been a few days in the future after boredom would have inevitably struck.
"Status!" Zyuni commanded and her alarm system produced a map of the compound on the nearest screen.
Zyuni might enjoy cosy time at home, her hideaway was far from small.  It consisted of several interconnected rooms that had distinct functions: living, storage, training, communications.... She could comfortably wait out a nuclear winter in her home and that meant there was ample space, more than she actually needed for herself. Normally Zyuni would have started her search near the single entrance
but the alarm-system pointed her into a different direction.
"Camera-feed?" Zyuni requested.
"Video is not available." the alarm-system reported.
"Well it makes sense that anyone who knows what they're doing would take out the camera. I'll just have to go check."

Not too far away, sprawled uncomfortably in what appeared to be a pantry, Verreity tried to move without knocking something over. She failed and ended up coated in -presumably- flour. Her crystal-clear outer skin was covered in the white powder, hiding her inner structures from sight. It might be a good thing nobody was going to see her vital organs on display. It might give them ideas as to where to poke a sword or aim a projectile.
After some more maneuvering, a few more broken jars and an embarrassed sigh as an entire shelving unit toppled over, Verreity finally managed some kind of decent posture. The room was big enough to not have to stoop low to the ground although she could not extend herself fully either.
"That panic-driven teleport could have gone worse." she told herself, "It's a good thing you didn't end up stuck in rocks."
She'd only envisioned someplace dark to hide after all. Just seconds before she'd been sleeping soundly, believing she was safe from harm, then that loud crash had woken her up and suddenly she'd been falling as the floor had just vanished and the harsh light of outside had revealed too many enemies to take on.

Zyuni flipped on the light switch, hoping the bright light would blind the intruder. What she found inside one of her storage units was not what she expected. For one, the intruder was much bigger than she'd anticipated. A draconic muzzle pointed at the door when she swept inside, eyes big under the eyeguards, wings folded back and claws placed awkwardly on top of broken glass.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my home?" she demanded.
With every ounce of courage she could muster, Verreity replied: "A guest seeking a place to rest. What else would I be!?"
Even sounding righteously indignant, Zyuni had years of experience with bluffing opponents.
"Nice try. Again."
"Ahem." Verreity pouted, "I miscalculated a jump and landed here. I really do need a place to stay."
"I can ...compensate you?"
"Now those are words that reach my sympathy center." Zyuni grinned, "Let me escort you to a room more up to your size."


Verreity bonded at the Nexus 2024 Autumn Gather (Art by Mystic)


Name: Verreity
Gender: Female
Species: Glassian (Hathian x translucent halloween progenitor)
Colour: Yellow Glass
Size: Average Hathian (8-16 feet at the shoulder)
Personality: As clear as glass, Verreity won't sugarcoat nor tell white lies. She's brutally honest, her criticism might be constructive. She never felt at home in a pack and has led a solitary existence until she met Zyuni. To Zyuni she is something of a conscious. As most yellow hathian, she is quite shy and all that bravado is meant to keep her from getting hurt.

  *Breath Weapon: Fire and Acid
  *Telepathy, The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.
  *Teleportation, The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.

Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva