
image made with Portrait Works

Name: Weemud
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Race: Human (long-lived)
Class: Hunter/Archer

Description: Weemud is a diminutive woman. She is short and slight and can easily slip through small crevices and passageways. She has ash-blond hair that doesn't show the gray as much and dark brown eyes. Her nose is quite large and her chin is pronounced. She has a lean musculature that gives her not so much strength but endurance.
Personality: Weemud often looks back on her life and ponders about what could have been. She has a melancholic mindset without being clinically depressed or pessimistic. She is very aware that every choice limits her future and she takes a long time to decide what the best course of action should be. She is not a hermit, but she does enjoy extended periods of being on ehr own, usually out hunting to provide for herself and others.  
Skills: Good eyesight, Markmanship, Survival
Pets: Cloud (m),
a Whippet from Starburst Weyr (by Molly, now from Meridian Weyr)


Weemud had wandered into Clan Akelara only yesterday but her timing couldn't have been better. Today she was standing for a clutch of Myrsilk eggs. The large, stately dragons were mostly tail and slender shape. But their lilthe bodies were packed with the magic they required to live. All around, the spectating dragons glowed with their power and their bonded wore their finery for this joyous event. Weemud might have felt a bit underdressed in her hunter attire if some of the others present weren't dressed equally casual. It might not be a bad thing when clothes could be ripped by wayward talons or rended by clumsy claws.
Her thought hadn't gone cold when one such talon pierced the shell of the egg that contained it and a bright red female with gold markings pushed out. When she spread her wings to let them dry, she displayed all the colours of the sky at sunset from the deep reds and vibrant yellow over sparkling white and cool teal to mysterious indigo and star-spangled purple.
Taking her time, Heremya looked the candidates over. There were a few promising youths. But the one that really caught her eye was quite a bit older. Still the woman did not look frail nor at the end of her life. She stood up straight and alert, ready to take action. The look in her eyes was knowing.
Finally, Heremya moved herself over to Weemud and designated that she'd made her choice.
"I shall wander away with you, Weemud." she stated.
"I shall be glad of your company, Heremya." Weemud responded.
Not once would Weemud ever think back and doubt her decision to stand for the clutch.

Heremya bonded at Clan Akelara

Name: Heremya'roam
Gender: Female/Riser
Species: Myrsilk
Origin: Nexus Autumn Gather 2024 (Art by Starfyre)
Personality: Stately and Benevolent.
    *Colour: Autumn Dusk
Quite Large (length 80ft, height 20 ft)
Strength Level 6/10

     *Telepathy + Verbal speech (after study with magical aid) + Body Language
     *Absorb free magical energy from surroundings
Summon Spirits (Wind and Earth)
Summoning (Autumn aligned beings/spirits)
Create fog/frost
Light Manipulation (brings light level to about that of an autumn's dusk)
View/Manipulate Magic (see and manipulate the magic that other's cast, works best on wind/earth/autumn relate magic)


Heremya had grown... and grown. The well-mannered lady dragon had a big appetite, both for food and magic and the ability for Weemud to provide these to her bond was evident in the way the dragoness shined. Her colouors were bright, her hide sleek and soft and her eyes were as clear as sprinwater.
"There is no time like the now." Heremya'd decided.
"What's that you said?" Weemud asked.
"I'm in peak condition. The time for a flight is now." Heremya explained, "Shall we look for a place to rise?"
"If you want to. I don't mind setting down temporary roots for a while. Maybe it's time for me to have some fun as well."
"Planning to raise young?" Heremiya asked.
"Oh no, I don't think I would be a good mother. Although, who knows..."

Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva