
image made with
Portrait Works STATS
Name: Tuikh
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Jack-of-all-Trades Description:
Big and burly, Tuikh would inspire fear in most other
humans if not for his goofy grin and general sloppy appearance. He has
lightly tanned skin, dark, wavy hair that always seems to be in need of
haircut and big brown eyes. His facial features are broad (bushy eyebrows,
wide nose, plump lips).
Personality: Goodnatured and friendly, Tuikh tends
to want to help people with whatever it is they need. Because of his size,
he can be a bit clumsy, especially when handling small or delicate items.
The young man has long since learned that task requiring strength are the
best fit for him. But this will not stop Tuikh from taking other tasks if
there is need for them. Taking care of others is his biggest drive in
life. When not helping people, Tuikh enjoys sleeping, walking around and
Skills: Strength, Observation, Natural charm *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* STORY
The young traveller found himself in
the quaint village of Kojiki after a long and adventurous trip he'd funded
by working along the way. Tuikh had been on this journey for the last two
years, departing shortly after his grandmother had died and receiving a
small inheritance and a letter that bid him to chase his dreams.
Dreaming had been somethign Tuikh didn't do much of. He was a guy living
in the now. And if the now was good, why covet other things? But his
grandmother's will had instilled in him a need to look for other things,
to broaden his horizons, to see more than just the sleepy village where
he'd grown up. There was no-one to leave behind, no meaningful job or
hobby to quit. Setting off was surprisingly easy and uneventful.
What hadn't been easy to let go of, was Tuikh's own inherent nature to
help. He'd lingered longer than he'd had to in some places. He'd helped
bring in harvests, had hauled bricks and built homes when he really didn't
need to. But he'd been paid for his effort and after a while, this way of
life had become a habit.
But nothing lasts forever and change always finds those who don't chase
Tuikh had arrived only the night before, so he had not found work and was
leisurely strolling through the town when he was hailed and greeted.
"Hello there, good Sir."
"Greetings, may luck be on your side." Tuikh replied.
"And on yours." the other man continued, "Might you be interested in
seeing the young Drago?"
"What are Drago?" Tuikh asked.
Not much later, Tuikh was educated on the small Lemurian monsters, the
elements they worked in and their general needs. He also learned that the
latest nest was due to find bonds or homes as the young had grown a bit
restless. Never doubting his ability to help, Tuikh quickly volunteered
his presence.
When they arrived at the nest, several people were milling about, getting
close to several young Drago, trying to entice them with food or voice.
Some of them got whacked with a tail or glomped. Some looked as if they'd
been in a fight. Tuikh quickly realised the cause of this as a light blue
female with stubby horns and small wings threw herself against his side.
Finding support on a conveniently nearby wall, Tuikh remained upright. He
steadied himself, legs spread and shoulders squared as he commenced a
play(?)-battle with the young female.
When her energy had been drained and she found Tuikh still standing, the
young Aqua Drago happily decided to stay with this human and help him. She
would defend him from danger and let him know of dangers on the road
"So what do I call you?" Tuikh asked.
The Drago chirped, blinked and cocked her head.
"Blue?" Tuikh tried.
The Drago shook her head and seemed to sigh.
"Too simple? How about Miranda?"
She came a little closer but still seemed dissatisfied.
"Even more elaborate? I hope I'll be able to remember this, but how about
Myravinda seemed to purr in agreement.

Myravinda bonded at
Kojiki Village (Dragon Pact) STATS
Name: Myravinda
Gender: Female
Species: Drago
(Lemurian monster)
Element: Aqua
Description: A small, bipedal, raptorial dragon type creature. Each arm
ends in a single clawed finger, and it has two short toes on each leg. It’s
wings are too small to carry it in flight, and have three Wingfingers each.
Drago are usually fairly neutral in tone, with large areas of colour with waved
edges and some spots. Like most Lemurian Monsters, their colours will vary
depending on their elemental alignment.
Size: 4' at the shoulder at bonding but will
continue to grow
Personality: Boisterous, Territorial, Inquisitive
Communication - Drago have a natural empathic sense which they use to
communicate with other beings.
*Simple Telepathic Bond - with 1 other
being at a time. Communication is limited to simple concepts.
*Elemental Weakness Weak to Bolt (Aqua)
*Size Change - the ability to decrease
size at will, down to the listed smallest adult size. (4' at the shoulder, 12'
*Flightless - A Drago's wings can be
used to glide short distances, or give themself a height boost when jumping.
*Functional Immortality - Do not
experience senescence. Will continue to live, and grow, until an outside force
kills them
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva