
image made with Portrait
Name: Merida
Age: Classified
Gender: Female (but has the skills to crossdress)
Race: Demon Fae
Class: Spy Description:
Merida is a tall, curvy woman with long red hair. Her demon heritage runs
toward bat-features, with pointy ears, a scrunched up nose and sharp but
tiny fangs. Her fae heritage gave her iridescent purple wings and
milk-white eyes that make it impossible to know just what she's looking
at. Both of the lineages combined gave her an exceptional set of magical
skills and a high intelligence that helps her in her work.
Personality: Merida has trained herself to withstand the pitfalls
of her heritage. She knows how to suppress her anger outburst, to temper
her lust and to focus on the less pleasant sides of a job. She presents
herself as a suave, cultured person and keeps those less desirable
features of her personality hidden, to be indulged in secret. So far this
tactic has worked for her and she has risen quite high in the ranks of her
organisation. Merida abhors boredom so she often looks for extra
* Surveillance
* Intelligence
* Assassination
* Lock-picking
Magical Abilities:
* Mind Fog: the ability to cloud another's mind, making them
very easy to manipulate
* Fire Magic: the ability to control fire, she can also call
forth small flames
* Illusion Magic: the ability to mess with perception of
others (hide in plain sight, cloak or obscure items)
* Minor Teleportation: the ability to hop from one place to
another (limited to places in sight, cooldown 1 hour)
* Corrupt: the ability to make others give in to their
Pets: Has her own little demons to entertain her, though they also
try to lure her on the path of destruction. *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* A
Merida was born as the result of a hot (quite literal) one night stand
between a male demon and a female fae. Neither had believed they would be
able to produce offspring and in all likelihood, her father probably was
still in the dark about that. Merida didn't even know his name as her
mother had not shared that information with her.
As a young child, Merida grew up in the Fae realm but her impulsive nature
landed her in a lot of trouble and caused other fae to steer clear of her.
There really wasn't anyone around who could teach her how to handle her
demon abilities so she had to learn on her own. When those powers included
fire magic and corruption that was quite a dangerous direction of self
Very soon, Merida retreated to places that were desolate and as soon as
she was old enough to travel on her own, she left her mother and home and
ventured into the mortal realm. She saw many places, met many people and
in the process honed her people, fae and demon skills. That skillset
landed her a job at a secret organisation specialising in spying and
obstacle removal (aka assassination). *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* MISSION
1: THE
"How did I get in this mess?"
Merida asked herself as she hung out of a car window trying to hit the
tires of the car in front.
Her day had started out like usual, relaxing with a cup of hot milk and
some fresh fruits. A message had appeared in her mailbox and her heart had
raced when she'd seen the mission logo. To anyone else it looked like a
very dull envelope that would probably house a bill, but Merida had been
told what to look for. She'd impatiently ripped open the envelope and had
read her assignment. It would be her first and as such was rather
straightforward. She'd just need to be at the right place at the right
time to receive a package that she would then need to drop off at the
specified place.
The entire mission had read like a test and Merida had not expected the
mission to actually be real. But clearly it was because no matter how thorough
they were about job-screening, this was going a bit too far. Her mark had
dropped dead in front of her and the package had been snatched by a
passing man, probably the killer. The man had hopped in a car and Merida
was now chasing him in a vehicle driven by a nice old lady who had not
been able to withstand her mind fog. For an old lady the woman sure had
the skills to drive.
"That suspension is amazing." Merida uttered, thankful that it
helped to aim.
"That's for my back, dear." the old lady supplied.
Merida returned to her shooting and was pleased to see her bullets hit.
The car swerved and slowed. Merida and her driver halted next to it.
"Destroy them!" one of her
tiny demons squealed before she smothered him.
Merida took a few shots for good measure anyway. She hadn't been
instructed to take hostages. After she was certain that nobody would put
up any resistance, she opened the car door, got out any valuables, bags
and packages and deposited them in her commandeered car.
"Oooh shinies!" another
little demon whispered.
"Take it away, Agatha." she instructed and it was smooth sailing
all the way to her rendez-vous point. *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* MISSION2:
Merida dressed according to the information she had received. Internally
she gave the outfit a weird look, but externally she looked as unfazed as
usual. She put on the studded, preformed bralette with the faux-fur edging
and hitched up the matching skirt with the impossibly high split. At least
she'd be able to run in it, something she wouldn't have been able to had
the split not been as high. Carefully constructed pockets concealed an
array of weapons. Two handguns, a couple of knives and daggers and even a
few throwing stars.
The half fae, half demon fluttered her iridescent wings. The bralette left
her back bare and gave her wings the freedom they needed. She would also
be able to fly if need be. Most people figured her wings were just for
show but they'd be wrong. A choker around her neck kept her top up and
though she didn't quite enjoy the fastening, she could not do without it
unless she wanted to shock the public.
"Yes... shock them!" a tiny voice sounded from her left
"That would endanger the mission." Merida dismissed the little
They were kind of like guides, only she wasn't a full demon and had worked
long and hard to be able to suppress her inner voices. So far, her three
tiny demons seemed not all that bothered by her refusal to do their
bidding and she actually quite enjoyed their companionship.
After she'd changed, Merida took the little 3d recorded message prism out
and activated it. Lights appeared and after an initial bit of static, a
shadowy figure appeared and a metallic voice spoke:
"Greetings, Agent M062. Today you will head out to Club Cirrus.
Your attire and equipment has been carefully selected and you will be
approached by an agent who you will work with. The other agent will ask
you for a spoon, please reply that all you can offer them is a butter
knife. The agent will identify themselves and you should be able to get
the rest of the information from them. Be aware that failure of this
mission will result in catastrophic consequences that could harm the
nation and it's citizens. This message will auto-delete. Please recycle
the message prism through the usual channel."
There'd been a time when message self-destructed but people no longer
wasted precious resources. But still, the prisms were an upgrade from
the written messages of her early days and far more secure.
"Oooh, burn it!" her second little demon pleaded.
"No." she told it and let it sulk.
Merida had bigger things on her mind. As usual she had hardly been given
any instructions. The other agent better be good or she would quit. But
who was she kidding? She'd never quit, but she would probably destroy
another pillow or two to quench her anger and frustration.
Walking into the club, Merida felt like she was actually dressed to blend
in quite well, surprisingly enough. She sashayed toward the bar and sat on
one of the bar stools. Within seconds a bartended came to take her order
and a minute later she was sipping a bright orange cocktail from a glass
with an umbrella. It didn't take long for someone to take the seat beside
her and start talking which told her that her colleague had been briefed
"Maybe hurt him as punishment?"
one of her demons suggested.
"Good evening, might you have a spoon?"
a resonant voice asked her.
"I'm sorry to say I'm only carrying a butter knife." Merida
flirted back.
She had been surprised to see a long serpentine dragon beside her but she
was a demon fae, she shouldn't judge.
"Oh but we do judge!" the
feistiest of her little demons singsonged.
"Take him out for a bit of fun!"
the most seductive suggested.
"Use him for all he's worth!"
the greediest of the three added.
"It seems I met the right person, would you
join me to somewhere more private?" the dragon crooned.
Merida nodded and followed the dragon to the back of the club, then
through a small hallways that seemed to dim the further they got.When they
were nearly surrounded by a cloak of darkness, the dragon - Maroq - told
her what he knew:
"We were matched to take on a series of missions. The agency will
contact us in a couple of days. But tonight we get to know each other and
see if we can work together."
Merida felt a bit peeved. Why did Maroq know this much and she'd been left
in the dark? Something fishy was going on and she didn't like it one bit.
Her little demons weren't helping either, something had got them in a
tizzy and they were much more vocal than usual:
"Shred a couple of pillows!"
"Hurt him! Hurt him! Make him bleed!"
"Ask him to let us ride him. Please."
"I can provide a few pillows... and a
ride." Maroq provided.
"You're a mindreader." Merida hissed.
"Most dragons are. Especially when they feel
they are compatible with the other."
"The agency didn't give me more information
than you. It's just that dragons are picky about their bonds. I've been
through this process before. But I feel that with you it might be
pleasurable to team up."
Merida considered his words. But having a dragon companion was pretty
cool... and she'd be getting that ride.

Maroq hatched at Mirrus
Name: Maroq Ilin’Rathaki
Gender: Male
Species: Elemental Spirit / Saurake / Dragon Mutt
Parents: Heliotrope x Skadoian
Size: 15-25’ long
*Control Darkness: The ability to control and
manipulate darkness.
*Create Darkness: The ability to create darkness
from nothing.
*Telepathy: The ability to communicate
*Verbal Speech: The ability to communicate in
spoken words.
*Telekinesis: The ability to move and manipulate
objects with their mind.
Years had gone by and the unusual duo had completed dozens of missions.
Enough so that they'd earned a vacation. But let that be the words Merida
dreaded the most. Vacations were all boredom and agony. Nothing to do but
rest, nothing to see but places she'd been before.
"Can't we work? I like the excitement." Merida whined.
"Well there is one thing we could do." Maroq
"How about we go for a ride and I'll show you a
place you could take us to."
The two had learned early on that Maroq's telepathy worked well with
Merida's teleportation ability. There was literally no place they couldn't
go as long as Maroq could envision it. Merida wondered if that was how her
ability was supposed to be used. She'd never tried it as such before Maroq
had suggested it.
Merida followed her dragon out, mounted and waited for the image he would
project. When it came, it sent a thrill down her spine. Other flying
dragons and a rush of excitement as they chased each other in a race to
claim a female.
"Let's go!" she shouted and winked them away.
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva |