
image made with Portrait Workshop

Name: Uska
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Cat Person

Description: Uska is a dark-furred cat-lady with small, triangle ears, yellow eyes with oval pupils and a tail. She walks upright but has better than average balance and climbing abilities due to her claws and flexible spine. Like a cat, she can bend in unnatural angles and squeeze through holes you wouldn't think possible. In size she is about 5 feet tall and won't grow any bigger. She is considered adult for her species. 
Personality: Uska has always been studious. From an early age she took an interest in shadows, curses and all things related to death. That was probably due to the myth of a cat having nine lives. Since then she has honed her magical skills while also researching myths and legends. There is little she likes more than listening to a chilling tale on a hot summer evening.  
Skills: Necromancy, Understand cats (through pheromones), Heightened senses
Enjoys: Myths and legends, sweets and talking about ghosts
Dislikes: Hot food and drinks, loud barking and large bodies of water


Charming the (Draca) Fae
It was close to midnight when Aska finally finished drawing her magic circle. She had carefully reproduced it from partial renders in books and from recounts of people who'd seen it in practice. The result might not work but there was only one way to be sure. The night was crisp, howls hooted somewhere overhead and a few rodents were scurrying about. Uska's stomach growled at the thought of the rodents, but her pantry was stuffed with more delectable treats. Though only a thin crescent of the moon remained, it was enough for her eyes to make out what she must.
Uska started the small incantation that would pull a fae toward her. The words were simple. An open invite with a ward that would keep her safe should something bad occur. She'd never had need of it before but it was best to be safe, especially after she'd learned she didn't have the promised nine lives.
"Come to me!" Uska ended the incantation and waited.
A small flicker appeared in the center of the circle. The very air seemed to pulse and vibrate. A static charge raised her fur and she could feel the night fill with power. And then it was suddenly gone. Fizzled maybe?
Uska sighed and wanted to leave, she'd have to try again another time, maybe revise some of her ideas on the circle.
"You called and now you're leaving?" a telepathic voice asked.
Uska looked around and if it had not been for it's rainbow wings, she would have missed the small black and blue creature. Though it was not what she'd expected, it was still better than a complete failure.
"I was trying to summon a fae." Uska explained, "And you are?"
Uska felt it was probably safer not to give out her name just yet. But the Draca Fae hybrid had other plans.
"I'm a fae! Half on my father's side. And half Draca on my mother's. We seek those who do magic to aid them and I see it was right to answer your call. Call me Sigil, Uska. We'll go far together."

Sigil bonded at

Name: Sigil
Gender: Female
Colour: Black with Blue fur and red accents, rainbow wings
Personality: Mysterious, Superior/Haughty
Parents: Black/red draca Sebbie x blue/black/white pride fae Risen
SpeciesDraca- Fae Hybrid
Size23 - 25cm long
     *mage sight (a sufficiently trained magic user can see through their familiar's eyes) 
     *arcane knowledge (can remember and repeat any spell given to them) 
     *arcane focus (can be used as a delivery method for touch-based spells)

Extra Info:
Draca: Seeing as draca were created to be mage familiars on Tris'Hath, they are instinctively drawn toward magic-wielding individuals. They do not need to bind themselves to a magic-user (or anyone else for that matter), but they get a sense of fulfilment from becoming someone's familiar. Outside of being familiars, they are an exceptionally social creature that prefers to live in large family groups in highly populated areas. This has resulted in draca being labelled as a pest species due to their tendency to raid farmyards and restaurant garbage bins.







Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva