
image made with
Portrait Works
Name: Rye
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Race: Dragonoid
Class: Dragonmage (Light
and Illusion) Description:
A dark-scaled dragonoid with a long and narrow face, a
slender build and small flippered ears. The scales on her throat and chest
are a delicate pink, a colour that is mirrored in her eyes. Her tail is
long, thin and can be used as an extra hand, it's very dexterous.
Personality: A girly and whimsical dragonoid, Rye
is often underestimated or not taken serious by her pears. But although
she loves to immerse herself in the stories and realms of fantasy, she is
as observant about plotlines and hidden motives in reality. She
has a keen intuition and a mind that can think in several directions at
once. Her vast imagination helps her with her illusion magic.
*Magic: Skilled in Light (Good)
and Ilusion (Proficient) Magic
*Mind Reading: Can bypass subconscious blocks and some
intentional ones although not when they're very strong.
Enjoys: Intrigue, Drama, Soaps
Dislikes: Reality Checks (by others) *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* STORY
Rinuye arrived at the designated
location for the study retreat. If not for the other dragonoid waiting, he
would have thought he'd been mistaken. The slightly younger female
dragonoid, Rye, felt relieved to see someone else approach. As she was a
bubbly sort of person, she immediately sought to make contact:
"Hi there, My name is Rye. Are you here for the
retreat as well?"
"I am." Rinuye acknowledged,
"My name is Rinuye, I specialise in Plant and Water
"Light and Illusion."
As if to demonstrate, Rye conjured up a small square that blinked and then
started showing pictures of water. After half a minute, she let the screen
disappear. Though others often found her talents of little worth, Rye
herself loved showing pictures. She wanted to know whether or not this
trip would be enjoyable. If there were only going to be a handful of
students and they all acted negatively she'd prefer to bail out sooner
rather than later.
But Rinuye was impressed and gave a small applause after he'd watched the
"I can see you're talented. I think you'll find my
skills boring in comparison."
Raising a hand, the white dragonoid conjured moisture from the air,
condensed it and then had it rain down on a small flower which instantly
perked up and grew a bit.
"Well, your skills are certainly more practical than
mine." Rye said.
Before she could elaborate and ask why his eyes started to glow yellow,
they were interrupted by a raspy cough and when they turned, they faced an
older greyish purple dragonoid with an impressive set of teeth and an even
more impressive suit.
"Leave the experimenting for the designated times."
Xaeger admonished his students.
Xaeger looked around and then checked his schedule and class information.
It appeared no other students would be joining them. Although it was
dissapointing to only have two, it was better than none and he'd still be
able to do what he loved most.
"My name is Xaeger and I'll be your teacher for the
weekend." he introduced himself and then went on:
"During this trip, you will focus on furthering your
own magic, learning what you need to train efficiently under my own
skillful eye. Don't hesitate to ask me for explanations on the course
material. Practical questions should be asked to the staff at the
facility. Other groups are training there. You are free to mingle but
ensure that you follow your schedule at any time. Questions?"
Rye and Rinuye shook their heads. After some more instructions and their
introductions, the three of them headed inside. They were given a tour of
the facility, shown their quarters for the weekend and explained where to
find the food hall and study rooms.
The three of them met up again
after an hour in which they put away their things in their rooms and a
short exploration of the facility to find their study room. The facility
was indeed huge and at times voices and sounds could be heard echoing
softly through the stone hallways. Though there was no visible light
source, the hallways weren't dark.
When Rinuye remarked on that, Rye grinned and gave another show of her
"It's light magic. I'm better at illusion magic but
I can manage."
She dimmed and then brightened the ambient light and had it pulse a few
times before letting go of the magic. They continued on and found the
right room. As Xaeger was already inside, they immediately started the
lecture. Classes to enhance one abilities were expensive. Rinuye had been
helped by his workplace while Rye's parents had paid for her tuition in
hopes of improving her light magic enough for her to find a suitable job
with it.
Xaeger lectured and lectured on. Rye felt herself lose concentration after
half an hour of droning. Rinuye gave her a little poke but staying awake
was proving difficult. If only Xaeger could use some more interesting
examples. Maybe use some fictional characters to prove his point. Or some
celebrities to keep things a bit more interesting.
Rinuye decided to help not only Rye but also himself.
"Could we maybe practice some of what you've said,
Master Xaeger? I think I need to revise some things before I can move on."
Xaeger blinked. He did not like being interrupted, but he did enjoy when a
student was courteous and invested.
"I guess that works." he replied and gestured
for Rinuye and Rye to come closer.
"As I was saying, magic works best when
Xaeger created a metal sphere, stretched it into a thin but larger frame
and asked for Rinuye to add his water magic to the mirror. The image it
reflected became sharper immediately.
"Now if you could just add your light magic..."
Xaeger directed Rye.
But Rye had little motivation to improve her light magic. She'd much
prefer to make a career in illusion magic, preferably working in streaming
fiction. She figured there'd be no harm in using her preferred kind of
magic.... but it proved to have some unforeseen consequences.
As soon as Rye's illusion magic hit the mirror, images swirled. No longer
did the mirror of metal and water reflect reality. It was difficult to
discern whether the images were real or imagined, but they started to
flash faster and faster as Xaeger lost his hold on the magic. Rinuye,
oblivious that anything was going wrong, was still feeding his magic into
the mirror.... although it was more than a mirror now. As a wind picked
up, Xaeger realised they were now holding a portal.
"Get back!" he tried to call.
But it was too late. In an instant, they were sucked into the void of
water and illusion. The metal frame buckled, shrank and finally
disappeared leaving not a trace of where they'd gone.
"Where are we?" Rye asked.
Rinuye tried to get up, but that was difficult with Xaeger splayed on top
of him. A groan escaped from their teacher but the older dragon would not
wake up. After some shoving, Rinuye finally managed to get untangled and
stand up. They were outside, in a secluded spot with. It was pleasantly
warm and the sound of buzzing and rustling seemed to indicate nothing had
been disturbed by their coming.
"Maybe Xaeger will know after he wakes up."
Rinuye said, "It's no place I know."
Rye conjured a light and Rinuye did what he could with his water magic to
help make Xaeger comfortable. After a while, their teacher finally opened
his eyes. He still looked somewhat green around the nostrils but he didn't
look too incapacitated.
"You added illusion magic!" he chided Rye,
"I told you to add light magic."
"So? I wanted to further my illusion magic."
"That's not what was in the schedule." Xaeger
moped, "You could have killed us."
"But I didn't." Rye retorted.
At that moment, their raised voices had attracted the interest of some
quite peculiar beings. Because of the arguement, Rinuye was the first one
to notice and the others seemed intent on ignoring his prompts to look up.
"Look up now!" he finally called.
Three sets of dark eyes looked down upon the dragonoids. With tough skin
and bright colours, the Legons looked out of place in the natural
environment. One was bright yellow with blue wings. A second was shades of
grey and silver with purple wings and face, the last one was shades of
pink with white wings and a black face.
"I found the voices!" the yellow dragon
happily called out, causing the local fauna to go silent.
"It appears they are kin, Comet." the pink
one added
"Where did they come from, Waterlily?" the
silver one prodded.
"Maybe we should ask them, Moonlight?" Comet
suggested, "Waterlily won't know more than we do."
The three sets of plastic eyes turned back to the dragonoids below them.
"It appears they are friendly." Rye offered
to Rinuye.
"I guess we were lucky." the white dragonoid
"What are they made off?" Xaeger mused.
"There's no time for study." Rinuye urged,
"We need to get back home."
"Where is home?" Moonlight asked,
"I'd like to visit."
"Maybe we can help." Comet added.
"I guess we're offering our assistence."
Waterlily explained.

Waterlily was created by
Name: Waterlily
Gender: Agender, presents as female
Race: Legon (Lego Dragon)
Personality: A quiet,
contemplative dragon.
*Undying: Must be ground to dust or melted down in order to truly
die, magic starvation will send them into hybernation
*Plastic Consumption: Ability to consume and process plastic of any
kind, anything non-plastic that's consumed will be spat back
out in compacted form like an owl pellet, free of any plastic
contamination (including microplastics). Any plastic consumed can be
used to heal themselves, grow their bodies, or stored as
pellets for later use in creating new Legon.
*Plastic Regeneration: ability to heal from near-total destruction
(only head remaining) via consumption of plastic
*Plastic Creation: Ability to consume crude oil or plant matter,
mix with magic, and produce virgin plastic
*Unwavering Flight: Ability to fly so long as their wings are
attached, no matter how much they're carrying
*Flight Safety: A rider cannot be easily knocked off so long as the
rider is standing atop the 'mount points' over their hips.
(Rider must be standing with both feet planted on a mount point for
Flight Safety to activate, if both feet can fit on a single
mount point, Flight Safety will still activate. Each Legon
comes with four mount points in a square shape, though the size of the
mount points are proportional to the size of the Legon, so
larger Legon will have larger mount points. Plastic Creation can be
used by individual Legon to create "mount point expansions"
that can snap onto their natural mount points and expand the
available area to stand.)
*Fire Spit: ability to spit a dagger-like tongue of flame Description:
*Colours: Pink body with lighter
pink front limbs, white wings and a black head.
*Size: Variable, dependant upon how much plastic was
used to create the Legon (can grow up to 1/3rd larger by eating plastic)
*Food: Magic to survive, plastic (of any form) to
grow/heal/create new Legon
General Info: Legon are dragons of living plastic,
capable of a surprising amount of movement considering their nature. They
are also hollow and have no internal organs, though they can feel touch
and are aware of any injuries inflicted upon them. Long exposure to the
weather, especially to strong sunlight, can damage them and fade their
colors over time, though this can be reversed with the use of Plastic
Regeneration. Legon can trade the lower half of their tail, their wings,
their front arms, and the top of their heads with other Legon of similar
size, and often do so to show their mutual love (platonic or romantic,
doesn't matter - this is just as common amongst chosen family groups as
among lovers). Coloration: dependent upon what dye or plastic was used to
create the Legon initially - usually a single solid color with no
patterning or variance. Particularly skilled Legon can create offspring
with intricate patterns with a significant amount of focus and magic
expenditure, though this is rare. Some Legon have translucent wings.
Reproduction: Can be done alone, requires only a significant
amount of plastic to create a new Legon body, and then an infusion of
magic to create the spark of life. The more Legon that pool their
resources, the more offspring can be created at a time. Offspring tend to
take after their makers in personality/hopes/desires/etc at first, so the
more Legon are involved in the creation process the more varied the
offspring will be. Legon can theoretically reproduce with any other
species that uses magic to spark life instead of relying on biological
Bonding: Possible but unnecessary. Bonding a
Legon will extend the partner's lifespan a signifcant amount
Mates: Legon don't require mates to create
offspring, but some Legon prefer to form a romantic partnership with
another (or with several others) *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva |